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Just got a new iPod Touch!


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No... online WiFi I believe.
I don't have one, so I don't know for sure. But, I believe it needs a connection from another source, like your high speed internet with a wireless router.

Thanks guys, I'll look at it just out of curiosity.

I have a Philips touchscreen that I bought about 4 years ago or so, so I don't see what the hype is.

I don't need to go on the internet from my MP3 player. Although it is a cool feature, I guess.

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I managed to fill up my 4 gig zune within 1 hour of hooking it up to my PC.

My girlfriend listens to talk radio while she's at work. 106.7 WJFK, that **** is the bomb. Way better than any music as far as I'm concerned. Except for Jim Rome, that guy is a tard. Junkies, Big O and Dukes and Mike O'Meara... you can't beat it.

I miss Ron & Fez. They were the best of the talk-shows.

anyways, I think like the majority of apple products, the ipod touch is over-priced and mostly sells based on its eye-candy. I'm quite content with my sansa when it comes to flash based Digital Audio Players.

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Well I just got new batteries for my CD Player. HA!


This made me laugh. I just bought a 2 GB Sansa Clip for my wife. Wow that thing is way more tiny than I expected. I got it paired up with a portable speaker since she's pretty much gonna go into labor sometime in the next two weeks and needs some soothing music to get through.

I couldn't imagine what the benefit of the extra 28 GB is... okay yeah the videos and stuff but how is that watchable on such a small screen? I'd rather get an Asus Eee...

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Congrats man. I also bought the new touch yesterday evening (as well as the 2 GB shuffle for the gym).

My sister got one a few weeks ago with the Mac/iPod student deal and she loves it.

Have you started looking at app's yet?

Thanks, dude! :D

I'm really very excited. The only apps I've looked at are the harddrive app (that lets you use the touch as a usb harddrive) and...well, that's about it for now. I'm sure I'll go app-crazy once I have it in my hands. I have a sinking feeling that I won't receive it until Monday, though. :(

Oh, and: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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  • 3 weeks later...

I LOVE my iPod touch. I wouldn't be able to get buy without it. I was sitting at dinner the other night waiting for a friend and while I was waiting I took it out and started doing some research at the table. Read an email from campaign HQ and responded as well as read some local blogs for news on the election. All without having to leave the table.

And the calendar function is a godsend for me.

My only complaint is it doesn't have more storage capability.

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Nice and congrats. So what site should I go to if I want to legally download music without having to pay for each and every song? I'm getting tired of Itunes myself and would much rather pay a flat fee every month for an unlimited amount of downloads on my mp3 player.

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Anybody finding out that 32gb is still too small for a device that will hold both video and audio?

I've never understood wanting to watch video on a 3-inch screen. Probably the same people who have a 50-in HDTV at home.

32 gig may not be enough for video. But for audio I can get 2000 songs (enough to play more than 8 days of continuous - 24hr/day music) on my 8gb ipod. I don't really need more than that.

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