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ES Fans Overreacting.(Merged)


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Did we look great or even Good Thursday Night? Nope. But the way folks post on this site you would think the Giants did to us what the Eagles did to the Rams. Simply aint true. WE lost by 3 Field Goals people. The Giants didn't score after the first Quarter basically. They only scored ONE Touchdown on us despite Jacobs and Plaxico having great Nights. With a few adjustments and hopefully better play calling, we will be right in the thick of things this year. The last game wasn't the worst thing in the world. 3 Field Goals seperated the two teams! Our Red Zone defense was stiff. If we open things up on offense this team will be a pretty good one. It's only one game. Breathe. It wasn't that bad. I hope to see all the negative folks after next sundays game.


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Good post BBG. There's been so much negative posting on here that I've purposely stayed away for a few days. Like you said, it was only one game and I'm sure nobody on here expected the Redskins to go undefeated this year (some may have hoped though). I'm not pleased with the Results of the first game either but I refuse to hang on to the negative outlooks. Like you, I think it wasn't as bad as it looked. We held the Superbowl Champs to one touchdown and shut them out completely in the second half. We got one (ok, there should have been 3) int. off the Superbowl MVP. As bad as Jason and the O did, I picked up one positive - Jason at one point, read the defense, made an audible and changed the play at the line and it got us a first down. I know it's not much but, I'll take it. I've NEVER, EVER seen him do that before. Here's to a whole lot more improvement and our first win against the Saints this weekend! :cheers:

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ES is the cosmic nexus of shoot-from-the-hip overreactionism.

Me? I think any team should be given more than one game before you can make any proclimations. But I'm crazy like that.

Gibbs was 0-5 to start his first year

Andy Reid was 5-11 his first year

Belichick was god awful in Cleveland

The landscape is riddled with examples and reasons why a new regime and a new offense should be given time.

If we look exactly the same in week 8, then I'll join the doom-and-gloom masses. Until then, I'm putting up the leg rest in the recliner and waiting to see what happens.

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I'm gonna take it easy too. I'm going to the game this week and i'm looking for some much needed improvement. I'm hoping that by the time i'm out in Dallas we'll have a win or two under our belt and will be ready to fight it out w/ the cowgirls. If we can't get a win or two in by then we are definitely in for a long season.

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The Redskins could have looked a heck of a lot better last week. But as has been stated, it was ONE GAME. If people are willing to accept the fact that the Skins' season is over, then I guess they also have to accept the fact that the Atlanta Falcons are going to the Super Bowl based upon week 1. Perspective people...perspective.

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The Redskins could have looked a heck of a lot better last week. But as has been stated, it was ONE GAME. If people are willing to accept the fact that the Skins' season is over, then I guess they also have to accept the fact that the Atlanta Falcons are going to the Super Bowl based upon week 1. Perspective people...perspective.

i agree 100%, people should never give up, i think we made some great defensive half time adjustments, and as the off. learns the west coast system we will see improvement, and for peets sake didnt we just play the super bowl champions at home?

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Just as a win is cause for same.

Definitely not. There's no comparison as to how many threads are created with titles like "Super Bowl Baby" after a win compared to how many threads with titles like "Bench so and so" after a loss.

No comparison. The negativity is staggering, and it just shows the reality of our society.

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Oh great. Apparently that means we dont look as bad as the soon to be 2-14 Rams. I feel much better.

I agree that people are wildly overreacting. I for one thing it was a pathetic embarrassing display, and that Zorn did a really bad job in that game. However, it does amaze me the number of threads on here about starting Colt, cutting Portis, firing Zorn etc. People just arent built for patience.

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look at some other teams that lost, Colts lost to Bears and there are some others that got destroyed.

Only thing that pisses me off is that we are on bottom of division in week 1. damn!!!

maybe stupid eagles will win against dallas next week so I get some kind of satisfaction.

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I really believe that if we had competed WELL against the Panthers and Jags, there wouldn't be AS MANY doom and gloom threads. I can't believe that JUST the Giants game is where all this is coming from. Can't say that I blame anyone, because to be honest, they ARE flat right now and haven't shown anything (except the D in the second half of the Giants game) for the past 3 weeks. Does it have me worrying about the rest of the games down the road? Sort of... but after so many years watching the NFL you can never REALLY tell who may snap out of it, and who may start to fall. The only problem with the NFC East is... it doesn't drastically change much. Week by week I guess.

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It wasn't that we lost, or how many points we lost by..it was the way we lost. The Defense getting run over, DB's dropping int's, missing tackles, poor angles, the O line dessert cart on wheels syndrome, JC still making rookie mistakes not just WCO mistakes WR route depth, Zorn's play calling, clock management( i realize he's a little new to this).

No the season isn't over, it just began and the D did appear to make adjustments unlike the O..well the O adjusted in the wrong direction lol I hope the light comes on and it starts to click sooner than later. But I did expect the O to struggle..just not that badly.

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Before all of you continue this "WE SUCK AND WILL NEVER BE GOOD AND SHOULD START COLT BRENNAN" nonsense. You can't judge a team on one game, not only was it a new offense, it was an away game against the defending super bowl champions. Too many people on this board change their mood within seconds and are very impatient, you've got to give new offenses time.

Here is an example of what you would see on these boards during a game, lets pretend we're playing the saints.

1st Quarter, Drew Brees throws a touchdown.



Can everyone just please give Zorn and the Skins a little time?


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