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ES Fans Overreacting.(Merged)


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That is why I do not really like coming in here after a defeat I'm more disappointed with the fans than I am with the game. Do not get me wrong we as fans have the right to be upset to see our team look as they did but to start all the doom and gloom threads is just crazy now if they go 0-8 or something like that hell I might join them LOL.

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Do some of you people realize how stupid you look coming in here clogging this board up with your garbage about how our season is over with a record of 0-1? It doesnt matter if we lost to the freaking rams, it's 1 loss and Im sure more to come.

We lost to the World Champions in their house, with a man who never coached a game, and a new system that has been brought to this offense. How embarrassing can that really be? Enough to make you look like an idiot and disrespect this board, these mods, and the rest of us fans who want to come here and discuss something worth while?

The last 2 out of 3 SuperBowl Champions were Wild Card teams incase your tears have blinded you from that. They both had many losses on their record, but never gave them any reason to give up or quit, or their fans. We have 1 loss to the world champs and you lose your mind! All of your immature and disrespectful ways isn't going to change a thing, it's only going to make you look more stupid!

This team has the talent, this team knows how to fight, and this team can win even in the worst of trials, and they have all ready proved it! This is the same team that beat the best, while knocking others out of the playoffs, to get there themselves. They haven't forgotten anything, their learning something new, and they will pick up on this new system in time.

So either stand behind your team and support it like real fans do, or get the hail off the wagon, your clogging it up. Plain and simple GROW UP people, either your a Redskin fan, or your not!

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I'm with you Steve!!!! I mean seriously!

I saw a post the other day that said something along the lines of, "You homers are gonna still be cheering for this team regardless how bad they play." Are you kidding me? That's whas FANS do, support the team through the good and the bad.

What good does crying like a big baby gonna do? Will cursing and booing our own players make them play better? No. Cheer, cheer no matter what. That's what I do.

I've never known the Skins as a winner. They've always sucked for as far back as I can remember. But if you know me and my posts, you know I'm a "Homer Kool-Aid Drinker". I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Sigh. One of those days I guess.

Needless to say, this one is being merged soon.

Must be a Monday thing.

No worries. It's actually funny that that thread hooked some so bad they are now starting threads because of it.

Is it time to break out the "real fan" thread?:silly:

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I'm with you Steve!!!! I mean seriously!

I saw a post the other day that said something along the lines of, "You homers are gonna still be cheering for this team regardless how bad they play." Are you kidding me? That's whas FANS do, support the team through the good and the bad.

What good does crying like a big baby gonna do? Will cursing and booing our own players make them play better? No. Cheer, cheer no matter what. That's what I do.

I've never known the Skins as a winner. They've always sucked for as far back as I can remember. But if you know me and my posts, you know I'm a "Homer Kool-Aid Drinker". I wouldn't have it any other way.

I knew you would be here my man, I suffered many losing seasons, but never had a thought of walking from this team. Win or lose, they are family.
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I completely agree. The day that the first game decides your entire season is probably the day the NFL stops selling commercial time for the Super Bowl. I understand everyone's desire to have a winning squad but we truly have to walk before we run. Let's play this out for a month and see what happens. I really hope this is just a small fraction of the fan base that is ready to jump ship. This is not the same fan base I grew up with.

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Completeley agree with Crusher and Mustang!

There's only one lil thing that's bothering me and is that before thursday, we were going to play a team who got lucky in the SB, who shouldnt be champs, Eli sucked, overrated, we were gonna beat them so bad they would cry.

Friday morning, or even right after the game.....we got beaten by the ALMIGHTY WORLD CHAMPIONS!!

I mean, let's not use those poor excuses to justify the loss. We played bad up and down the depth chart with the exception of Portis and Rock.

But, if you ask me. I'm ready for sunday baby! Let's beat those damn Saints and get this thing rollin'!!

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Did we look great or even Good Thursday Night? Nope. But the way folks post on this site you would think the Giants did to us what the Eagles did to the Rams. Simply aint true. WE lost by 3 Field Goals people. The Giants didn't score after the first Quarter basically. They only scored ONE Touchdown on us despite Jacobs and Plaxico having great Nights. With a few adjustments and hopefully better play calling, we will be right in the thick of things this year. The last game wasn't the worst thing in the world. 3 Field Goals seperated the two teams! Our Red Zone defense was stiff. If we open things up on offense this team will be a pretty good one. It's only one game. Breathe. It wasn't that bad. I hope to see all the negative folks after next sundays game.


Another positive note is that Jason Campbell didn't fumble and he didn't turnover the ball. All that gets lost when people are saying all the negative things. Not that he didn't almost get intercepted on the playaction, but still. He really took care of the ball well. IMO, he missed somethings, but then again, he didn't have the greatest protection out there either.

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There's only one lil thing that's bothering me and is that before thursday, we were going to play a team who got lucky in the SB, who shouldnt be champs, Eli sucked, overrated, we were gonna beat them so bad they would cry.

Friday morning, or even right after the game.....we got beaten by the ALMIGHTY WORLD CHAMPIONS!!

I mean, let's not use those poor excuses to justify the loss. We played bad up and down the depth chart with the exception of Portis and Rock.

I still think Eli sucks and that whole team is overrated. They did get lucky that a 6th string WR recovering from drugs, alcohol, and schizophrenia was able to catch a ball against his helmet and save their winning drive.

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