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Is it time to put bags over our head?


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I didn't get all the panic after our first game. No we didn't score besides that one TD and we looked a little slow, but it wasn't all that bad. We didn't commit turnovers, it wasn't a penalty filled game, and we held the super bowl Champs and a top 5 offense (they weren't then of course but we see their ability) to just one TD.

Do people really allow their emotions to take over rational thought so easily?

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it's okay to be down on a team after a bad game.


When you make sweeping statemetns like:

  1. Vinny Blew our offseason
  2. JC is a career back up
  3. The season is over
  4. Our D and O lines are finished

YOU ARE GOING TO GET CRUSHED. It's plain and simple.

It is totally your right and within your fandom to Criticize the team. Hell, it is in your right to make stupid knee JERK reaction comments as well ...


the latter will get you crushed. :mad:

get it?

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No bags over my head yet but I will totally do it if we are like 2-10 at some point this season and I will do it AND I will go to the games and I will root for this team. I am not afraid to be that fan! I will support this team regardless. There is something honorable about those fans that go to the games of the 2-10 teams and WHEN (not if) we get back to glory I will remember those bag over the head days!

Looking back I can say I was a "good fan" and "bad fan" at the same time with the way I responded to this thread. I meant it when I said I ain't too proud to wear the bag for this team. I love em! But at the same time, I shouldn't have embraced the sky is falling so soon. I was wrong about Zorn. I am so happy to say that. HAIL! Beat those freakin birds guys! We will be firmly in the drivers seat if we can pull this next one off. :eaglesuck

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  • 2 weeks later...
The sky was falling!

The Redskins organization got together and collectively caught it.

In all fairness that was a really bad loss, but maybe we did overreact just a little bit. Wow how things can change in a month, I think the entire extremeskins board was on suicide watch.

Not me, I haven't ate a morsel of crow this whole season. (Might be due to my overactive optimism)

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In all fairness that was a really bad loss, but maybe we did overreact just a little bit. Wow how things can change in a month, I think the entire extremeskins board was on suicide watch.

Sorry, in all fairness it doesn't matter how bad the game was. We saw the true colors of a lot of posters on here. And sorry the entire board was not on suicide watch. Just the ones without spines.

I am loving the bump.

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Very reasonable post, using sound logic. Suffice it to say, we have a long way to go to be mentioned in the same breath as our fellow NFC East members.

How's that bag working out for you Fansincesonnyj? I'll have a bag for this weeks Ram's game.....it will be filled with Jack Daniels!

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In all fairness that was a really bad loss, but maybe we did overreact just a little bit. Wow how things can change in a month, I think the entire extremeskins board was on suicide watch.

Speak for yourself :)

I didn't give up on the team and Zorn after one game.

A game in which our defense didn't look that bad.

I honestly believe most (fans and media) just watched the first quarter of the game (which was bad) and went to bed. :)

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Looking back at threads like this, it cracks me up how other teams' fans say that Skins fans are nothing but blind homers.

some are though. What ive come to understand is that we've been watching this team a lot closer then fans of other teams... so we have seen this progression. We have seen what this team is capable of (4 - 1) while other fans only see the results... struggling.

We have a basic core of guys that have been on the Redskins for a few years now. We are basically the same team as last year, player wise. Outside of Zorn, Taylor is the only realy starting acquisition that we made, except Horton (rookie) is stepping it up. So the pieces were in place, we just needed them to buy into what was going on, and they are now.

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Last week I faced ridicule by countless around here comparing Zorn to Spurrier. After our season opener it is looking like I just may be on to something.

This team looks awful. In fairness to Zorn we just don't have players. Our OL and DL is mediocre at best, Portiss still can play, our CB's are always getting nicked up. As for our "great" draft that included 3 recievers in the 2nd round and pretty much nothing else, it's looking as if these guys will be longterm projects if they can even stay on the team. Campbell is proving he's not an NFL caliber QB. He takes too long to set up and too long to make decisions.

Not sure why it's always groundhog day with each new season under Vinny's "great" management.

Very discouraging. Sadly, it looks like we have a very long season ahead as I don't see us beating anybody. We look pathetic on both sides of the ball.

Just needed to quote this again. You still think we can't beat anybody? Or that JC is proving not to be an NFL quarterback?

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In all fairness that was a really bad loss, but maybe we did overreact just a little bit. Wow how things can change in a month, I think the entire extremeskins board was on suicide watch.

Actually some of us here don't jump to ridiculous conclusions at the first sign of uncertainty. And losing by 9 to the defending Super Bowl champions in their own house on a nationally televised game while implementing a new offense for the first time, and holding said team scoreless in the second half, is not what I would consider a "really bad loss." Ugly, but not really bad. And what do you know, it took a game for Campbell to get comfortable in Zorn's offense. A week.

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