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Is it time to put bags over our head?


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last visit Sept. 29th.

hmmm. something tells me he don't like the taste of crow.

Oh ye ancient one. please come back. We have a nice helping of crow for ya.

haha I read the first page and was going to find his Last Post/ Visit also.

Thanks for doing the research for me ;)

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Actually some of us here don't jump to ridiculous conclusions at the first sign of uncertainty. And losing by 9 to the defending Super Bowl champions in their own house on a nationally televised game while implementing a new offense for the first time, and holding said team scoreless in the second half, is not what I would consider a "really bad loss." Ugly, but not really bad. And what do you know, it took a game for Campbell to get comfortable in Zorn's offense. A week.

Thanks for talking sense. I felt a strange sense of calm after Week 1. I was bummed we lost to the hated Giants, but I remember saying to my wife: our defense clamped down on them in the second half and this is a team that should improve as the year goes on. I had no clue we'd improve so fast, but I liked what Zorn was saying, I liked the draft, and throught Portis looked good even in his brief pre-season appearances.

I don't think the "sky-is-falling" fans are necessarily bad, but they sound an awful lot like Chicago Bear fans (I know from personal experience) who think their team is either the best thing going or a complete train wreck. It gets tiresome. That mixed with the fashionable Snyder/Cerrato bashing does make me question, at times, what drives fans to be fans. The hathos?

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Guarantee he made a new account... there is no coming back from what he said... unless we are in the toilet a month from now. Then it will be easy to slink out and say something timely.

I never say this as I am too old.. but..... LOSER!

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