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Calling out all the Carlos "No D" Rogers Fans


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I don't know what your talking about, Rogers played pretty well. other than his usual hands of stone drops, his coverage was pretty good considering he was suppose to be on the PUP list right now.
I don't even have to go any further in this thread than this...I totally agree here.

Rogers' coverage was not bad at all last night, especially considering the fact that we had no pass rush what so ever.

However, I will say that Rogers turns me off every now and then with his laxidasical approach to after having been beat. Plax beat him badly, got wide open, caught the ball and Rogers kind of just jogged towards him in response, waiting for Landry to make the tackle.

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I didn't think Rogers had that bad of a game.

In all seriousness, are you blind? Selling pencils on the corner blind?

Plaxico Burress did anything he wanted to with Rogers. It was as complete a mismatch as I've ever seen. Rogers didn't hold his own with Plax at all, and when Eli was so kind as to hit him dead in the hands with two interceptions, he can't hold either one.

If it is believed that a cornerback's job is to tackle receivers after a 12 yard pass, they are clueless. If anyone does not think it is a cornerback's JOB to catch passes that hit him in the hands, they have another lesson to learn about football.

It is their job to take away the ball, not to just stop a guy before he scores.

And every single one of our DBs needs to learn this now. 5 EASY INTs in our hands, and they catch one. Our secondaries coaches should have them catching 500 balls a day between now and next week. TWICE.


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True. His performance doesn't justify such a high draft pick. However, he would be rated VERY HIGHLY if he could just hold on to his interceptions. For that matter Smoot needs to hold onto them as well. Skins should have had 4 interceptions last night. No one would be dissing the coverage if they had just held on to the ball.

I will agree that if Rogers had been able to hold on to just half of the picks that he had a shot at, we probably wouldn't be as hard on him.

Still, he's never shown an ability to be a top flight corner. He, at best, has shown that he can be a decent #2.

Not something you invest a #9 draft pick.

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In all seriousness, are you blind? Selling pencils on the corner blind?

Plaxico Burress did anything he wanted to with Rogers. It was as complete a mismatch as I've ever seen. Rogers didn't hold his own with Plax at all, and when Eli was so kind as to hit him dead in the hands with two interceptions, he can't hold either one.

Burress did anything he wanted to against our entire secondary, but primarily picked on Smoot. When Burress did make plays against Rogers, they were of the ridiculous, diving variety that are impossible to defend.

Part of this is we have to face that Blache is from the "bend but don't break" school of thinking. He's willing to let them drive down to the 30 or so to kick a field goal, as long as they don't score a TD.

If anyone does not think it is a cornerback's JOB to catch passes that hit him in the hands, they have another lesson to learn about football.

It is their job to take away the ball, not to just stop a guy before he scores.

If they could catch everything, DBs would be WRs.

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All I'll say about Rogers is that NO ONE can justify him being the #9 pick in the entire draft.

No matter what excuse you want to make for him, he was a terrible draft pick.

Yes he was SUCH A TERRIBLE DRAFT PICK. Idiot....he won the Thorpe award....he was the best corner in all of college football his senior season. We were SO stupid for drafting the best corner in football....our crystal ball was telling us the whole time he wasnt going to be the best in the NFL as well. JESUS PEOPLE.:doh: This board is making me sick today.

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I never liked him either. What made me angry the most was the first time he bit the fake and got burned by Plax. HE GAVE UP ON THE PLAY and was jogging!! If LL misses that tackle plax is gone. Plax is not a speed demon and "Toast" Rogers had that same oh well attitude he displayed in games prior to his injury(IE laughing at getting burnt).

There are so many members that get caught up in the hype that they are blind to talent.

Reed D is in the same boat IMO. BUM.

The best thing for CB is to have a short memory. He might have gotten beaten on the double move, but he forgot about it quickly and played the rest of the game pretty well.

I agree with those that say that he needs to hold on to those balls that he almost picked off (one of them was a pick 6 if he caught it), and I think Blache will make him do some receiver drills in practice and start catching some balls. My question to you guys that say he almost had 2 picks, would other CB's in the league have jumped those routes? I think he has good skills and if everyone wants to continue ****ing about how terrible this team is then....


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I think Rogers played much better than what I expected when I heard Springs was out! Especially coming off of that injury and not playing in a year! The plays (other than the first) that Plax caught on him were just his physical ability! Rogers was all over his ass most of the time! Okay he dropped some picks, who didn't?

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other then the 1st quarter where he had a couple mental lapses he was actually very good. They threw his way only a couple times after that and was just picking on smoot and when they did throw his way he was right on him, Plaxico is just that good and has the height and positions his body great. Atleast he wasnt getting beat by frikking steve smith and sinorice moss

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The best thing for CB is to have a short memory. He might have gotten beaten on the double move, but he forgot about it quickly and played the rest of the game pretty well.

I agree with those that say that he needs to hold on to those balls that he almost picked off (one of them was a pick 6 if he caught it), and I think Blache will make him do some receiver drills in practice and start catching some balls. My question to you guys that say he almost had 2 picks, would other CB's in the league have jumped those routes? I think he has good skills and if everyone wants to continue ****ing about how terrible this team is then....


What makes you think that Blache will work on it?

What makes you think that if Blache does work on it, it will have any effect on Rogers?

Why is it that Rogers has shown ZERO improvement over the past few seasons, yet people still want to defend his "Well, I'm gettin' paid" ass?

Who do you think you are to tell others they need to pick another team when you are so blindly lost following the crowd that you probably don't know whether you root for a team or a player?

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Worth of the top ten draft pick we used on him? Probably not.

A bad CB? Not really.

He's a guy who is really good in coverage, a relatively solid tackler, and decent against the run. He's not a super star, but he fits in well and deserves to be a starting corner in the nfl.

If we could get him a new set of hands, he'd be a special player.

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I never liked him either. What made me angry the most was the first time he bit the fake and got burned by Plax. HE GAVE UP ON THE PLAY and was jogging!! If LL misses that tackle plax is gone. Plax is not a speed demon and "Toast" Rogers had that same oh well attitude he displayed in games prior to his injury(IE laughing at getting burnt).

There are so many members that get caught up in the hype that they are blind to talent.

Reed D is in the same boat IMO. BUM.

And why was Reed D a bum for last night? Good lord, do you watch football at all? You should take your own advice that you so willingly give out to others and give up on the "hype" that surrounds certain players on this team. Smoot was TOAST all night long. Horrible. Absolutely horrible. His INT was a grapefruit thrown up by Eli that he almost dropped too. Unbelieveable the people on here have no idea what they are watching. They like Smoot because he talks smack but cannot back it up. LL, just like Carlos looked slow last night because they are both coming off an injury. LL was not 100%, I don't care what anyone says. Carlos, also was not 100%. Remember people, this guy wasn't even going to make it back until midseason, at best, when he was injuried last year. Personally I took some solace in the fact that we were able to make some halftime adjustments that slowed the Giants offense right down. Not to mention that our own offense didn't help our defense at all going three and outs the majority of the night! :2cents:

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Oh please.

The OP is a complete joke with this topic- he only brings these kinds of things up to satisfy his own twisted view, and whenever he's proven wrong statistically or Rogers plays well, he disappears. Anything he says at this point isn't worth anything. I'm just surprised/disappointed that more people are joining his insane bandwagon.

Rogers played well last night- it was SMOOT that kept getting beat like a drum in case people forgot. Hell, Smoot gave up like a 20 yard play to Sinorice Moss! SINORICE MOSS!

And oh, wah, Rogers couldn't catch an interception, neither did Smoot until his 3rd try, and Landry missed one that hit him right in the hands that he could've probably taken to the house.

And it was really Rogers' fault that Brandon Jacobs was racking up a million yards per carry every time he had the ball.

But sure, let's act like Rogers was the problem last night.

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Carlos "oops i missed another one" Rogers.

I've had that name for him for years.

By the way what was he lookin at when Plex flew past him to get WIDE open.Very early in the game?????

He got caught looking into the backfield thinking Plax was probably cutting his route in. Or perhaps he just thought that LL was going to be picking up Plax earlier. If he would have stayed with Plax then that pass would have never happened.

Rogers got beat once off a double move from Plax. Other than that he turned in a good game. The Giants only had 1 TD in the game. If anything I'd say Plax had a great night, and was bailing Eli out, moreso than he was "owning" anybody. One game, one loss, and everyone is ready to start bashing whichever player it was they spen the offseason berating. Redskins Nation at it's finest, yeesh.

This is horrible they way some fans are acting after 1 game into a season in which we do not know what to expect. They wanna bench every player who didnt play at Superbowl level. Its truly pitiful. I know they are tired of off and on seasons but damn this JUST got started. They need to calm the hell down and stop calling for fire and brimstone. Overhaul the team and bring the Pats, or Cows, and then everyone will be happy.:doh:

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Yes he was SUCH A TERRIBLE DRAFT PICK. Idiot....he won the Thorpe award....he was the best corner in all of college football his senior season. We were SO stupid for drafting the best corner in football....our crystal ball was telling us the whole time he wasnt going to be the best in the NFL as well. JESUS PEOPLE.:doh: This board is making me sick today.

wow calling him an idiot lol.

First of all Thorpe Award LAWL...best corner in his senior season on paper. He was scouted as the 3rd of 4th best in that draft. Hence the reason PacMan and Rolle were selected before him. We had needs at corner because Smoot went to Minn AND at LB that year because Pierce went to Giant.

Now... We couldve addressed CB later because the top teir ones were taken. Instead we selected Carlos......... too high. We couldve had Merriman or Ware( Who were to top LB in the draft taken after Carlos).

Then we trade away round 2-3 to Denver for JC, and we finally address LB in the 6th round (later cut). Another great FO blunder.

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I still have some faith in the guy. It's gotta be hard covering one of the best and most physical WR's in the game also, especially after coming off reconstructive surgery on his knee. No excuse for the first Plex reception where he was simply beaten and did not pursue though. I did think he was in decent position other times and it was a matter of simply Eli and Plex making key plays.
same here. but on the first play, he did bite hard on the pump fake, which is what got plax that open in the first place. though i did see how it didnt seem like he was running all too hard to try to catch up. maybe he just didnt wanna go full out on his knee that early in the game, i dunno.

but he did get in on two good pass breakups and should have had 2 picks (i believe) if not for his hands of stone. as well as smoot, he should have had another pick and landry should have been able to pull in the one he jumped for, it hit both hands and keep going through.

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and quoting various others

If they could catch everything, DBs would be WRs.

There is some merit to this.

BUT as a group the secondary had five balls that hit them in the hands, all very catchable, and in truth, all really should have been caught. They got one.

20% is not a good enough number to simply rely on this CBs and WRs analogy.

We still have two secondary coaches, and it seems to me that ever since they came along, all of our DBs drop balls.

Rogers has had butterfingers since he came in, Smoot drops them all the time, Landry booted one last night with some daylight in front of him and a running start. Even Taylor dropped them,, the Packers game last year for example.

Last night, if Smoot catches the one that hits him in both hands on the goal line, the Giants are denied a FG.

Assuming the rest of the game goes in the same course, Thrash has an opportunity to win the game with 40 seconds left, and drops a ball that hits him right in the hands at the pylon. There's the ballgame.

We can lay blame all around the team, and rightfully so. But the fact is we had chances to flat out STEAL a game we didn't deserve. And the most glaring example of this (besides Thrash's drop) is the DBs allowing FOUR golden chances to literally slip through their fingers.


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