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Calling out all the Carlos "No D" Rogers Fans


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Once again last night "No D" showed the world that he can't cover an 8 year old playing flag football. He was beat more times than the girl who lives down the street from me w/ the abusive boy friend.

But that can't be right, because I was told by 3/4 of this board that "No D" is the best CB on this team. That he is one of the best in the NFL. :laugh:

Do you really think that Springs would have been humilated like that last night? No. I didn't think so.

Time to get rid of Carlos "No D" Rogers.

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I still have some faith in the guy. It's gotta be hard covering one of the best and most physical WR's in the game also, especially after coming off reconstructive surgery on his knee. No excuse for the first Plex reception where he was simply beaten and did not pursue though. I did think he was in decent position other times and it was a matter of simply Eli and Plex making key plays.

It also doesn't help obviously having a DL that is simply inferior to that of the Giant's offensive line.

I think some bugs will be ironed out and hopefully Springs and Moore will play next week. I think Blache made some decent adjustments in the second half and will find a rotation of players on the DL that can be effective - we're in trouble if they don't without a doubt I think with the Saint's.

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Rogers got beat once off a double move from Plax. Other than that he turned in a good game. The Giants only had 1 TD in the game. If anything I'd say Plax had a great night, and was bailing Eli out, moreso than he was "owning" anybody. One game, one loss, and everyone is ready to start bashing whichever player it was they spen the offseason berating. Redskins Nation at it's finest, yeesh.

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Once again last night "No D" showed the world that he can't cover an 8 year old playing flag football. He was beat more times than the girl who lives down the street from me w/ the abusive boy friend.

But that can't be right, because I was told by 3/4 of this board that "No D" is the best CB on this team. That he is one of the best in the NFL. :laugh:

Do you really think that Springs would have been humilated like that last night? No. I didn't think so.

Time to get rid of Carlos "No D" Rogers.

Actually I think that was Fred Smoot getting beaten on a majority of Plaxico's catches. Smoot was the one playing him soft after the first quarter because Plaxico was just muscling him off the ball. The only complaint I have about Rogers last night was that he dropped like two interceptions. His coverage skills are fine, if he had the hands to make those ints, he's a probowl corner. Plus, he had a couple nice tackles against the outside run. You are just making statements without proof.

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I never liked him either. What made me angry the most was the first time he bit the fake and got burned by Plax. HE GAVE UP ON THE PLAY and was jogging!! If LL misses that tackle plax is gone. Plax is not a speed demon and "Toast" Rogers had that same oh well attitude he displayed in games prior to his injury(IE laughing at getting burnt).

There are so many members that get caught up in the hype that they are blind to talent.

Reed D is in the same boat IMO. BUM.

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at least we drafted a cb right?

in all honesty, no player gets more insults hurled at him (from me) DURING games than Carlos Rogers...

BUT...he's not terrible

DB's are hard to find...as redskins fans we were spoiled for a loooong time with green and then bailey...

For the life of me I can't understand why he cant catch a ball but in all honesty his coverage skills arent too bad and given the amount of time our pass rush gives the qb what do you expect?

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Once again last night "No D" showed the world that he can't cover an 8 year old playing flag football. He was beat more times than the girl who lives down the street from me w/ the abusive boy friend.

But that can't be right, because I was told by 3/4 of this board that "No D" is the best CB on this team. That he is one of the best in the NFL. :laugh:

Do you really think that Springs would have been humilated like that last night? No. I didn't think so.

Time to get rid of Carlos "No D" Rogers.

You guys are killing me lmfao, Your talk like Placs is Desmond howard. He is thw same WR who Abused Charles Woodson And al harris on one leg in the playoff:2cents:

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I have an idea...lets take our overpaid draft picks and stick them on the other side of the ball! Rogers is an embarrassment to the DB community. He's a hero among WR's as he's easier to beat then eggs on a Sunday morning.

Dear Zorn,

CUT HIM!!!!!!!


DB Community

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A lot of you people just have a bias against Rogers.. You need to grow up.. Outside of 2 missed ints, I consider him one of the few shining spots of last nights game. He got beat once, but other wise did really well. Cry babies are looking for someone to blame, you need to look else where. Like the entire Offense outside of CP played a 100x worse than Rogers.

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A lot of you people just have a bias against Rogers.. You need to grow up.. Outside of 2 missed ints, I consider him one of the few shining spots of last nights game. He got beat once, but other wise did really well. Cry babies are looking for someone to blame, you need to look else where. Like the entire Offense outside of CP played a 100x worse than Rogers.

Exactly. Shoot, Heyer looked terrible last night, but I have yet to see one person mention that today. Our 2nd half adjustments were actually really good. The team as a whole looked better in the 2nd half. Basically I viewed it as a game where we struggled at first with the new systems, but we did start to find a groove, but it was too little too late. I have no qualms about losing a game on the road to the Superbowl champs, and only losing by 9 when we clearly sruggled early on.

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All I'll say about Rogers is that NO ONE can justify him being the #9 pick in the entire draft.

No matter what excuse you want to make for him, he was a terrible draft pick.

True. His performance doesn't justify such a high draft pick. However, he would be rated VERY HIGHLY if he could just hold on to his interceptions. For that matter Smoot needs to hold onto them as well. Skins should have had 4 interceptions last night. No one would be dissing the coverage if they had just held on to the ball.

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A lot of you people just have a bias against Rogers.............

It's not a bias, I'm not saying he's the reason we lost but he kills us with those dam dropped INTs, if he's gonna drop all of them, what the hells the point of have him as our CB? I mean you cant get em all, but when do we get to the point where this gets addressed? Cant he train with WRs in the offseason or something? I know Blache has to have some type of catching drills he puts these guys through. This dude drops INTS like Shaq misses free throws.....

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