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Sad story from last night.


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So after the game I was at the players' parking lot getting autographs like always. Randle El comes out and I yell his name and, like with most guys, I yell it a few times before everybody else catches on and starts yelling it. So I'm yelling his name, he looks right at me, takes off his hat, and throws it to me. It's coming straight to me, it's about a foot(if that) from my hands and a security guard catches it and, long story short, gives it to a little kid.

I'm gonna cry.


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I'm glad you're only 17, because otherwise I was going to give you a hard time. When you're an adult, you're supposed to let little kids get stuff like that. There's nothing more pathetic than seeing a 40-year-old man bumping little kids out of the way to get an autograph.

Well it's not like I was grabbing it away from a kid or anything, I always try to help out the little kids there and sure as hell don't bump them out of the way(actually I'm sure people get a lot more autographs with me there than if I wasn't cause I recognize all the players and yell their names), but this is very different, I was the one that yelled for Randle El and he looked right at me and threw it to me and the security guard caught it and gave it to someone else. Plus I probably would have appreciated it more than the kid. I don't know the kid so maybe he did love it, but my eight year old nephew is a Redskins fan and I don't think he'd really get what a big deal it is to have Randle El's hat if he got it. I probably would have... well nevermind, I got a warning from a mod last time I said that.

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So after the game I was at the players' parking lot getting autographs like always. Randle El comes out and I yell his name and, like with most guys, I yell it a few times before everybody else catches on and starts yelling it. So I'm yelling his name, he looks right at me, takes off his hat, and throws it to me. It's coming straight to me, it's about a foot(if that) from my hands and a security guard catches it and, long story short, gives it to a little kid.

I'm gonna cry.


Good for the security gaurd.


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Sounds like a great story to me....

1st day of Training camp this year, best thing I saw, London Fletcher walking over to the crowd and after all these guys pushing things in his face said "Kids only. I'm only signing things for the kids...."

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