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Under Construction - Update Avatars


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We're been working on the avatars for the past few days. During the cut over we unexpectedly lost some graphic files, so Pete & I have been working on finding either old copies of avatars we'd done in the past & making some new ones. Not to promise a time frame, but I hope to have them done & installed by end of this week. Trust me, we're as tired of the Red X's as you guys are.:)

I think this about covers it:)

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I threatened to beat someone with a lead pipe over this very issue.:kungfu:

We must give these guys a few years to develop. Be patient. This is a rebuilding year. Look how long we waited for JC. There are a lot of other webmasters that didn't produce right away. You expect them to produce on a pro bowl level just because they are paid that way? They were the best available. BWA. They were there on the chart, who else was available at the time? Those other guys were too raw. So what if other teams have new webmasters that produce right out of they gate. Even if they picked after us. They didn't fit our site. The ones we had were average, but inconsistent. So we should expect a severe downgrade and even more inconsistent performance until they: get healthy/learn the business/finally come around/get up to professional speed/learn the software manual (pick one). You are not a true mod. A true mod would never say anything bad about the site.

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