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Shaun Suisham Thread; All Talk About Our K!


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You have come a long way in a week... :laugh: :D :laugh:

Really I don't doubt that you wish him well but I think the whole reason no competition was brought in was the new roster limitations and the overall performance of Suisham last year. This year he should improve, if not, they will be looking to bring in someone else.

Hahaha i didnt think I was that bad, like I said I never hated him, just wanted to see him do exactly what he has done so far.

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His career so far has him at 82% accuracy. That's better than Neil Rackers, Jay Feely, Lawrence Tynes, Sebastian Janikowski, Jason Elam, Ryan Longwell, David Akers, Josh Brown and a bunch of other kickers in the NFL.

Zero consistency? 83% of field goals made is a pretty consistent number. Outside of 30 yards he "doesn't cut the mustard"? He was 8 of 10 on 30-39 yard attempts, and 19 of 25 on all field goal attempts of 30+, which is roughly 80%. Reic mentioned we should have gone after Crosby, so let's compare those numbers. Crosby was 31 of 39, or 79.5% last season. He was 22 of 28 on 30+ yard field goal attempts, which is right around 80% as well.

And oh no, Suisham missed an extra point, that must mean he's terrible right? In his whole career, he's missed only 1 XP, but don't let facts get in the way of you trying to pretend like missing XPs is a habitual thing for Suisham. Vinateri missed 2 XPs last season, so I guess he is awful too.

None of your statements about Suisham hold true when you actually look at stats, instead of blidly going off perceptions, which in your case with Suisham are dead wrong. The real reason people started calling for his head was because he missed a field goal in the playoffs which would have put us ahead. Nevermind the turnovers and poor play from the entire team, and us losing by 21 points, it was all the kickers fault :rolleyes: . So that is the most recent memory of Suisham, and then he misses a field goal on his first try in preseason, so people want to jump on him. None of that means Suisham is horrible, it simply means certain fans are assumptive idiots who'd rather talk out of their ends than do actual research. Seriosuly, it takes 5 seconds to get to Suisham's career stats on nfl.com and see that what you've said is completely bogus.

Uh, game over?

Could you just copy and paste this into threads where Suisham comes up? Succinct with facts, beautiful work.

Grass is always greener. If Suisham had a bigger name people wouldn't be worried. But in-fact he's out kicking many bigger names and more established players.

Kickers age like fine wine. They get more consistent as their technique solidifies. Just from last year he's getting about 10-15 yards more on his kickoffs.

This guy is good and getting better. You're not going to find that from another kicker out there, especially at this point in the season. With the horrible luck we've had at the K position, what faith do you have that bringing in some older vet will get the job done?

Again, fantastic post. That's why it'll probably go ignored. ;)

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I wish more Skins fans actually understood that kickers actually DO improve with experience.

Jeff Reed last year was 23-25 in his field goals, best in the league for kickers with more than 15 attempts. Of course, last year was his 6th year in the league, with at least 19 FG attempts in each of those years. Suisham has had ONE season of 19+ attempts. I'm pretty sure we'd have all been happy with Reed kicking for us.


Jeff Reed was 40-51 in his first 51 attempts in the league.

Suisham is 41-50 in his first 50 attempts in the league.

If Reed had been kicking for us early in his career, we would have had numerous fans and numerous threads calling for him to be cut. Then we'd have numerous fans 4 years later blasting the Skins' FO for cutting him lol.

Jay Feely last year was 21-23 in his field goals, 2nd best in the league for kickers with more than 15 attempts. Of course, last year was his 7th year in the league, with at least 23 FG attempts in each of those years. Suisham has had one season of 23+ attempts. I'm pretty sure we'd have all been happy with Feely kicking for us. Hell, some even want us to bring him in now.


Jay Feely was 38-50 in his first 50 attempts in the league.

Suisham is 41-50 in his first 50 attempts in the league.

The guy who some are calling for us to bring into camp to improve our kicking game would have been the same guy fans would have been wanting us to cut if he were actually on the team during his first years in the league. It wasn't until his 5th year of fulltime kicking that Feely had a higher percentage of field goals made than Suisham did last year.

Normally both of these examples would show that having patience with Suisham could very realistically pay huge dividends down the road. "Normally" being the operative word lol.

As for now though...

Last year:

Of the kickers with 10 or more attempts from 30-39 yards, Suisham was 8-10 (11th in the league for this distance, tied with Adam Vinatieri).

Of the kickers with 10 or more attempts from 40-49 yards, Suisham was 10-13 (5th best in the league for this distance).

He's definitely worth keeping.

This along with Elka's post made my day. I'll have to bookmark this thread and re-post these posts if Suisham almost misses a 52 yard kick at some point this year.


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Hey after watching Nugent, SS should be All Pro but he will need to prove it in the regular season and dare I say it, post-season before I annoint him $$ instead of SS for MONEY!!!!

We have time invested in him and he has to have grown from the miss in Seattle. I am sure if you go back and look at all great kickers they either had big missed kicks early on that they learn from or they didn't make it with their first team. SS has both going for him.

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I've noticed a drop off of hate on one Shaun Suisham. After he missed that first FG against Indianapolis, people were calling for his head! Hmm. Now he's gone what 4-4 in his last 4 FG attempts, and mysteriously, that thread has fallin from the top page.

I mean, we tried to tell you, but you didn't wanna hear it. Now he's blasting his FG's right down the middle with plenty of room to spare. His kickoffs, although need improved consistency, are reaching the endzone. And his hair has looked magnificent that last couple of games.

So do you want that medium rare, or well done?


I admit I was very dissapointed with the HOF game missed kick, but then I read the rumor about a possible bad hold causing the bad kick. So I kinda gave him benefit of the doubt and "issued an official apology" I hope he read it :D

And yes, his hair looks so awesome!, like OMG!

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Hahaha i didnt think I was that bad, like I said I never hated him, just wanted to see him do exactly what he has done so far.

It's all good, except the old man remarks :laugh: :D :laugh:

Yeah if he keeps this up we will be cheering all year long. I think the coverage teams need to adjust or at least if the return teams keep getting good returns he may have to shorten up those kick-offs(never thought I would say that)

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He did a lot for the Redskins last year in the clutch, but I think most have forgotten that and focused on the playoff miss.


Award for day for talking out of your ass

Miami, Suisham nailed a game winning overtime field goal

NYG giants away, Suisham was our best weapon despite the conditions

NYJ away last year, Suisham nails a game winning FG

Suisham made one mistake, missing a chip shot in the playoffs, 1 terrible kick and people forget the 29 good kicks he made.

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He did a lot for the Redskins last year in the clutch, but I think most have forgotten that and focused on the playoff miss.


Award for day for talking out of your ass

Miami, Suisham nailed a game winning overtime field goal

NYG giants away, Suisham was our best weapon despite the conditions

NYJ away last year, Suisham nails a game winning FG

Suisham made one mistake, missing a chip shot in the playoffs, 1 terrible kick and people forget the 29 good kicks he made.

Actually, I think he's agreeing with you. You're both saying that Suisham made some real clutch kicks for the Skins last season, but all most people remember and focus on is the miss in Seattle. That, of course, is a myopic way of looking at his Skins career. Califan007 and elkabong82 have already expertly pointed out the folly in this, so I won't belabor that point any further.

Here's to Suisham continuing the momentum of his career so far and becoming that 'automatic' kicker the Skins have needed for so long. :cheers:

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I've noticed a drop off of hate on one Shaun Suisham. After he missed that first FG against Indianapolis, people were calling for his head! Hmm. Now he's gone what 4-4 in his last 4 FG attempts, and mysteriously, that thread has fallin from the top page.

I mean, we tried to tell you, but you didn't wanna hear it. Now he's blasting his FG's right down the middle with plenty of room to spare. His kickoffs, although need improved consistency, are reaching the endzone. And his hair has looked magnificent that last couple of games.

So do you want that medium rare, or well done?


Uh, go check your history, people have been calling for his head since last season. I am among them. I don't feel he is as reliable as he should be, although hes definitely an improvement over Novak and Hall. Then again, being that I remember the days of Chip Lohmiller, I guess perhaps my expectations and standards for kickers is a lot higher then most. BTW, 2 Kicks in preseason do not make up for the missed kicks in the past. He's got to prove he can be clutch in the regular season before I'll drop my problems with the guys play.

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He's got to prove he can be clutch in the regular season before I'll drop my problems with the guys play.

Suisham has made several kicks during the regular season which could be considered 'clutch', including a couple of game winners. Do you think that maybe you're letting the Seattle game miss cloud your perception of his overall season? Other than the Chicago game, I can't think of another 'bad' game (FG-wise) for him during the regular season. For sure he missed kicks in four other games, but the Chicago game was the only game in 2007 where he missed more than one kick.

I just think that given the totality of his work with the Redskins he should be given the benefit of the doubt. However, I understand that it's not about logic to some. If you miss a kick in the playoffs, that's it. Hopefully he'll be able to rectify that this season, and put everyone at ease. :cheers:

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Uh, go check your history, people have been calling for his head since last season. I am among them. I don't feel he is as reliable as he should be, although hes definitely an improvement over Novak and Hall. Then again, being that I remember the days of Chip Lohmiller, I guess perhaps my expectations and standards for kickers is a lot higher then most. BTW, 2 Kicks in preseason do not make up for the missed kicks in the past. He's got to prove he can be clutch in the regular season before I'll drop my problems with the guys play.
Mr. Chip Lohmiller is statistically worse than Suisham so...

...uh, go check your history.

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