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Anyone else a bit disappointed w/ Thomas?


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This is by no means a thread to call Thomas a bust or say he won't have a future based off one meaningless preseason game, but I'm a bit disappointed that his big highlight was a boneheaded penalty that gave Favre and the Jets great field position. He was only targeted twice (by my count) so he didn't have a ton of opportunities, but twice he came close to catching a pass but just couldn't bring it in. Granted, both were tough catches to make.

Anyone else a bit letdown that Thomas didn't show us more of what he could do?

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Not at all, he had Collins throwing to him which first off, Collins didnt even look to his side of the field for the majority of the time. How can you catch anything if your QB has his head fixed to one side of the field. Second, the 2 times Collins didn throw to him, they were horrible throws and the first one, Thomas has his man beat but Collins has no arm and underthrew him allwoeing for the DB to knock it down. The second pass Thomas hauled it in but Collins threw it too far out of bounds for him to get both feet in. I am ok with how Thomas did for his FIRST game.

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I dont know... he did make a fine catch on the sidelines, but it was ruled out of bounds. He also did a good job breaking up that deep ball where it could have been intercepted. He disappeared most of the game, but give the kid some slack before we go writing him off. It was his first game ever in the NFL. Lets see what he has in Week 4 and 5 of preseason.

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A little bit, but he is a rookie and it was his first action. He was not the only one I was disappointed with tonight.

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that. Disappointment doesn't just rest with Thomas.

Also, a good point on TC throwing to him... would have liked to see JC throwing to him a bit more.

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Why threads like this exsist are beyond me :doh:

Apparently I wasn't clear in my opening post...

I am not calling Thomas a bust nor am I saying he is going to do poorly this year based off one game. I was expecting him to get more looks and be implemented more than he was today and I was merely asking if anyone else was disappointed this was not the case.

Some people are acting like I said we should cut him or something...

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I wasn't disappointed in him as much as I was disappointed that we didn't seem to make getting him baptized an important enough goal...there should have been more throws his way and more routes that would have guaranteed a reception or two. Sometimes just letting a rookie like him have a few catches can do wonders (the Eagles threw to Desean Jackson all night lol...if it was only a 3 yard pass, it didn't matter)...

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I wasn't disappointed in him as much as I was disappointed that we didn't seem to make getting him baptized an important enough goal...there should have been more throws his way and more routes that would have guaranteed a reception or two. Sometimes just letting a rookie like him have a few catches can do wonders (the Eagles threw to Desean Jackson all night lol...if it was only a 3 yard pass, it didn't matter)...

I agree. They had him out in flanker all night and rarely even looked his way.

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