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Hilarious Blache Quotes


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From Steinberg's DC Sports Bog: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2008/10/greg_blache_says_stats_are_for.html

On the best-dressed member of his defense:

"In my opinion, Shawn Springs could be a male model," Blache said. "Shawn Springs is clean. He is. Of the big guys, you've got to think about Cornelius Griffin. For a big man, Griff dresses like a pimp daddy sometimes. He really does. He's pretty darn clean."

After a question about the D-line involving stats:

"Statistics are for losers. I'm not a stat guy. I'm not interested in them, because you can do anything you want with numbers, you can manipulate them, and work around with them. Look at all the financial [problems] we're having in Wall Street right now. That's all those guys lying and playing with numbers. And now all of us are suffering. So I don't believe in numbers, because any crook can play with numbers....It angers me."

On the debates:

"I don't believe in politics," he said. "I learned as a kid: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and politics."

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Talking about Eagles offensive playmakers.....

"Those folks are terrorists with the double move," Blache said. "I don't think they can go to the bathroom straight. Everything is a double move."

Yeah i saw this interview too. I had tears in my eyes bcuz i was laughin so hard. This has to b his funniest yet!!

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His Comcast interview with KJ and about being without D starters.

"we are like an old car, we can change a fan belt or air filter out on the back forty. We don't have a computer chip that takes 2 weeks to repair"

On Horton...

"Trust me guys he is a rookie and does make mistakes. Someday he will be as good as you all think he is."

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His Comcast interview with KJ and about being without D starters.

"we are like an old car, we can change a fan belt or air filter out on the back forty. We don't have a computer chip that takes 2 weeks to repair"

On Horton...

"Trust me guys he is a rookie and does make mistakes. Someday he will be as good as you all think he is."

Damn, you beat me to it. This was a fantastic quote. Brilliant. The guys' a quote machine.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Overall, Blache's demeanor has been a little gruff lately, gruffer than usual. He admits he's not a very happy dude these days, chalking it up at one point possibly to "male menopause." ( I always enjoy talking to Blache, even if he's not in the best mood. He's a world-class quote, very insightful, and generally cracks me up once or twice each interview.)


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I was watching the 10:00 news on Fox tonight, and they showed a Blache interview in their preview of the upcoming game. In talking about the Browns, Blache said that the Browns looked really good against the Giants. He then let out his wonderful, unique laugh and said something along the lines of how they (the Redskins) don't listen to an old guy like him, so they'd better pay attention to the game film. OLS

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this guy, I really do. I used to enjoy hearing Williams talk at his weeklies but Blache is a real joy.

He is the highlight of the week when it comes to the interviews. No doubt about it.

It helps that he really has the D playing at a very high level! :D


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I'm going to bump this up because I'm sure more of his priceless quotes will come out this week. Hopefully we can get the video on him with KJ. As noted in the "Blache upset over performance post", he had a classic.

"We looked like the south end of a northbound skunk"

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I'm going to bump this up because I'm sure more of his priceless quotes will come out this week. Hopefully we can get the video on him with KJ. As noted in the "Blache upset over performance post", he had a classic.

"We looked like the south end of a northbound skunk"

:laugh::laugh: Blache is a quote machine.

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Another one from today:Blache said the Skins have to be hard-working if nothing else, likening them to an, um, unattractive woman looking for a date. "We've got to wash our face, put on our makeup and comb our hair, or nobody's going to ask us out," he said.

Here's a little variation of the same quote from Redskins.com:

“We can’t just throw our hat in the ring and expect to win football games,” Blache said. “That’s just who we are. We get up in the morning, we wash our face, we put our makeup on and we comb our hair--or else nobody is going to ask us out. We’re not that good looking.”

And a new one to add...

“As a whole, this group is very aware and very proud,” he said. “I think we have the ingredient to be a very good football team and I think we know the recipe. But having the ingredients and the recipe is nothing unless you’re a good chef. It’s just a matter of cooking it up.”

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