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WIS: Girl stabbed school counselor in head with a pencil

Toe Jam

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but we don't need pencils anymore now that we have felt-tipped markers. why should we have to suffer these tragedies when there are safe alternatives out there?

The Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in place to protect us from the potential tyranny of those who would take away our writing implements.

Afterall, they knew full well that....yes, I'm going there....the pen is mighter than the sword! :silly:

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The Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in place to protect us from the potential tyranny of those who would take away our writing implements.

Afterall, they knew full well that....yes, I'm going there....the pen is mighter than the sword! :silly:

I am not seeking to remove your right to a writing utensil, I am merely seeking to remove the dangerous variety. felt-markers can write just fine as well as having increased safety measures against attacking other individuals.

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I am not seeking to remove your right to a writing utensil, I am merely seeking to remove the dangerous variety. felt-markers can write just fine as well as having increased safety measures against attacking other individuals.

Felt markers have caps, which amount to writing locks, which I may not be able to get off quickly enough in an emergency.

Pencils, without caps, and with full-auto sharpeners are best for idea defense.

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I blame the parents. How did they not know their daughter had pencils? They should be locked up for negligence.

You're right.

There had to have been warning signs. Gummy erasers on her dresser. Scribblings on her paper bag book covers. Something!

Parenting today is just awful.

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Yes, but those need to be banned too since all the kids will get high off sniffing them.

danger to one's self is not important, but protect others from them is of high importance. we'll see how your conscience can handle you sitting back and doing nothing while countless people are attempted murdered by pencil-wielding assailants.

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Pencils, without caps, and with full-auto sharpeners are best for idea defense.
When the Founders wrote the Bill of Rights, they were using quill pens and manual inkwells. I don't think they would have intended the Right to cover today's dangerous writing implements.
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