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Jesse Helms has passed away.


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Mr. President, in light of the comments by the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Kennedy), it is important that there be such an examination of the political activities and associations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., principally from the beginning of his work in the civil rights movement in the mid 1950s until his death in 1968. Throughout this period, but especially toward the beginning and end of his career, King associated with identified members of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA), with persons who were former members of or close to the CPUSA, and with CPUSA front organizations. In some important respects King's civil rights activities and later his opposition to the Vietnam war were strongly influenced by and dependent on these associations.

There is no evidence that King himself was a member of the CPUSA or that he was a rigorous adherent of Marxist ideology or of the Communist Party line. Nevertheless, King was repeatedly warned about his associations with known Communists by friendly elements in the Kennedy Administration and the Department of Justice (DO J) (including strong and explicit warning from President Kennedy himself). King took perfunctory and deceptive measures to separate himself from the Communists against whom he was warned. He continued to have close and secret contacts with at least some of them after being informed and warned of their background, and he violated a commitment to sever his relationships with identified Communists.

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I'm with you LKB. Helms was not someone I'd be too proud of.

You know if you can't say anything nice....

If Jesse ever followed this, I'd agree. But he was a hate filled bigot who never ever missed a chance to prove it. Good riddance.


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What's the difference between the a-holes commenting here and Jesse Helms? So what if some of our country is made up of hate-filled-bigots? Does that make the people who speak of "tolerance" uncomfortable? I just read his Wikipedia page and he sounds like a colorful guy who wouldn't care about what was being written on this thread... at least he didn't pretend to be something that he wasn't.

His largest margin of victory was 54-46... so he wasn't overwhelmingly popular at all. If you want to talk about any why don't you talk about how the North Carolina electorate must be filled with a bunch of racist, bigoted, jerks... because that's who they sent to represent them.

I'm glad we have the first amendment...

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What's the difference between the a-holes commenting here and Jesse Helms?

The difference? I never cut AIDS funding because I hate queers.

I never stirred up hatred of black people to get elected.

I never endorsed segregation.

I never called civil rights leaders Communists and perverts.

I never told the President to bring a bodyguard if he visited my state.

That's the freaking difference.

I don't hate Jesse Helms because of his beliefs. Hell, any jagoff can believe what they want.

I hate Jesse Helms because of the actions he took based on his beliefs. We are a worse country today because Jesse Helms was in the Senate.

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Here's some reading on Jesse Helms:

Sen. Jesse Helms says the government should spend less money on people with AIDS because they got sick as a result of "deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct," The New York Times reported Wednesday.

Helms, who has often spoken of his disgust for homosexuals, spoke to the Times as the Senate considers whether to renew a federal program for the care and treatment of AIDS patients.

"We've got to have some common sense about a disease transmitted by people deliberately engaging in unnatural acts," Helms told the Times.

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I doubt anyone makes him into an American hero... I'm "trying" to defend him but don't care to put too much of a fight up, other than to say he's from a different time in America. I'd bet you'd still find support (30-35%) for people who don't think our government should not work on curing AIDS, and more support for those against racial quotes (hey, haven't a lot of courts ruled against racial quotas?). However, it seems like his heart was in the "I don't like black people" and "I don't like homosexuals" realm instead of some realm regarding the use of government... which is why I referred to him as an a-hole... the fact that he's in power just makes him an F5 a-hole instead of some of the comments here which make you look like F1 aholes.

I didn't pay attention to politics back in the time he ruled a lot, but I'd be Bang or others would probably have more to say in that realm... things have changed a lot in the past 10-15 years even.

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im not a "bleeding heart liberal' although yes i am liberal to the core.... however the comparison isnt in the people it is in the way that someone can be hated....... as reagan was... or do you not remember?......... and we turn them into a hero when they get sick or die......

reagan was successful at breaking the ussr and that is his legacy ........ people just forget the death squads he sent to central america and the middle east

my statement wasnt so much a cut on reagan as it was stating how we have short memories and seem to promote the legacy of our leaders in their death.....

i cant wait to find out what that piece of **** helms was a hero for......

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Wow, some real classy people on this board. :doh:

I guess it's going to be open season when Ted Kennedy kicks the bucket.

kennedy has spent a lifetime in servitude for people and so far as i know never took stands against races and sexual orientation and such personal matters to the extent that helms has......

kennedy is currently suffering HIS karma....... just as helms is burning the **** up right now.....

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