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Zen-like Todd

What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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I wish I could not vote, but in the end I'd just be hurting my belief system. I'm forced to vote for McCain.

I'll say it again if there was a democrat that was against gay marriage & abortion running for president he/she would win in a landslide....

There are some out their, but they are few and far between.

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I'll say it again if there was a democrat that was against gay marriage & abortion running for president he/she would win in a landslide...

i know right....... like those are so important when we have economic issues, people are being displaced by historical floods, the middle class is shrinking while the lower class grows, gas prices are at an all time high, there is a mortgage disaster taking place and this country is on the verge of collapse........

yup i wish they would outlaw my gay neighbors and the whore down the street....

to answer the question......... i wont vote republican.... i DO like OBAMA so far....... and if that changes then i will find someone else to vote for.

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"He" being Obama?

Nope, "he" being McCain.

That last Supreme Court decision, on Habaes for Gitmo, should have been 8-1. It was 5-4.

I don't see any reason to assume that McCain will seek out whackjobs the way Bush has. And he strikes me as a really ethical guy. (Well, as close to ethical as you can get in Washington.)

But the consequences for the country if he follows precident could be catastrophic, especially considering that pretty much all of the vacancies on the horizon will be more moderate people.

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Nope, "he" being McCain.

That last Supreme Court decision, on Habaes for Gitmo, should have been 8-1. It was 5-4.

Amen to that.

If not for the Supreme Court issue and the fact that Bush was so terrible on the Constitution, I'd probably be ambivalent to the winner of this election. But since the Supreme Court is the only semi-reliable branch of government remaining, and since the Constitution is by leaps and bounds the most important document in our nation, those issues are a bit too great to ignore.

When the Constitution finally is discarded as a guidepost for our government, I'd rather already be dead, thanks. That means the son-of-neocons will have to wait another 50-70 years before converting America from nation to ruination.

Sorry, guys. You'll just have to wait.

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I voted no but leaning heavily. The leaning part happened in the last 3 weeks. I really wish ISSUES were the issues instead of the bull**** stuff that seems all the rage. I will make up my mind for certain during the debates (if they actually discuss stuff that i care about, which is only a few things.)

Im glad you made the poll public.

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Hmmmm, I'm all alone with the Yes but my mind could change vote.

1) I think the third choice should have been "No, but leaning". That word "heavily" is the word that made me chose #4.

2) Surprised there are that many people willing to admit their minds are made up.

Sitting in Tailgate, it's obvious that a lot of folks have decided. (Frankly, a lot of folks probably decided a decade ago to vote for "whoever wins the <x> nomination.") But I expected all of then to deny it.

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1) I think the third choice should have been "No, but leaning". That word "heavily" is the word that made me chose #4.

2) Surprised there are that many people willing to admit their minds are made up.

Sitting in Tailgate, it's obvious that a lot of folks have decided. (Frankly, a lot of folks probably decided a decade ago to vote for "whoever wins the <x> nomination.") But I expected all of then to deny it.

Just curious Larry, do you find fault in those who have made up their minds? I will be one of the first to admit I vote along party lines in the Presidential race. It boils down to one issue in particular and the other party will almost certainly never support it.

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I would love to see the statistics that support your theory.

you dont think the mortgage crisis is hurting the middle class and destroying peoples lives?.......... you dont think that those who are suffering because of predatory lenders arent living at a lower level than they were before they lost their home?

you dont believe that there is a substantial change in the quality of the average americans life in the last 8 years?

i dont need STATISTICS to see what surrounds me....

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Just curious Larry, do you find fault in those who have made up their minds? I will be one of the first to admit I vote along party lines in the Presidential race. It boils down to one issue in particular and the other party will almost certainly never support it.

Most of my family are just like that. Doesn't matter who's running they'll vote for the party they've always voted for. Presidential years are the years I tend to avoid my Family Reunion. Eveybody has to know who you're going to vote for and if they don't like it watch out. It's like WWIII whenever politics come up.:doh:

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2) Surprised there are that many people willing to admit their minds are made up.

I vote on policy, not personality. Despite election year pandering, it's fairly clear from their histories where each candidate stands on the issues.

Frankly, I have a hard time understanding why anyone wouldn't have their mind made up, unless it's because he or she is agonizing over conflicting priorities (like being pro-life and anti-war or something).

It's not like we can trust anything new as being genuine, anyway.

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I vote on policy, not personality. Despite election year pandering, it's fairly clear from their histories where each candidate stands on the issues.

Frankly, I have a hard time understanding why anyone wouldn't have their mind made up, unless it's because he or she is agonizing over conflicting priorities (like being pro-life and anti-war or something).

It's not like we can trust anything new as being genuine, anyway.

Let's see. The importance of any particular issue is related to the broader context at that moment in time. That means ability to effect change, urgency, whether the problem will be solved anyway, not be solved either way, etc. Changes in foreign policy situations, domestic events, congressional control, cultural significance, yadda yadda, on and on. Why should people have their minds made up? I mean really, do you think I haven't put significant energy into learning about the candidates?

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Just curious Larry, do you find fault in those who have made up their minds? I will be one of the first to admit I vote along party lines in the Presidential race. It boils down to one issue in particular and the other party will almost certainly never support it.

Nothing particularly wrong with making up your mind.

I voted straight Republican for my first few elections, because I thought Welfare was out of control.

I voted Democrat for the last few because I felt the GOP had become a bunch of religious zealots who thought the biggest problems in this country were drugs and porn. (I've never used drugs. :) )

But in my experience, the vast majority of party loyalists are so because they've bought the Party's Kool Aid about how the other Party is Satan incarnate.

(And yes, I notice the tendency in myself.)

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