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ESPN TV: Shaq: "Kobe how my ass taste?"


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Anyone see SportsCenter? I can't find a link to the story, but Shaq was on stage at a night club in NYC last night freestyling.

The hook to his freestyle?

"Kobe... Tell me how my ass taste!"


He was ragging on him for not being able to win a title without Shaq.

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He had a line about how ridiculous some things are...

And he went to the "That's like Ewing having more rings than me"

He was having a blast up there. SportsCenter just said they're going to get more reaction later on TV.

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Oh my God.

Shaq just cant let it go. Wasnt it 2003 when they last played to together? I mean this guy just keeps beating the same dead horse over and over. Just let it go. I'm so sick of Shaq. He just throws people under the bus. He did it in Orlando, LA, and most recently Miami. I'm sure when the Suns cut him loose he'll find something bad to say about them too

It's unreal to say it, but Kobe is acting like more of a man than Shaq is. Shaq is nothing but a big baby

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Oh my God.

Shaq just cant let it go. Wasnt it 2003 when they last played to together? I mean this guy just keeps beating the same dead horse over and over. Just let it go. I'm so sick of Shaq. He just throws people under the bus. He did it in Orlando, LA, and most recently Miami. I'm sure when the Suns cut him loose he'll find something bad to say about them too

It's unreal to say it, but Kobe is acting like more of a man than Shaq is. Shaq is nothing but a big baby


I thought he was over it? Isn't that what he said a year or so ago?

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Oh my God.

Shaq just cant let it go. Wasnt it 2003 when they last played to together? I mean this guy just keeps beating the same dead horse over and over. Just let it go. I'm so sick of Shaq. He just throws people under the bus. He did it in Orlando, LA, and most recently Miami. I'm sure when the Suns cut him loose he'll find something bad to say about them too

It's unreal to say it, but Kobe is acting like more of a man than Shaq is. Shaq is nothing but a big baby

I hate to say it but I was wondering when was Shaq gonna come str8 out with it. What Kobe did was unthinkable. How you gonna get caught up cheating and snitch on another man who had nothing to do with your situation? I wouldn't tell Kobe about cutting my grass. He's an arrogant punk to me. Why would he do that? To me Shaq took the high road not saying anything during Kobe's trial. He knew Kobe said that punk stuff in a recorded police interview. Kobe is a hall of fame player but a straight arrogant dude in real life to me. I'll never forget on the John Thompson show, Thompson said there has to be something more behind the Shaq Kobe beef. Turns out it was. Shaq never uttered a word while Kobe's trial was going on though. Shaq was better man than me. I'll tell ya that. I wouldn't talk man talk in the locker room around that dude. :2cents:

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I hate to say it but I was wondering when was Shaq gonna come str8 out with it. What Kobe did was unthinkable. How you gonna get caught up cheating and snitch on another man who had nothing to do with your situation? I wouldn't tell Kobe about cutting my grass. He's an arrogant punk to me. Why would he do that? To me Shaq took the high road not saying anything during Kobe's trial. He knew Kobe said that punk stuff in a recorded police interview. Kobe is a hall of fame player but a straight arrogant dude in real life to me. I'll never forget on the John Thompson, Thompson said there has to be something more behind the Shaq Kobe beef. Turns out it was. Shaq never uttered a word while Kobe's trial was going on though. Shaq was better man than me. I'll tell ya that. I wouldn't talk man talk in the locker room around that dude. :2cents:

I agree with what you're saying. I'm not saying Kobe isn't an arrogant primadonna, but according to Shaq he "let it go" a year or two ago. Let it go means I'm over it and I wont bring it up again. I mean it still obviously bothers Shaq...but honestly, let it go. Its FIVE years old. How much do you think Shaq was rooting for the Celtics during the finals? I mean let's be honest, the Lakers look like they are going to have another great season next year and have a legitimate chance to win the NBA title in 09 while Shaq career is running on empty.

Trial aside, what did Penny Hardaway do in Orlando to deserve getting thrown under the bus? What did Chris Quinn and Ricky Davis do in Miami to deserve getting thrown under the bus? They played as hard as they good. Screw you Shaq you ungrateful piece of cr*p. You've always been lucky to be on playoff claiber teams your whole career. Its only a matter of time before you toss Steve Nash under the bus too.

Kobe was what? 24 or 25 when he cheated on his wife and said what he did about Shaq. Still he was practically in immature and scared kid. Shaq was the better man then by not bringing anything up, but now that he's 36.....he's acting like a 14-year old by bringing up the same BS again. Kobe at 29 years old is being the bigger man now by just ignoring what Shaq siad. I find it hard to believe that Shaq would have won a title in Los Angeles without Kobe. Sure he won in Miami, and he had another guy by the name of Dwayne Wade. Kobe will always be arrogant in my eyes but my adivce to Shaq is to shut up and let it go. You're career is over...go out with some dignity :2cents:

Sorry for venting....but Shaq has been on my nerves for years

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I agree with what you're saying. I'm not saying Kobe isn't an arrogant primadonna, but according to Shaq he "let it go" a year or two ago. Let it go means I'm over it and I wont bring it up again. I mean it still obviously bothers Shaq...but honestly, let it go. Its FIVE years old. How much do you think Shaq was rooting for the Celtics during the finals? I mean let's be honest, the Lakers look like they are going to have another great season next year and have a legitimate chance to win the NBA title in 09 while Shaq career is running on empty.

Trial aside, what did Penny Hardaway do in Orlando to deserve getting thrown under the bus? What did Chris Quinn and Ricky Davis do in Miami to deserve getting thrown under the bus? They played as hard as they good. Screw you Shaq you ungrateful piece of cr*p. You've always been lucky to be on playoff claiber teams your whole career. Its only a matter of time before you toss Steve Nash under the bus too.

Kobe was what? 24 or 25 when he cheated on his wife and said what he did about Shaq. Still he was practically in immature and scared kid. Shaq was the better man then by not bringing anything up, but now that he's 36.....he's acting like a 14-year old by bringing up the same BS again. Kobe at 29 years old is being the bigger man now by just ignoring what Shaq siad. I find it hard to believe that Shaq would have won a title in Los Angeles without Kobe. Sure he won in Miami, and he had another guy by the name of Dwayne Wade. Kobe will always be arrogant in my eyes but my adivce to Shaq is to shut up and let it go. You're career is over...go out with some dignity :2cents:

Sorry for venting....but Shaq has been on my nerves for years

Main man I've never had a friend of mine go to the police, and accuse of me of cheating on my wife. I mean I'm not in Shaq's shoes. I've never had my marriage and family ruined because of a prick like Kobe. Who's to say what the time table is for just getting over it as you say. And age had nothing to do with what Kobe did. Kobe was 25 years old. Hell I knew better than that at 15. I can't tell whether Shaq cheated on his wife or not. But why would Kobe sit down in front of police and bring up Shaq's name? Immaturity had nothing to do with that. That was str8 hate on Kobe's part. To make a statement like "Yeah Shaq usually pays off women in similar situations like this." I mean nothing came out of it, but he's implying that Shaq has done some women like he did that girl and paid them off. I'll bet the minute Shaq went home his wife was like "did you do what Kobe said you did". I mean this wouldn't be talked about had Kobe never said that. From a man stand point he's off limits to me. I wouldn't talk about anything around that cat in the locker room. A straight arrogant individual. I'm surprised Shaq took this long to unleash his feelings. I have Laker fans who're friends who have the gall to defend Kobe on this. I'm like what? Come on man.

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Yeah Shaq usually pays off women in similar situations like this." I mean nothing came out of it, but he's implying that Shaq has done some women like he did that girl and paid them off. I'll bet the minute Shaq went home his wife was like "did you do what Kobe said you did".

I'd follow Kobe around forever at that point (lighting and thunder) upon his parade when the opportunity presented itself.

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