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Oh...needo....Obama now wants his own Presidential seal


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Want to see errogance spu out of a man...?Here you go! :doh:

Here's a few different sources,so nobody can attack just 1 source.

Chicago Tribune:


By Michelle Malkin


New York Times


By Beth


There are a bunch and this is starting to pick up some steam....

If this doesn't scare ya,then nothing will till it's WAY too late!

Before you know it,we'll be handing quarters to a cashier with the face of Obama imprinted on it.... :doh: Or Dollar Bills or whatever...

That's of course assuming,we are even using money by then anyway....

I was thinking probably a barcode.....hahahah :doh: I won't even go there!

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The headline for this thread is kind of misleading - you would think he wanted to actually change the official seal or something . . .

He might regret this action, or he might just be pissing people off that wouldn't vote for him anyway - time will tell.

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The headline for this thread is kind of misleading - you would think he wanted to actually change the official seal or something . . .

He might regret this action, or he might just be pissing people off that wouldn't vote for him anyway - time will tell.

I think the title of the thread is spot on actually...

Presidential hopeful and The One Who Promises Hope and Change to the Masses, Barack Obama, attended a meeting of a handful of democratic governors today in Chicago. It was a discussion-type forum and the democratic governors sat in more or less normal seats with name plates placed in front of them as is the custom in these types of meetings. Obama, however, sat above them all behind a low rostrum as is the custom of mini-gods who are forced to continue to roam the earth for reasons we mere humans can’t fathom.

In front of the rostrum behind which The Obamessiah sat was not a nameplate, but a seal that had all the earmarks of being official. You know, like when you go to Mexico and all these people meet you at your plane with name tags and official looking uniforms and tell you they represent some company or the other and try to get you to buy a special deal? You know, the ones that just dress like that and after you buy the special deal you realize that they aren’t associated with any organization and just disappeared into the crowd with the money you just traded them for a piece of official looking paper that means nothing? Yeah, that kind of official looking seal.

It made for quite an impressive sight. The symbolism was obvious, even though the marketing company that created the Obama Presidential Seal probably hoped to send a subliminal message with it. If that is the case, they succeeded in being as subtle as two trains colliding on a major thoroughfare during afternoon rush hour.

Just like with the guys in the Cancun airport, this new presidential seal warrants a closer look before we trade dollars for thin air.

As with all things Obama, the seal is not about the country, but about Obama. The One Who Brings Hope for Change and Makes Women Faint and Men Cry has the big O in the middle of his seal (get it - that’s for his name). It also contains Obama’s presidential campaign logo. Across the top it declares, ‘Obama for America’ and the bottom gives his website address. In the place of America’s motto, E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one) it has the Obamanation motto, ‘Vero Possumus’ (sorta, kinda translated to ‘Yes We Can’).

And THAT, my friends, is the kind of branding you can buy when you have unlimited financial resources.

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Just another politician...maybe. But lobby-pandering politician...umm...no.
I disagree.

He bows to the whims of groups like the Planned Parenthood when they told him to vote "present" instead of no against a pro-life bill. Normally a Democrat would've voted no. But not Obama. He voted "present" at PPF's request because they thought it would encourage other legislators to do the same instead of voting yes.

The National Organization for Women has strongly endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. A chain e-mail denounced Obama's record on abortion, citing his "present" votes on a succession of bills sponsored by anti-abortion activists.

The Facts: Under the rules of the Illinois legislature, only yes votes count toward passage of a bill. Planned Parenthood calculated that a 'present' vote by Obama would encourage other senators to cast a similar vote, rather than voting for the legislation [and asked Obama to vote 'present' as a strategy]. NOW never endorsed the Planne Parenthood strategy of voting 'present,' saying "They were horrible bills, and we wanted no votes." Illinois NOW and Planned Parenthood had different voting strategies on the abortion issue. It was impossible for Obama to satisfy both groups at once.

Source: GovWatch on 2008 NOW pro-Clinton campaign literature Feb 6, 2008

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I disagree.

He bows to the whims of groups like the Planned Parenthood when they told him to vote "present" instead of no against a pro-life bill. Normally a Democrat would've voted no. But not Obama. He voted "present" at PPF's request because they thought it would encourage other legislators to do the same instead of voting yes.

I don't call that bowing to the whims necessarily. That's a strategic vote/non vote designed to accomplish an objective.

But I understandd why you think of that as pandering. And on some level you are correct.

Let's just say that I believe that Obama is far and away the better of the two candidates overall.

You might think that he and McCain are essentially the same but I'll respectfully agree to disagree.


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The weakness of the opposition is shown in the substance of their attacks. Claims of arrogance?! Is this is a joke? The party that supported Bush's cowboy foriegn policy, John Bolton in the UN, and Tom "The Hammer" DeLay are suddenly sensitive to arrogance?

Folks feel free to talk policy or scream about liberalism - but please live by your own standards. Stop trying to pull issues out of your asses to help your failing cause.

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The weakness of the opposition is shown in the substance of their attacks. Claims of arrogance?! Is this is a joke? The party that supported Bush's cowboy foriegn policy, John Bolton in the UN, and Tom "The Hammer" DeLay are suddenly sensitive to arrogance?

Folks feel free to talk policy or scream about liberalism - but please live by your own standards. Stop trying to pull issues out of your asses to help your failing cause.


Malkin: I'd hit it :hump: :paranoid:

Let me guess why Michael33 is so upset: this must be the sign of the Devil! 1111111111111111oneoneeleven1111

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This is actually a clever marketing ploy designed to make Obama look more presidential-probably to counter questions about his lack of experience. Whether it works or not I think it's indicative of the Obama camp's willingness and ability to think outside the box.

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This is actually a clever marketing ploy designed to make Obama look more presidential-probably to counter questions about his lack of experience. Whether it works or not I think it's indicative of the Obama camp's willingness and ability to think outside the box.


It's a subliminal message to all those people thinking, "Geez, I like this Obama guy, but I just can't picture him as president."

It's a brilliant move, IMO.

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