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What lies in the future of music?

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Music changes with generations, as does the culture. Some would say the two words are synonymous.

My question to you is, where do you see music going in the next 2 decades? What do you feel will emerge and flourish? How do you feel the way it's marketed will change? What will it condone and ignite? Questions like those....I'm wondering if the outcome of the upcoming election will impact it all.

What do you guys think?

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Music changes with generations, as does the culture. Some would say the two words are synonymous.

My question to you is, where do you see music going in the next 2 decades? What do you feel will emerge and flourish? How do you feel the way it's marketed will change? What will it condone and ignite? Questions like those....I'm wondering if the outcome of the upcoming election will impact it all.

What do you guys think?

I think popular music is highly influienced by the current culture and political landscape, in direct or indirect ways. One thing will remain constant though, Coldplay, they will be here forever.

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One thing I see coming is the downturning economy causing many people to get tired of some rappers talking about how much money they have. It'll get old eventually, most likely around the same time everybody's broke. Next will be a blending of the genres as we slowly begin to all look past the white music/black music thing, step back, and look at each other as one human race. I'm not predicting world peace, but a slow degeneration of the prejudices against different genre's due to "what our 'friends' might say". Marvin Gaye said it best, "there's only two types of music, good music and bad music". Eventually everyone will get that or atleast have a basic understanding of this true principle in life. That's just my opinion tho, we'll see...

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One thing I see coming is the downturning economy causing many people to get tired of some rappers talking about how much money they have. It'll get old eventually, most likely around the same time everybody's broke. Next will be a blending of the genres as we slowly begin to all look past the white music/black music thing, step back, and look at each other as one human race. I'm not predicting world peace, but a slow degeneration of the prejudices against different genre's due to "what our 'friends' might say". Marvin Gaye said it best, "there's only two types of music, good music and bad music". Eventually everyone will get that or atleast have a basic understanding of this true principle in life. That's just my opinion tho, we'll see...

It would be a blessing if that happened.

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One thing I see coming is the downturning economy causing many people to get tired of some rappers talking about how much money they have. It'll get old eventually, most likely around the same time everybody's broke. Next will be a blending of the genres as we slowly begin to all look past the white music/black music thing, step back, and look at each other as one human race. I'm not predicting world peace, but a slow degeneration of the prejudices against different genre's due to "what our 'friends' might say". Marvin Gaye said it best, "there's only two types of music, good music and bad music". Eventually everyone will get that or atleast have a basic understanding of this true principle in life. That's just my opinion tho, we'll see...

I hope more rappers start rapping about what really goes on in today's society. What problems and struggles many of us go through and the lies the government puts out.

Immortal Technique is one of the few who raps about these issues. Common, Saigon, Mos-Def and Talib Kweli are others. Lupe Fiasco is as well.

If more people rapped like them, instead of like Little Wayne, or those other jokes, than I think a much stronger, better image of rap would be put forth instead of the "degrading" music that much mainstream rap is now.

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i think there will be an explosion of 1 hit wonders soon to come as more and more people realize they can make a hit song on their PC.

the music industry will always take the easy way out and begin to promote these sorts of people and the days of BANDS will long be over....

however i am hopeful that games like guitar hero will inspire many kids to pick up REAL guitars and learn to play and i think it is great that they are being exposed to some good ole rock n roll instead of the pops clicks and whistles we call rap/hip hop

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What do you feel will emerge and flourish?

Not sure what will "emerge", but I know what has been around a very long time that will always "flourish."

Heavy Metal.

It has seen Disco, Punk, Grunge and a whole bunch of other musical trends come and go, but metal always lives on. :cheers:

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Music currently HAS NO FUTURE. You kids literally listen to garbage hip-hop and rap, and are made to believe from the companies that spew it out that it's really cool and great. I know a lot of black people who listen to classic rock because they are aware of how lousy hip-hop and rap really is. 90% of today's music will never again be played 20 years from now....it's "throw-away" music....and it's been dumbed down.......even stupid retarded people "get" the simple lyrics....nobody will care about it even 5 years from today. Why do you think so many bands from the 70's and 80's are still able to have successful concert tours and fill up venues? Duh! Because today's music sucks.

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Not sure what will "emerge", but I know what has been around a very long time that will always "flourish."

Heavy Metal.

It has seen Disco, Punk, Grunge and a whole bunch of other musical trends come and go, but metal always lives on. :cheers:

You can't kill the metal

The metal will live on

Punk-Rock tried to kill the metal

But they failed, as they were smite to the ground

New-wave tried to kill the metal

But they failed, as they were stricken down to the ground

Grunge tried to kill the metal Ha,hahahahaha

They failed, as they were thrown to the ground

No-one can destroy the metal

The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow

We are the vanquished foes of the metal

We tried to win for why we do not know

New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way

Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way

Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong

Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong


It comes from Hell!

I love the D. :D

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Labels will become obsolete. Music will be released independently directly through the internet by the bands themselves. Without labels pushing commercialized stuff down your throats, bands will be reduced to earning their fans. Therefore, poor bands will die off from not being downloaded while good bands will flourish. The divide between the elitist indie folks and the commercially addicted lemmings will dissolve. It'll be like the the early days of rock before labels knew how to make songs from a formula and a band had to be good on their own without post production to get any attention. True musicians will prosper while manufactured artists will go extinct.

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I hope good old Rock n Roll comes back. Guitar Driven rock.

Where is the Zeppelin of the 2000's?

Would that be the Foo Fighters? Green Day? Are there any good rock bands out right now?

Kings of Leon they certainly have the potential

Geeze, music in the future? Hopefully more Blind Melon and Janes Addiction type bands, but thats probably unrealistic. There are a lot of crappy bands out there, it angers me greatly

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hmm, what specifically do you mean when you say crappy?

my apologies, that statement was 100% directed toward mainstream/radio music which I absolutely avoid. Ugh speaking of which it seems I can't ever avoid that new Usher song Love in the Club? Because Usher, if I was a female, club fornication is the ultimate sign of true love:rolleyes:...grrr


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my apologies, that statement was 100% directed toward mainstream/radio music which I absolutely avoid. Ugh speaking of which it seems I can't ever avoid that new Usher song Love in the Club? Because Usher, if I was a female, club fornication is the ultimate sign of true love:rolleyes:...grrr


nah its all good, I agree with that statement, I was just wondering what you meant by crappy, because a band can be crappy from a number a reasons. Even some bands that sound good are ****ty.

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I hope there is a come back of musical (art) based culture. I think that the electronic influence will play a major role in this movement. like many have said there is a lot of sheizer out there with a lot of nada to say. however there is also a lot of digital music out there that if you actually listen to it could easily on a written level equal the classical wrighters. but unfortunately there is a lot of electronica garbage out there to sift through to find the good stuff. like most musical styles most is junk and a little bit of it is really based in musical talent. Cheers!!!

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Music currently HAS NO FUTURE. You kids literally listen to garbage hip-hop and rap, and are made to believe from the companies that spew it out that it's really cool and great. I know a lot of black people who listen to classic rock because they are aware of how lousy hip-hop and rap really is. 90% of today's music will never again be played 20 years from now....it's "throw-away" music....and it's been dumbed down.......even stupid retarded people "get" the simple lyrics....nobody will care about it even 5 years from today. Why do you think so many bands from the 70's and 80's are still able to have successful concert tours and fill up venues? Duh! Because today's music sucks.

I was waiting for the typical "older guy says all kids today are retarded and listen to crappy music and Journey and Foreigner are the best bands ever" post, surprised it too so long.

Hate to tell everyone, but "mainstream" music has generally been pretty crappy, aside from the obvious exceptions. Take a look at the charts from any given week in 1966, 1975, or 1985. You're 44, you came of age in the late '70s and early '80s, your generation's mainstream music is any better? Disco? Arena rock? :laugh:

Yeah, if your idea of good music is chart toppers from 1979 then you aren't going to find much stuff to your liking coming out nowadays, but I hate to break it to everyone, there is loads of good stuff and it's easier to find than ever with the wealth of information available on the Internet.

But to answer the question, I see music becoming more and more fragmented with the wealth of both listening and distributing options, so we probably won't see another overarching generational movement like punk. Music is already becoming more individualized and less group oriented with the iPod, etc. Not neccessarily a bad thing, but we are in the midst of an adjustment period right now, which leads to a lot of fogies thinking music is going down the tubes.

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