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What lies in the future of music?

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I think some style from the past well re-emerge, once again, except with a modern twist. And we'll go through some phase related to that style.

The music scene has become so diverse and decentralized that, especially due to the Internet, many people will just stay interested and involved their own personal music scene with little regard for what's happening around the music industry.

And, to me, that's a good thing: It takes power away from the industry that produces a lot of bad music. Especially when you have artists who are now producing music in home studios and purveying it through various means.

In today's world, it is easier to find music, get in touch with others that enjoy the same genres, and find out where live shows are happening.

Personally, I am excited for the future of music.

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Music currently HAS NO FUTURE. You kids literally listen to garbage hip-hop and rap, and are made to believe from the companies that spew it out that it's really cool and great. I know a lot of black people who listen to classic rock because they are aware of how lousy hip-hop and rap really is. 90% of today's music will never again be played 20 years from now....it's "throw-away" music....and it's been dumbed down.......even stupid retarded people "get" the simple lyrics....nobody will care about it even 5 years from today. Why do you think so many bands from the 70's and 80's are still able to have successful concert tours and fill up venues? Duh! Because today's music sucks.

I think you just have to look for the good music in today's day and age. Back in the day, I used to have to visit record stores and fish through albums (or look through zines) if I wanted to find something good and new. Now, I can just spend time on the Internet, reading reviews and listening to samples.

The good music is out there: It just isn't always in your face and obvious.

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