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Venting about Man Problems.


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(checking calendar) Okay, I'm free the 2nd week of July, and have plenty of sunscreen :cool:


Seriously though... sorry that you're going through this. Do you get the impression that he'd rather do something else than go to the beach for his vacation?

Or could it be that he's distancing himself from you for some reason?

Do we need a TGC reunion Monday at 9pm? ;)

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(checking calendar) Okay, I'm free the 2nd week of July, and have plenty of sunscreen :cool:


Seriously though... sorry that you're going through this. Do you get the impression that he'd rather do something else than go to the beach for his vacation?

Or could it be that he's distancing himself from you for some reason?

Do we need a TGC reunion Monday at 9pm? ;)

TGC reunion at 9, count me in

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Do you think he has been stressed about the loss of employment and now to the fact he is the new kid on the job.


Did you plan the entire trip and TELL him how things would be.


Did you want to talk about it at times he might have other things on his mind.

Wouldn't you think that a high school principal would know to end a question with a question mark instead of of a period? Or is the just the blonde ones that preface a question with the statement of 'Question.' so they think that they're excused from using a question mark?

Show of hands for those that think the principal needs to go take a remedial English class. :)

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Personally, given the details.... it seems like you're being selfish.

He couldn't afford option 1... so he offers option #2 (even though it sounds like you weren't keen on it to begin with). Then he gets a new job... which cancels out option #2 or any other option. That happens... but timing but it happens.

You can have trips down the road at any time. It sounds like he wants to but you're driving him crazy and now he couldn't be bothered with it at all.

In my eyes... that's on you. Back off. You don't NEED trips... either you can enjoy each other's company... or move on (because as you mentioned there's other stuff).

I can't beleive I more or less agree with Die Hard. :laugh:
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This is going to sound like an echo, but I think the new job might be a part of it. It is really hard to ask for time off so quickly after starting a new job, and it might put him in a bad light. It might not, but he could be worried about it.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you to step back and evaluate your relationship, only you know whether you have to do that or not. I will say that I'm shocked that its been a five year relationship since you were 16. From what I remember, the average high school romance lasts about two weeks.

Let us know how everything works out.

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Wouldn't you think that a high school principal would know to end a question with a question mark instead of of a period? Or is the just the blonde ones that preface a question with the statement of 'Question.' so they think that they're excused from using a question mark?

Show of hands for those that think the principal needs to go take a remedial English class. :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Wouldn't you think that a high school principal would know to end a question with a question mark instead of of a period? Or is the just the blonde ones that preface a question with the statement of 'Question.' so they think that they're excused from using a question mark?

Show of hands for those that think the principal needs to go take a remedial English class. :)

Art let you be the grammar police today?

(See, I can use a "?".)

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If you want to go Hunny, ....GO! You don't need him to go w/you do you? He obviously isn't interested in going right now and that's fine...If you want to go so badly...just go. I bet if you started making the plans and getting everything ready..by the time the trip rolled around he'd go and if not...better for you IMO. You don't want him to go if he doesn't really want to go..it would only put a damper on your good times. So, tell him..."I've been planning this trip for 3 months or so and really have looked forward to it and you're acting like you don't want to go...so stay here or come w/me..either way is ok w/me b/c I'm going..I need this vacation". He'll either go or not. What have you got to lose?

Just my :2cents: . Good luck going on the trip either way.

*Edit* obviously this is about waaaayyy more than this trip. I didn't read the whole thread before I posted the above. I agree w/some others who have responded...why settle for someone who doesn't make you happy "most" of the time you're together? Either you can live w/what he does or you can't. It's up to you. One thing I've learned(the hard way btw) is, you can't change someone who doesn't want or think they need to change. No amount of love in this world can make someone into something they're not to begin with.:2cents: :)

Good luck

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Sounds to me like he's stressing about his job and well, money maybe?

If I were in his shoes, I would certainly be stressing about a planned trip which of course would be mighty expensive. After going without a job (and probably using much of my cashflow) and just starting a new one, I would feel obligated to get my monetary issues back up to snuff.

Money can certainly create problems.

You pushing the issue (of the trip), may not help when cash is low. It may only make him feel worse about his current situation, that's the effect it would have on me at least. Going through the guy's head is probably something like, "I'm broke, I'm new at this job, I'm going to be even more broke after this trip." possibly.

He may feel that this trip would be too much of a burden financially, and you should be understanding of that. Money problems can kill relationships of the partner isn't understanding.

Maybe I'm wrong about my whole assumption and he's not broke. Maybe he's leeching off of his parents. If that's the case, you need to dump him right now because no responsible adult should still be leeching off of their parents at 21.

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Hey Hunny!

My thoughts...this is about more than the trip. You need to sit down and talk to him and ask him if there's something else going on. Like if he's upset about the job or something else?

If he's not willing to talk about it, or if he's continually brushing you off, I think you need to evaluate whether he is someone you want to spend your life with. I'm only a few years older than you, but in my "vast" relationship experience

:laugh: I've found that constant and open communication is the key to solving most of life's problems.

Good luck! I wish you the best!

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