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For Those Who Care About Character (Inc. Fred Davis Missing Today) M.E.T. (merged)


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so you make a comment like that and won't elaborate. are you just trying to stir the pot? It sures seems like it!

Look how long I've been a member here. You think I'd just try to stir the pot? I said what I could, which is better than nothing.

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so you make a comment like that and won't elaborate.

I think it's a reasonable assumption that Davis enjoyed his first Saturday night in DC a little too much. Hopefully it's nothing more than that.

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One facet of character is to accept responsibility when you make a mistake. It doesn't necessarily mean you never make a mistake. If that were the case, then ALL of us have erred at one time or another, ranging from the stupid to the malicious.

Smoot fell to us in the draft several years ago because he cashed a check that didn't belong to him while in college. Otherwise he would have been a first round pick. He left us and then he came back to us after the "Love Boat" scandal. Yet he is loved by most of the Redskin faithful. Why? Perhaps it's the youthful indiscretion category his offenses fell in, or perhaps because he sounded truly remorseful after these. Regardless, he has kept his nose clean here and is generally accepted, if not loved, by the mainstream Skins fan.

Sometimes you take a chance on a human being who has made a mistake. His true colors will come out eventually. Smoot is an example of one who learned from his mistakes. PacMan is an example of one who has not. But almost everybody deserves a second chance. If the Skins want to give these guys a chance, I say give it to them. If the character issues arise, then deal with them by firing them or whatever league punishment is necessary. But 22 is a little young to hang these guys.

And on Fred Davis, if oversleeping is the worst offense that all of the current 100 members of the team commit, I will be deliriously happy. Dumb? Yeah, but oversleeping is not considered a capital offense in most parts of the civilized world.

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My concern is that it was DAY 3 of his professional football career. DAY 3. To me that is a red flag.

It probably was a fluke. But DAY 3 nags at me. I hope it doesn't portend more problems to come.

Well he'd put two whole days of work into his pro career. I don't know what more you can expect out of the guy!

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My concern is that it was DAY 3 of his professional football career. DAY 3.


Although, if the situation was inevitable, I'd rather see it happening now than 3 weeks into training camp this summer. The coaching staff has plenty of time to snap Davis back to reality.

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Look how long I've been a member here. You think I'd just try to stir the pot? I said what I could, which is better than nothing.
Your "top secret info" and $2.50 gets me on the Metro.

If you can't elaborate on these "tidbits" you called your "friend on the team" then expect people to be suspicious. If you can't deal with those comments - then don't make unverifiable claims. :doh:


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wow. That's a nice scab to pick at! :doh: Are you talking about his rookie year? The man changed his life before his untimely passing and you'd like to remember him as a thug. Grreat! :doh:

You're an idiot. I'm not calling him a thug at all. I simply said that he had off field issues which were quite public. That's a fact.

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You're an idiot. I'm not calling him a thug at all. I simply said that he had off field issues which were quite public. That's a fact.
You would have been gold without the "you're an idiot." It wasn't merited and it earns ya a brief break. :(
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Look how long I've been a member here. You think I'd just try to stir the pot? I said what I could, which is better than nothing.
Actually, what you said is nothing. You gave us nothing at all but hype you were obviously trying to put out there, hence your post. How can anyone see that as NOT stirring the pot?

And, being around as long as you are bragging about has nothing to do with whether or not you would stir the pot to begin with. Being around as long as you have, you should know that a member's post count or time on this board buys him nothing.

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Actually, what you said is nothing. You gave us nothing at all but hype you were obviously trying to put out there, hence your post. How can anyone see that as NOT stirring the pot?

And, being around as long as you are bragging about has nothing to do with whether or not you would stir the pot to begin with. Being around as long as you have, you should know that a member's post count or time on this board buys him nothing.

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I'll assume this mentions Fred Davis somewhere in its 10 pages. Not a big deal. I overslept at off-season b'ball camp once (though I was only late and didn't miss anything past breakfast & part of the morning talk), and I'm about as straight laced as they come. You don't even have to stay out late; if you're a sleeper and you've been working out, your body wants to sleep. If he was on campus, something extra has to come up about why he missed before I call him on the character card.

It isn't impressive, but it happens.

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If this is strike 2, what was strike 1?


Strike ONE was his reputation at USC before we drafted him; earlier in this post it was noted that the Redskins were unaware of his character issues when they drafted him. They said he lackes drive and motivation. If I were that somebody and had to prove my critics were wrong, I sure as heck wouldn't oversleep on the third day of my new job.....strike TWO! :point2sky

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Take it for what its worth, I have a close friend high up in the USC Athletic Department who has nothing but bad things to say about Fred Davis. "Bad guy" prefaced a lot of the statements he made to me after the Draft, and now he misses mini-camp. UGH.

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Take it for what its worth, I have a close friend high up in the USC Athletic Department who has nothing but bad things to say about Fred Davis. "Bad guy" prefaced a lot of the statements he made to me after the Draft, and now he misses mini-camp. UGH.
It's worth nothing. Posts like this are just pointless. Davis makes enornomous impact as a player on the football team (one of USC's most important insitutions) plus gets accolades from Pete Carroll and others, but "your pal" has the real story. It may indeed turn out he's a bust. There are indeed reports of issues. But posts like this, I repeat, or just without any worth. They're dumb. :)
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It's worth nothing. Posts like this are just pointless. Davis makes enornomous impact as a player on the football team (one of USC's most important insitutions) plus gets accolades from Pete Carroll and others, but "your pal" has the real story. It may indeed turn out he's a bust. There are indeed reports of issues. But posts like this, I repeat, or just without any worth. They're dumb. :)

Ignore it then....

The football guys at USC begin to speak freely to their associates about the kids after they leave, but not to the media (do you really think Carroll is going to bash one of his players publically? That would do wonders for recruiting).

In fact, the one player they say out of this USC '08 batch that is a high character guy is Rivers (drafted by Cinci). The USC coaches loved him.

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It's worth nothing. Posts like this are just pointless. Davis makes enornomous impact as a player on the football team (one of USC's most important insitutions) plus gets accolades from Pete Carroll and others, but "your pal" has the real story. It may indeed turn out he's a bust. There are indeed reports of issues. But posts like this, I repeat, or just without any worth. They're dumb. :)


The guy overslept. Zorn met with him for a while afterwards and I'm sure he let Fred have it. This guy did nothing but produce while at USC. Fans of the Trojans sang his praises when I wanted to learn more about the draft pick. Some even went so far as to call him an Antonio Gates mold with more potential. Imagine if we were to label every rookie who ever made a minor mistake a character risk. Half the players today would've at some point been labeled character risks.

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Wasn't it reported after the draft that his girlfriend is an employment attorney who works in DC?

He was probably out with her. She might have even told him that he doesn't need to show up until he is under contract. He is from USC after all, can't expect too much intelligence. Someone does needs to clue him in that this isn't USC, where as long as you perform on the field minor infractions like ex wife stabbing are forgiven.

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This thread began with the legal implications against several NFL starters this year and how the Redskins had avoided having their team on the front page for issues like this. Someone else brought up the fact that since the departure of Brandon Lloyd we had nothing but hardworking individuals and team oriented guys. After agreeing to this Jumbo informed all of us that Fred Davis hadn't shown up for the third day of practice. This then degenerated into a board of people bringing up Sean Taylor for no reason (but mostly because they didn't read the thread and realize it was about people brought in under the Zorn era) and others insulting each other.

I do agree that Davis missing practice is both a big deal and overblown. He does have character issues coming from USC about the same kind of thing that he has perpetrated here. But, in addition, he did just oversleep. Personally I don't know how a young guy (I'm one too) could oversleep on the first few days of his professional career. I figured all the rookies would be so jacked up with the thought of playing football on Sundays for millions of dollars that they would have trouble sleeping, not waking up.

I think Davis will have a good deal of trouble to deal with from the other players and coaches, but because we are a good character team he will learn. Smoot was a good player when we drafted him, went to a team with poor character and got in trouble. Now that he's back with a great character team he has straightened up and I believe he will continue to improve. The same can be said of Sean Taylor. No matter who the coach may be, we have veterans in place who will not allow a guy to pull off things that would hurt the team.

Bringing in a wr/kr who could just as easily be cut as he could be signed is not going to hurt the team. Drafting a 3rd string developmental qb who still has to compete against Hollenbach for a position on the roster is not going to hurt this team.

We didn't get Chad Johnson, we didn't trade for Pacman Jones. The Redskins are a character team and they take care of their own. As fans we should be thankful for this and realize what Cincinnati must feel like every week seeing their players arrested.

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