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ABC News: Bush pupet Stabbed to death on Palestinian TV


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In how many American movies have we blown up the White House?

In how many Japanese movies did Godzilla wreck Tokoyo?

Why was it necessary for John Goodman to murder every member of the British royal family except the butler?

How many 100's of thousand political leaders did Rambo, Siegal, and Norris kill with a bowie knife and a telescopic lens?

It's fiction.

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I don't know, did you see the Jew eating rabbit? That gave me a chuckle.

A Jew eating rabbit? That has the makings of an awesome blockbuster. Imagine if it got to Hollywood.

Although Monty Python might want some credit for their Beast of Caerbannog.

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In how many American movies have we blown up the White House?

In how many Japanese movies did Godzilla wreck Tokoyo?

Why was it necessary for John Goodman to murder every member of the British royal family except the butler?

How many 100's of thousand political leaders did Rambo, Siegal, and Norris kill with a bowie knife and a telescopic lens?

It's fiction.

Those were all childrens programming you listed??? And please tell me how many poitical leaders Rambo, Siegal and Norris killed, I don't recall any "political leaders" in those movies. Were those movies used as propaganda or true fiction?

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Well, King Ralph was certainly family fare. Actually, I thought it was a pretty decent movie too.

The answer to your other question is 467.

I actually agree that there is a serious propaganda message in here, but I don't want us acting like them. I thought their anger, loathing, and reaction to the Mouhamad bomb hat cartoon was way over the line. This is the same issue in reverse.

Luckily, I don't see us rioting and killing each other over this efigeeing.

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A Jew eating rabbit? That has the makings of an awesome blockbuster. Imagine if it got to Hollywood.

Although Monty Python might want some credit for their Beast of Caerbannog.

One of my all time favorites.

I use "what behind the bunny?" quite a bit.:laugh:

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You really dont see anything in this?

Like maybe they are putting out an "Anti-American" propaganda message to their people. Maybe they are trying to get to the kids early in life to hate America and Americans.

Seems to me like this is just one more aggressive sign by a section of Earth that is only good for 2 things. The birth of my Savior and the oil it provides. :2cents:

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See what happens when people boo Bush at the Nats opener??

Seriously, though, it's sickening that a children's oriented television show would show kids violence like this. Another generation well on the way to ruination.

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haha, do they actually think that's offensive to us? That was the most low budget, third-world, excuse for a diss i've ever seen.

It wasn't intended for our eyes. It was intended for the impressionable minds of Palestinian 4 and 5 year olds...

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haha, do they actually think that's offensive to us? That was the most low budget, third-world, excuse for a diss i've ever seen.
It was intended to teach something to their children, not to offend us. Hamas, Hezbolla, et al could care less what we think is offensive.
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Well then let them brainwash their kids if they want.....nothing this country can do or say is gonna change it, so it is what it is.

and seriously, even at 4 or 5 i would have thought that was boring as sh*t.

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You really dont see anything in this?

Like maybe they are putting out an "Anti-American" propaganda message to their people. Maybe they are trying to get to the kids early in life to hate America and Americans.

Seems to me like this is just one more aggressive sign by a section of Earth that is only good for 2 things. The birth of my Savior and the oil it provides. :2cents:

Thanks for beating me to it...

I can't believe people can't grasp this concept.

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See what happens when people boo Bush at the Nats opener??

Seriously, though, it's sickening that a children's oriented television show would show kids violence like this. Another generation well on the way to ruination.

I gather you have not watched popular cartoons, children shows or anime. Other sources for violence are videos on Youtube, and some adult comedy shows (Akhbar? the Dead Terrorist comes to mind).

The direction of the violence may be what is causing some people here to be upset, not the fact that violence bathes children all over the planet.

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I gather you have not watched popular cartoons, children shows or anime. Other sources for violence are videos on Youtube, and some adult comedy shows (Akhbar? the Dead Terrorist comes to mind).

The direction of the violence may be what is causing some people here to be upset, not the fact that violence bathes children all over the planet.

But have you seen Barney nuke the Middle East?

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Its kind of like Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes cartoons when we were kids. It taught us to become desensitized to violence and at a young age. That cartoon may have been crudely done, but the message and effect are there.

You're right. I bet this really hits home with kids who have lost their moms, dads, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters because of American influences and our attacks on their soil.

I can't believe they make kids hate us with cartoons. That is about like saying American kids are shooting each other because of MTV vidoes and Video games.

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