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Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished


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Why, how very peaceful :rolleyes:

England has a HUGE problem


A report posted on Islam Watch, a site run by Muslims who oppose intolerant teachings and hatred for unbelievers, exposes a prominent Islamic cleric and lawyer who support extreme punishment for non-Muslims — including killing and rape.

A question-and-answer session with Imam Abdul Makin in an East London mosque asks why Allah would tell Muslims to kill and rape innocent non-Muslims, including their wives and daughters, according to Islam Watch.

"Because non-Muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet," the Imam says, according to the report. "If you don't believe me, here is the legal authority, the top Muslim lawyer of Britain."

The lawyer, Anjem Choudary, backs up the Imam's position, saying that all Muslims are innocent.

Click here to watch the interview with Islamic lawyer Anjem Choudary.

"You are innocent if you are a Muslim," Choudary tells the BBC. "Then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are not a Muslim, then you are guilty of not believing in God."

Choudary said he would not condemn a Muslim for any action.

"As a Muslim, I must support my Muslim brothers and sisters," Choudary said. "I must have hatred to everything that is not Muslim."

Click here to read the report from Islam Watch.

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Yep, lets see the bleeding hearts who say "The US has no allies" watch all of these Euro countries come running and asking us for help once they start getting terrorized.

France will be begging for our help and I hope they have to do it in front of a National audience. Its so easy to sit back and point your finger when its not happening to you.

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Yep, lets see the bleeding hearts who say "The US has no allies" watch all of these Euro countries come running and asking us for help once they start getting terrorized.

Right, I can see it now.

Somebody blows up a building in France, and the French ambassador is in the White House the next day, begging us to please invade Madagascar for them. And could we torture some people, while we're there?

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Yep, lets see the bleeding hearts who say "The US has no allies" watch all of these Euro countries come running and asking us for help once they start getting terrorized.

Once they start being terrorized? Europe has been dealing with terrorism for decades. The U.S. is the new kid on the block in this...

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Once they start being terrorized? Europe has been dealing with terrorism for decades. The U.S. is the new kid on the block in this...
Reminds me of a time a month after 9/11 when I got laughed at by a small group of Isrealis who said "welcome to the party, we don't feel bad for Americans".

I later called the FBI on them as suspected terrorists and was thanked. Whoops.

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At what point do you draw the line between being pro-American and just blatantly anti-Muslim with your posts?

I'm not defending this crazy guy at all but I don't really see what you are getting at.

We don't really need to be reminded that there are Muslim extremists out there. It's common knowledge. I'm wonder if you realize they make up a very small percentage of the Muslim faith.

(No I'm not Muslim)

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just cause few (so called muslims) said this means all Muslims want Christians, jews killed?

Last time i checked hitler (christian) all most wiped out the whole jewish population does that mean all christians are evil?

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Perhaps the point that is being made (although I would say most people are aware of this) is that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that non-Muslims do need to be aware of how Muslims are being being taught or led to think of non-Muslims.

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Perhaps the point that is being made (although I would say most people are aware of this) is that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that non-Muslims do need to be aware of how Muslims are being being taught or led to think of non-Muslims.

ALL Muslims are most certainly not taught that. I know plenty of Muslims that are some of the most peaceful people I know.

Putting the whole religion into a single is like putting my church and the Westboro Baptist Church in the same category.

That's simply false and a dangerous assumption.

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ALL Muslims are most certainly not taught that. I know plenty of Muslims that are some of the most peaceful people I know.

Putting the whole religion into a single is like putting my church and the Westboro Baptist Church in the same category.

That's simply false and a dangerous assumption.

Sorry if you felt my statement actually said "all Muslims", which it deliberately did not.

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Perhaps the point that is being made (although I would say most people are aware of this) is that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that non-Muslims do need to be aware of how Muslims are being being taught or led to think of non-Muslims.

Sorry but there is no qualifier there. You may not say "all" but you don't say "some" or a "small part" so my argument is valid.

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Right, I can see it now.

Somebody blows up a building in France, and the French ambassador is in the White House the next day, begging us to please invade Madagascar for them. And could we torture some people, while we're there?

What, you dont really think the French can protect themselves do you?

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Once they start being terrorized? Europe has been dealing with terrorism for decades. The U.S. is the new kid on the block in this...

Theres a big difference between the Middle East and Europe. They havent been terrorized on the same levels ever and they will be looking for UN help (which is basically us and Britain) to come and protect their asses.

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But isn't the oh-fficial Sarge Islam sarcasm comment supposed to be "...but it's a religion of peace."

I thought you curmudgeonly guys didn't like changing things up.

It's "Religion of Pieces"

Let's get it right ;)

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(Wondering why this post makes me think of all of the people who think gays shouldn't have equal rights in the US, because being gay is against their religion. Don't know why, but they seem similar.)
Oh if someone could PLEASE answer this...
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Theres a big difference between the Middle East and Europe. They havent been terrorized on the same levels ever and they will be looking for UN help (which is basically us and Britain) to come and protect their asses.

Sorry, but you're simply wrong. Europe may not have been having as much of a problem with Muslim terrorists until recently, but as I said, they've been dealing with terrorism for decades now, be it by the IRA, Basque seperatists, anarchists, or whoever.

Bomb blasts don't magically magnify in effect because a Muslim set them off.

My wife and I went to Paris for our honeymoon pre-9/11, and I still remember my shock at the casual manner in which uniformed police were carrying assault rifles in the train stations. That's not such an unusual sight in the U.S. now (though they would be National Guard, not police), but at the time it was quite the experience. Europeans took it for granted, though, because heightened security and anti-terrorism measures have been a way of life there for a long time.

Anyway, they didn't beg for help then, and I doubt they'll start any time soon.

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Sorry, but you're simply wrong. Europe may not have been having as much of a problem with Muslim terrorists until recently, but as I said, they've been dealing with terrorism for decades now, be it by the IRA, Basque seperatists, anarchists, or whoever.

Bomb blasts don't magically magnify in effect because a Muslim set them off.

My wife and I went to Paris for our honeymoon pre-9/11, and I still remember my shock at the casual manner in which uniformed police were carrying assault rifles in the train stations. That's not such an unusual sight in the U.S. now (though they would be National Guard, not police), but at the time it was quite the experience. Europeans took it for granted, though, because heightened security and anti-terrorism measures have been a way of life there for a long time.

Anyway, they didn't beg for help then, and I doubt they'll start any time soon.

You say I am wrong but then turn around in the first paragraph and prove Im right. The thread is on MUSLIMS, not Irish. So that just helps to prove my point.

Just because a cop carries a machine gun doesnt really mean anything about terrorism. Most foreign countries that I have been to are the same way and it seems like the US is the exception.

You really shouldnt try to convince me that France can protect themselves. History has shown different and I dont really see them being able to do anything if Al Qaeda decides to turn their full attention to them. This may be speculation but past history has shown that France isnt really a military minded country in the least bit.

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