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Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished


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or worse .... like france which is what 60+% muslim now?

and when were the crusades? the salem witch trials?...........

my point is this type of thought is not merely a muslim phenomona though...... christianity has been just as guilty of atrocity through the ages...

as well as judaism as per the old testament

And my point is Christianity has reformed itself, something islam desparately needs

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dont forget that christianity has a 600+ year head start on islam........
i agree islam needs to grow up a bit..... however christianity is merely a babystep ahead..... or maybe they have just gotten smarter about how to do it....

Which is it? A "babystep" or 600 whole years?

And does it matter?

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Which is it? A "babystep" or 600 whole years?

And does it matter?

what matters is that religion has been the death of more humans than any other thing.... we havent gotten any better we just hide killing in the name of religion behind the spread of democracy.....

my tone is neutral here i am merely presenting facts

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what matters is that religion has been the death of more humans than any other thing.... we havent gotten any better we just hide killing in the name of religion behind the spread of democracy.....

my tone is neutral here i am merely presenting facts

That does, of course, include those bad assed Buddists you know ;)

And funny, I thought death was the number one cause of death :laugh:

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That does, of course, include those bad assed Buddists you know ;)

yup they are still being persecuted by china.... today in fact..... look up tibet

And funny, I thought death was the number one cause of death :laugh:

actually i thought it was heart failure..........:D

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theres nothing like a starving hindu to make countries change their views. :laugh:

hinduism and buddhism are different. buddhism peacefully broke the classe system in india during its earliest times and was actually a revolution in hindu thought....... it just didnt hold due to hindu's polytheism

but yes i got a good laugh from that one

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hinduism and buddhism are different. buddhism peacefully broke the classe system in india during its earliest times and was actually a revolution in hindu thought....... it just didnt hold due to hindu's polytheism

but yes i got a good laugh from that one

COME ON MAN!! I was just adding on to what Sarge said about buddhists.

And from what I know of no Buddhist has starved themselves quite like ol Hindu Ghandi did. Im sure he cornered the market in starving and wearing diapers ;)

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Religions that offer some kind of a "prophet" as the messenger of God seem to have a harder time maturing because they are easily hijacked by basic monkey impulses - the desire to find salvation by submitting to the ultimate monkey.

I would not put Buddhism into that category because Buddha was not really a messenger of God but just a dude who "got it".

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Religions that offer some kind of a "prophet" as the messenger of God seem to have a harder time maturing because they are easily hijacked by basic monkey impulses - the desire to find salvation by submitting to the ultimate monkey.

I would not put Buddhism into that category because Buddha was not really a messenger of God but just a dude who "got it".

umm, you telling me that Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball?

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COME ON MAN!! I was just adding on to what Sarge said about buddhists.

And from what I know of no Buddhist has starved themselves quite like ol Hindu Ghandi did. Im sure he cornered the market in starving and wearing diapers ;)

actually buddha himself starved himself for 40 days to where he could touch his back bone from his frontside during his journey of enlightenment....

i got the joke mike im just trying to be factual and not offend somenes religious sensitivities...... no body will get smarter if we fight about philosophy...

point is given that islam has not evolved well and is not very enlightened...

im just pointing out that christianity is not much more evolved or peaceful.....

its on record people just dont want to acknowledge it

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Religions that offer some kind of a "prophet" as the messenger of God seem to have a harder time maturing because they are easily hijacked by basic monkey impulses - the desire to find salvation by submitting to the ultimate monkey.

I would not put Buddhism into that category because Buddha was not really a messenger of God but just a dude who "got it".

and you my friend........ "get it" ........... as well

thank you

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actually buddha himself starved himself for 40 days to where he could touch his back bone from his frontside during his journey of enlightenment....

i got the joke mike im just trying to be factual and not offend somenes religious sensitivities...... no body will get smarter if we fight about philosophy...

point is given that islam has not evolved well and is not very enlightened...

im just pointing out that christianity is not much more evolved or peaceful.....

its on record people just dont want to acknowledge it

i think that if you look at the core of both religions you will see that both have matured and both have very similar ways of looking at things. its just when you break off into factions like they do that you get your problems. mormons seem more concerned with how much money you give. christians get all pissy about what denomonation you are. muslims get really extreme in believing they are the one true relgion.

but if you look at the people who are actually praying and actually studying the bible/quran you will see that those people are not judgmental at all and really just want to live good God serving lives.

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i think that if you look at the core of both religions you will see that both have matured and both have very similar ways of looking at things. its just when you break off into factions like they do that you get your problems. mormons seem more concerned with how much money you give. christians get all pissy about what denomonation you are. muslims get really extreme in believing they are the one true relgion.

but if you look at the people who are actually praying and actually studying the bible/quran you will see that those people are not judgmental at all and really just want to live good God serving lives.

i am glad you see it this way

i agree 100%

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