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Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished


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Well, here's an interesting test case. On March 11, 2004, terrorists sympathetic to (and possibly part of) Al Queda bombed trains in Madrid killing 191 and wounding 1755. Did the Spanish:

A. Come running to the U.S. for help


B. Throw the pro-U.S. government out of power over their handling of the case, and elect a government that ran on the platform of pulling out of Iraq, and generally disassociating itself from the U.S.' actions in the Middle East?

Spain, France.

Spain, France.

One incident, constant attacks.

One incident, constant attacks.

I dont get it. What do you want?

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Spain, France.

Spain, France.

One incident, constant attacks.

One incident, constant attacks.

I dont get it. What do you want?

Your first point was about Europe, not just France. And if you really want to be nitpicky, the fact is that the article is about England. :)

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my first point was about Euro countries and France imparticular.

That is correct. I responded to this particular line:

Yep, lets see the bleeding hearts who say "The US has no allies" watch all of these Euro countries come running and asking us for help once they start getting terrorized.

By pointing out that there is no "start" here and that they've been dealing with terrorism for years without running to us for help, and the fun ensued. :)

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Your first point was about Europe, not just France. And if you really want to be nitpicky, the fact is that the article is about England. :)

You mean the country that was bombed in four simultaneous tranist locations resulting in 56 deaths three years ago?

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That is correct. I responded to this particular line:

By pointing out that there is no "start" here and that they've been dealing with terrorism for years without running to us for help, and the fun ensued. :)

Bro, if you are going to quote me use the WHOLE quote. I go on to say France imparticular.

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my first point was about Euro countries and France imparticular.

Well if you want to super nitpick it says ALL non-muslims. :silly:

Ironically, one could argue that France is doing a great job fighting terrorism, as they have managed to keep from being attacked. Here's an article written right after the 9/11 attacks about them. In light of this discussion, if find the first line particularly amusing:


The French have a long and intimate acquaintance with terror, earned in years of attacks by Algerian independence fighters. Although currently plagued by an Islamist terror threat, French authorities have made their country so inhospitable to terrorist networks that many have relocated to Germany. How did they do it? What lessons can the U.S. learn? And, perhaps most important, how many civil liberties are we willing to give up in the process?
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Who are you to say I was in error?

I am a person who was attempting to share some information that I felt you might not possess, regarding the reality of European countries and their historical problems with terrorism. I see now that this information was not welcome, and that you appear to be becoming irritated with me, which was certainly not my intention.

Never mind, then. I have to go teach anyway, as my planning period is over. :)

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I am a person who was attempting to share some information that I felt you might not possess, regarding the reality of European countries and their historical problems with terrorism. I see now that this information was not welcome, and that you appear to be becoming irritated with me, which was certainly not my intention.

Never mind, then. I have to go teach anyway, as my planning period is over. :)

That's why our education system is so screwed up. All the teachers are on ExtremeSkins during their planning periods.

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I am a person who was attempting to share some information that I felt you might not possess, regarding the reality of European countries and their historical problems with terrorism. I see now that this information was not welcome, and that you appear to be becoming irritated with me, which was certainly not my intention.

Never mind, then. I have to go teach anyway, as my planning period is over. :)

I am not irritated and I dont know why you take it that way. besides telling me that I am wrong, misinformed and other things I dont know why you would assume I was hostile. I answered back everything you said and thought we were having a decent conversation until learning that I am just "wrong" in my thoughts.:)

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Here's another good one, from 2005:


Over the last decade, French counter-terrorism strategy has been recognized as one of the most effective in Europe. The French system emerged from painful experience—unlike other European countries France has faced the deadly threat of Islamic terrorism on its soil since the 1980s. A number of attacks in Paris by the Iranian-linked Hezbollah network of Fouad Ali Saleh in 1985 and 1986 triggered profound changes in the organization and legislative base of French counter-terrorism. These were reinforced after the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) attacks in 1995 and 1996.
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You know a lot about this. In a class I took several years ago I seem to remember a verse in the Koran that tells Muslims to "kill the children of the book." The book being the Bible. But now I can't find this verse. Possibly it was in some of Mohammed's other writing and not the Koran. Does this sound familiar?

In the course I took, we were told that Mohammed's writing in the earlier part of the Koran are more peaceful. But as he grew older and begin to conquer more and more countries his writing became a lot more violent. According to our class there are groups of Muslims who believe more in line with the peaceful first part of the Koran. It's almost like an Old and New Testament. But even these Muslims are afraid to speak out because they are seen as not true Muslim's by the more militant groups.

Sorry but this was all that I could find:

3) Assassination of poets who criticized Muhammad's murderous ways

Date: Late March-April, 623 A.D

Place: Medina (aka: Medinah)

Victims: Two of the most famous poets of Medina, who had the courage to criticize the murderous actions of Muhammad and his gang.... After the battle of Badr, the people of Medina were horrified that they had given refuge to such a blatant criminal and his followers in their city. Many began protesting the presence of such violent and murderous people in their city. In a free society like Pre-Islamic Arabia, the poets acted as society's conscience and were free to criticize, satirize and examine the actions of people. The two most famous poets of this kind were Abu 'Afak; an extremely old and respected poet and Asma bint Marwan; a young mother with the gift of superb verse.

Muhammad was enraged at their criticism. When he heard the verses composed by Asma Bint Marwan he was infuriated and screamed aloud, 'Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan!' That very night a gang of Muslims set out to do the dirty deed. They broke into the poets' house. She was lying in in her bedroom suckling her newborn child, while her other small children slept nearby. The Muslims tore the newborn infant off her breast and hacked it to pieces before her very eyes. They then made her watch the murder of all four of her children, before raping and then stabbing her repeatedly to death. After the murder when the Muslims went to inform the Prophet, he said 'You have done a service to Allah and his Messenger, her life was not worth even two goats.

Once when Muhammd was asked if it was OK to kill the women and children of those who believed in many gods, or were infidels (non-Muslim), Muhammad said; "I consider them as of their parents." In short, he said if the parents were infidels it is permissible to kill their children. Reference: "Islam and Terrorism", Page 105.


I also found this in the Islamic Hadith


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I am not irritated and I dont know why you take it that way. besides telling me that I am wrong, misinformed and other things I dont know why you would assume I was hostile. I answered back everything you said and thought we were having a decent conversation until learning that I am just "wrong" in my thoughts.:)

Well, obviously, you're not wrong in your thoughts, just in everybody else's.:D

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just cause few (so called muslims) said this means all Muslims want Christians, jews killed?

no, i dont think all do.

me i checked hitler (christian) all most wiped out the whole jewish population does that mean all christians are evil?

(i cant believe nobody replied to this, or that people believe this) hitler followed what part of jesus' teaching?

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no, i dont think all do.

(i cant believe nobody replied to this, or that people believe this) hitler followed what part of jesus' teaching?

i didnt see this or else I would have.

Nobody is going to believe this. Neither sides of the party will think that Hitler had Jesus in mind when he did what he did.

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Mike, I love a bit of French bashing as much as the next guy, but I think you have to keep it in perspective.

For several hundred years prior to WWI, the French were THE preeminent military badasses of continental Europe, which was the toughest place on the planet at that time. They were in constant warfare, and won most of those wars.

In WWI, they fought the Germans to a standstill in years of bloody trench warfare. Yes, they had allies helping them, but so did the Germans. The Germans came out of the war with extraordinary respect for the toughness of the French Poilu (the French term for a GI). This made Hitler's own generals question the wisdom of attacking France. However, the French generals were not prepared for the revolutionary blitzkreig tactics of the Germans, and they got outflanked and destroyed. But it wasn't because their soldiers were wimps.

Even now, the French are not militarily negligible. They have probably the most powerful military on the planet of any medium side country. Sure the US, China, Russia and maybe India have greater military strength, but each of those countries is several times larger. No they cannot project their force around the world - only the UC has that capacity. But they can protect themselves quite well, and they do.

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Mike, I love a bit of French bashing as much as the next guy, but I think you have to keep it in perspective.

For several hundred years prior to WWI, the French were THE preeminent military badasses of continental Europe, which was the toughest place on the planet at that time. They were in constant warfare, and won most of those wars.

In WWI, they fought the Germans to a standstill in years of bloody trench warfare. Yes, they had allies helping them, but so did the Germans. The Germans came out of the war with extraordinary respect for the toughness of the French Poilu (the French term for a GI). This made Hitler's own generals question the wisdom of attacking France. However, the French generals were not prepared for the revolutionary blitzkreig tactics of the Germans, and they got outflanked and destroyed. But it wasn't because their soldiers were wimps.

Even now, the French are not militarily negligible. They have probably the most powerful military on the planet of any medium side country. Sure the US, China, Russia and maybe India have greater military strength, but each of those countries is several times larger. No they cannot project their force around the world - only the UC has that capacity. But they can protect themselves quite well, and they do.

First off, thank you for not bashing my opinion. I believe you disagree with me but I am grateful that you didnt call me "ignorant" or "stupid". So cheers to that.

BUT, in WWI I believe they had a "little" help from America. We were right there next to them fighting tooth and nail. And I may be wrong, but I believe that England has always been the strongest military in Europe. At least their Navy is.

I dont believe they are the most powerful in the world, I believe that goes to Israel. But that is just my opinion from watching them keep all the other countries from taking over and how they handle it when you threaten them. I also believe that even if we were the same size as them we would be more powerful. Our weapons and technology are second to none.

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