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Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished


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i am glad you see it this way

i agree 100%

I do see it that way. I am in no way perfect and I am a hypocrite but I read my bible most days at lunch and try to read "our daily bread" every morning as well. But I am not perfect by any means either.

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I do see it that way. I am in no way perfect and I am a hypocrite but I read my bible most days at lunch and try to read "our daily bread" every morning as well. But I am not perfect by any means either.

we all have the same destination we just choose different paths.........

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point is given that islam has not evolved well and is not very enlightened...

im just pointing out that christianity is not much more evolved or peaceful.....

And I disagree

Show me the latest beheading by a Christian. Or a preacher saying it's cool to kill infidels and their wives/daughters.

The koran is supposedly the word of God untouched/unchanged by man

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And I disagree

Show me the latest beheading by a Christian. Or a preacher saying it's cool to kill infidels and their wives/daughters.

The koran is supposedly the word of God untouched/unchanged by man

first off i have already pointed out that christian ideals are hidden** in the spread of democracy.....

the quaran is the muslim bible as written by allah through muhammad in 56 days or something like that.....

there is about a 600 year difference in the 2 religions...... what were christians doing 600 years ago? ill give you a hint cr****es

** edit........ not hidden....... embedded

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The koran is supposedly the word of God untouched/unchanged by man

as opposed to the holy bible which was transcribed in secret and outlawed to be printed in europe and made illegal to posses until what we know as modern history.....

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as opposed to the holy bible which was transcribed in secret and outlawed to be printed in europe and made illegal to posses until what we know as modern history.....

And yet somehow, through all of that, we've ended up where we are today.

Whereas the muslims, with their untouched word, are still beheading people and killing infidels

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And I disagree

Show me the latest beheading by a Christian. Or a preacher saying it's cool to kill infidels and their wives/daughters.

The koran is supposedly the word of God untouched/unchanged by man

All in all, Christianity can never evolve. It rejects the idea of evolution. And that goes for any other religion that does the same.

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All in all, Christianity can never evolve. It rejects the idea of evolution. And that goes for any other religion that does the same.



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on this 2nd day of April in the year of our lord 2008 for the most indescribably ignorant statement about christianity on any message board, anywhere, ever!

read a book

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Well technically they are correct.

You are a Muslim

You are a non-muslim living within them as a subclass.

You are killed

Not a lot of wiggle room from my understanding.

I'm not an expert in Muslimology, but I've known a few Muslims over the years, and not a single one of them ever expressed a desire to kill anybody, let alone non Muslims.

I think violent extremism has less to do with religious faith, and more to do with the socioeconomic conditions that dominate a particular geographic region.

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They mind if I send my pet ape to reason with them?

No problem.

Have you ever been to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC? Beautiful place - largest Catholic church in America.

When I was a kid, I especially like the big mural on the ceiling of the Basilica showing evolution as fact, and as part of God's plan for the world. It was awesome!

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No problem.

Have you ever been to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC? Beautiful place - largest Catholic church in America.

When I was a kid, I especially like the big mural on the ceiling of the Basilica showing evolution as fact, and as part of God's plan for the world. It was awesome!

i would LOVE to see that. i cant find a pic of it online

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cheers to you, Mike. :cheers: That's the sign of a good poster imo.

(don't worry, Henry has slapped me around several times too :) )

I can has the cheezburgerz?


Thank you though. I feel when you're right, you're right. And he broke out some knowledge for me and I recognize that.

Damn you Henry! :silly:

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One Shot

on this 2nd day of April in the year of our lord 2008 for the most indescribably ignorant statement about christianity on any message board, anywhere, ever!

read a book

Really, I'm ignorant? I pity you for your apparent hypocrisy.

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first off i have already pointed out that christian ideals are hidden** in the spread of democracy.....

is that bad?

what were christians doing 600 years ago? ill give you a hint cr****es

i pointed this out with regards to hitler on about page 5 of the thread, and again, i'm surprised no one is drawing a distinction between one who follows jesus and one who chooses to label themselves as 'christian' for whatever reason. its not like choosing to join the elks club, masons, or the KISS army- you pay your 20 bucks and youre a member. dont blame jesus or slam christians for the acts of a bunch of nuts doing their own thing.

what part of jesus teachings includes killing or torturing those who dont agree with you? jesus taught and did none of this. for muslims, mohammeds message and acts were a bit different. not a slam against muslims, just stating the way it is.

as for the OT, i've studied that off and on for years and there are a few things i dont fully understand. 'the case for christ' by lee strobel is a nice read with some solid points on traditional biblical oddities. i still have my questions, and i keep an open mind.

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is it bad? how many have died for the spread of democracy?

christianity is derived from the judaic faith which by all accounts in the old testament was an equally warring faith as islam

im not sure christians are finished with the crusades anyway..........

the problem is the im right your wrong attitude each of these faiths has.....

if they took the time to realize they are all connected in history and values then maybe we can all live and let live

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you really are anti-christian in your posts today Joe. Im not saying youre not a christian but you are sure headed that way today.

as stated earlier i am buddhist.

im not anti christian......... i am against established religion that has the ability to wage war and death in the name of a god or ideal......

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as stated earlier i am buddhist.

im not anti christian......... i am against established religion that has the ability to wage war and death in the name of a god or ideal......

well I would ask that as a buddhist you have some respect for Christianity. You dont want people sitting around bashing you for your beliefs do you?

Thats a serious question too. I actually like talking to you but I am finding it hard to be cool when I see you bash the religion that I follow and am a full believer in.


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