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Breaking news per NFL Network: Pac Man a Cowboy on Monday,(M.E.T).


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The Dallas Morning News reported that after first telling Irvin that he plans to stay away from strip clubs, Jones later said he wouldn't go for a couple of years. When Irvin asked Jones why he couldn't say he would never go, he responded, "You never say never."

:laugh: :laugh:


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I hope that the Cowboys sing Michael Vick when he comes back too. Which I would bet even money that jerrah has already been in touch with Vick's agent.

That way it will be clear (if it isn't already) how low-class the organization really is.

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No and the trade can't be officially made while he's suspended but it can be agreed upon by all parties contingent to his reinstatement.

He's going to f up again so I am not worried at all. I'll just sit and chuckle at the sideshow..

Its my understanding that the fact that PacMan is still suspended does not stop him traded - the Titans and Cowboys dont have to wait to make the trade official.

Its not a lock that PacMan gets reinstated at this point - he still has some legal cases outstanding and he has not shown any real signs of changing his behaviour.

Bottom line if by some miracle he gets with the programme and stops being an idiot the Cowboys got a steal. Chances of him becoming a responsible adult are pretty slim though - I wonder which comes first his first INT as a Cowboy or his first arrest?

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If he can stay out of trouble [which is unlikely] we have just upgraded to at least Top 5 trio of Corners. Newman, Henry and Jones!

Also would take our Punt Return game from Average to top notch.

All true - but do you seriously expect him to stay out of trouble. Really?

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Bottom line if by some miracle he gets with the programme and stops being an idiot the Cowboys got a steal. Chances of him becoming a responsible adult are pretty slim though - I wonder which comes first his first INT as a Cowboy or his first arrest?

That pretty much sums it up, on both accounts.

Personally, if you don't count preseason, I would put my money on the arrest happening first.

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So lets recap

I said a reporter called the club and they said he was not set to appear.

I said I dont know if thats true

you chime in saying "this thread says different"

I show you the post in the very thread you mention

You come back with "Laughable you actually buy that" even after I said I dunno if its true?

May be true may not be true but as I said a respected writer for the Dallas morning news actually researched it and published his findings. Is it true who knows, and really who cares is going to a club against the law?

So lets recap the scenario

Word gets out that PacMan has a flier about a party he will be at where he is going to "Make it Rain"

Media finds out. News hits the wire, Dan Patrick talks about it

Various other people get confirmation this is true

Suddenly his lawyer says PacMan will NOT be there. Reporter calls club owner after this and club owner says Pac Man will not be there

The spin is unbelievable and just downright hilarious. I thought you were smarter then this, but you are a 'Girls fan so I may be giving you too much credit :silly:

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What an absolutely embarrassing move by the Cowboys. I'm glad I root for a franchise that places a premium on class, sure the Giants have had their share of troubled players, but they've never gone out of their way to purposely fill their roster with low lifes. I'm glad Redskin and Eagle fans can say the same about their teams. Honestly speaking, I'd be flat out embarrassed to have this scumbag on my team.

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Its my understanding that the fact that PacMan is still suspended does not stop him traded - the Titans and Cowboys dont have to wait to make the trade official.

Its not a lock that PacMan gets reinstated at this point - he still has some legal cases outstanding and he has not shown any real signs of changing his behaviour.

Bottom line if by some miracle he gets with the programme and stops being an idiot the Cowboys got a steal. Chances of him becoming a responsible adult are pretty slim though - I wonder which comes first his first INT as a Cowboy or his first arrest?

Best Case Scenario:

1. This is true

2. Pacman is traded to the Cowboys for a 7th Rounder and a player undisclosed

3. Goodell does not reinstate Pacman.

4. We cry from laughter at how stupid Dallas would be to trade for a guy who is still suspended and don't know when he will be reinstated.

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Best Case Scenario:

1. This is true

2. Pacman is traded to the Cowboys for a 7th Rounder and a player undisclosed

3. Goodell does not reinstate Pacman.

4. We cry from laughter at how stupid Dallas would be to trade for a guy who is still suspended and don't know when he will be reinstated.

5. Dallas folds under from the humility and never plays another game!!


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If he can stay out of trouble [which is unlikely] we have just upgraded to at least Top 5 trio of Corners. Newman, Henry and Jones!

Also would take our Punt Return game from Average to top notch.

I am reclining myself from making any snap judgements until further notice of his suspension appeal.

But I agree with you here and I absolutely despise your franchise!


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As a Cowboys fan, I dont know about this deal. I had no problems with the TO deal and bringing in Tank, but Pacman is another matter. This guy has major issues and will get into some kind of trouble before the end of the season. Every move he makes will be scrutinized heavily and I dont think he is near mature enough to handle it. Hopefully, he surprises everyone and actually stays clear of trouble, but the dude just seems like way too big of a moron to pull that off.

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As a Cowboys fan, I dont know about this deal. I had no problems with the TO deal and bringing in Tank, but Pacman is another matter. This guy has major issues and will get into some kind of trouble before the end of the season. Every move he makes will be scrutinized heavily and I dont think he is near mature enough to handle it. Hopefully, he surprises everyone and actually stays clear of trouble, but the dude just seems like way too big of a moron to pull that off.

Ya know I will be honest here as well. I was mad that Tank went to Dallas. He wasnt busted for shooting anyone and he wasnt a cancer to the team in my opinion. He got busted with illegal guns that belonged to him but he didnt have permission to bring them across state lines.

That man is a good player in my book and would have been a great run stopper for us..

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Ya know I will be honest here as well. I was mad that Tank went to Dallas. He wasnt busted for shooting anyone and he wasnt a cancer to the team in my opinion. He got busted with illegal guns that belonged to him but he didnt have permission to bring them across state lines.

That man is a good player in my book and would have been a great run stopper for us..

I like Tank, and agree with what you say 100%...I think he could be a very good player, he looked alright last year after a layoff!

Pac on the otherhand I hate it that he is coming to Dallas....just makes me nuts....I just wish we wouldnt go that route....We can draft a nickle back in round 1 or two........and let Henry and Newman start this year (if healthy for Henry)

I am all for 2nd chances and seeing people change their lives for the better....Heck i coached kids that were just thugs (percieved) from the word go, and later they end up graduating form college........I am a fan of people, and I love it when good things happen to people that change up theior lives....I just dont see Pac Man in the mode of wanting to change....:2cents:

And dammit, I wanted to have Shawn Springs for a year.....Are the skins going to cut him june 1?

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As a Cowboys fan, I dont know about this deal. I had no problems with the TO deal and bringing in Tank, but Pacman is another matter. This guy has major issues and will get into some kind of trouble before the end of the season. Every move he makes will be scrutinized heavily and I dont think he is near mature enough to handle it. Hopefully, he surprises everyone and actually stays clear of trouble, but the dude just seems like way too big of a moron to pull that off.

I agree with you totally. Pacman's behaviour has been nothing short of reprehensible and I'm trying hard to convince myself that an NFL owner's responsibility to his fans is to field a winning team, not a team of choirboys. But honestly it will be really hard to root for this guy, no matter how much he claims he's been demonized by the press, there's just too much that has happened. 6 arrests is just too much. He's a heck of a player but what a crappy person.

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dallas signing adam jones is like putting the cookie monster next to a cookie jar. A strip club addict in a strip club "Mecca". There will be crumbs everywhere soon enough.

This just goes to show what a low-life jerry jones has become in the interest of winning a playoff game. It's unfortunate the NFL doesn't promote the idea of character before $$$. A lovely example to set for the kids.

This will make three years in a row that jerry has signed a high talent, low character guy in the interest of winning. Just like with his skill at talent evaluation, it hasn't worked yet, he hasn't learned his lesson, and he'll pretty much end up in the exact same spot he was last year.

Oh well, at least the cowboys fans can take heart that there's no one worse than adam jones for jerry jones to go out and sign next year.

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First, his name is Adam! Everybody makes this loser feel better when he is called by his nickname (unless he legally added Pacman as his middle name). His jersey has the initial "P" before Jones which is also sad. Second, if this trade happens and when the Cowboys come to Washington and gets thier asses handed to them, the sound guy should play "Make it Rain". That would be awesome.

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dallas signing adam jones is like putting the cookie monster next to a cookie jar. A strip club addict in a strip club "Mecca". There will be crumbs everywhere soon enough.

This just goes to show what a low-life jerry jones has become in the interest of winning a playoff game. It's unfortunate the NFL doesn't promote the idea of character before $$$. A lovely example to set for the kids.

This will make three years in a row that jerry has signed a high talent, low character guy in the interest of winning. Just like with his skill at talent evaluation, it hasn't worked yet, he hasn't learned his lesson, and he'll pretty much end up in the exact same spot he was last year.

Oh well, at least the cowboys fans can take heart that there's no one worse than adam jones for jerry jones to go out and sign next year.

I totally forgot that Dallas is the strip club mecca; that is a HUGE temptation there.

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