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Breaking news per NFL Network: Pac Man a Cowboy on Monday,(M.E.T).


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No and the trade can't be officially made while he's suspended but it can be agreed upon by all parties contingent to his reinstatement.

He's going to f up again so I am not worried at all. I'll just sit and chuckle at the sideshow..

He can be traded, I think Chris Mortenson is the only one who has said he cannot, but every other source has explicitedly said he can

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I can't wait until Pacman is one on one with Anthony Mix and he gets isolated. That is either a catch or a PI call. Guaranteed. Lock it up boys.

Yeah an UDFA who has 3 catches for a whopping total of 39 yards (0 last year) is gonna own onw of the leagues better cover corners

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Yeah an UDFA who has 3 catches for a whopping total of 39 yards (0 last year) is gonna own onw of the leagues better cover corners

Who Mr Jones ? One of the leagues better cover corners ? The guy has been out of football for over a year, his attitude stinks, he hasn't learnt a damn thing and when he was with the Titans he has had one good year 2006, impressing most as a damn good punt returner not a CB . In 2006 though he was Mr Highlight real . Titans fans I know would say yes he is exciting to watch on the BIG plays, on BIG plays he is great it is just all the little plays that go past him in between. I have no trouble thinking Mix may give him problems just like every other WR did.

Thing is you can get a PR guy like him in the draft might cost you more than a 7th round pick but less in advil.

The titans gave him every chance to settle down and following early trouble assigned Kieth Bullock as a mentor to whom he blew off reportedly saying “Man, I was the No. 6 overall pick, what can you tell me?”.


I can imagine the Cowboys taking a chance on him but you have to remember just how many failed reclamation projects the NFL has littering the pages of history Ricky Williams and Lawrance Phillips are just two who had countless chances and couldn't change their ways .

Depending on what the Cowboys give up this could be a minor footnote in history . If the cowboys keep winning this will be forgotten, howver its easier to sing when you are winning and there are an awful lot of fragile egos on that team . To me the Boys seem to have alot of explosiveness on the roster already with Glenn, Owens, Johnson and Romo sits to pee add pacman to the mix and that explosiveness may soon become reminiscent of a truck load of nitroglycerin on a moonshine dirt track...

The other thing that I question about this move is this sounds likea desperation move by a CB hungry team but the boys have two solid CB in Newman and Henry (Newman could be the best in the NFC) just like when they traded for Tank they seem to be adding trouble to a position where the benefits are marginal at best but the headaches ... well we will see

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Ergh, not very happy to hear another good corner come into the NFC East. If he's on the field, he can be a game changer as a return man and as a corner.

Makes Dallas a tougher opponent. Although it will be interesting to see how a locker room with T.O., Pacman, and Tank Johnson mixed together works. What's next? Will they bring in Michael Vick to back up Romo sits to pee? :silly:

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Yeah an UDFA who has 3 catches for a whopping total of 39 yards (0 last year) is gonna own onw of the leagues better cover corners

Yeah I'm not getting all the Mix man crushes around here...

Great special teams player, but there's a reason that he didn't catch on anywhere.

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Who Mr Jones ? One of the leagues better cover corners ? The guy has been out of football for over a year

You might as well say the same thing about Mix. Seriously if anyone thinks Mix ia an automatic against Pac man, let alone any starting caliber CB, they're either an extreme homer or have very little football knowlegede outside the skins

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Ergh, not very happy to hear another good corner come into the NFC East. If he's on the field, he can be a game changer as a return man and as a corner.

Makes Dallas a tougher opponent. Although it will be interesting to see how a locker room with T.O., Pacman, and Tank Johnson mixed together works. What's next? Will they bring in Michael Vick to back up Romo sits to pee? :silly:

my question...

how long has pacman been sitting out?

how long during that time was he training?

how much of it boozing?

that matters...

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Depending on what the Cowboys give up this could be a minor footnote in history . If the cowboys keep winning this will be forgotten, howver its easier to sing when you are winning and there are an awful lot of fragile egos on that team . To me the Boys seem to have alot of explosiveness on the roster already with Glenn, Owens, Johnson and Romo sits to pee add pacman to the mix and that explosiveness may soon become reminiscent of a truck load of nitroglycerin on a moonshine dirt track...

Who are all the fragile egos?


Glenn- Has been in the past but has been great the past 5 yrs. Very likely he won't even come back to play next yr.

Most professional athletes have fragile egos but I'm not sure who you include in the "awful lot of fragile egos"that are going to potentially disrupt the Boys.

"Explosive" players? I guess you mean those who are going to cause problems w/in the team.

TO- yes

Glenn- see above answer

Johnson- with more lax gun laws in TX he will probably be just fine. I don't believe I read anything but positives about him as a teammate. If he goes gun crazy, I doubt the team would fall apart losing a back up NT.

Romo sits to pee- Love to hear what you base this one on. I guess you could argue players were mad he was in Mexico before the playoffs. The media loves the ratings/distribution that goes with anything Cowboy-related but I seriously doubt few if any of the players could care less if Romo sits to pee relaxed with his girl in Mexico or his back yard.

In reality, the Cowboys are a rather laid back team that doesn't have a ton of explosive, Type A personalities. Especially, when you look at the "stars" of the team who generally set the culture of the lockerroom.

Romo sits to pee- aw shucks kind of guy that is hard not to like

Adams & Davis - big OL that don't say much of anything

Witten- another good old country boy

Ware- slowly coming into a role as a leader, opposite of say Merriman

Newman- has the credentials and has tried to show some leadership

Ellis- thrust into trying to be a leader due to the youth of the team but really is more of a leader by example

Probably the main reason Z. Thomas was signed was to bring some leadership to this defense. They are too docile as a bunch and need someone to kick them in the pants.

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my question...

how long has pacman been sitting out?

how long during that time was he training?

how much of it boozing?

that matters...

This is a possibility Mike, but it's also possible that he's been keeping himself in shape. All he needs is the OTAs, TC, and preseason and he's easily a nickelback already. A couple games into the season, he could work his way into the starting lineup. He's a pretty decent corner, and he could do even better as a #2, considering he was the #1 in Tennessee. I'm not saying all is lost, I'm just saying he may have made Dallas alittle tougher on the field.

Although I'd love for the possibility that he's let himself go and rendered himself completely useless to be the reality in this case. Much easier on us, and makes Dallas look more the fool.


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I totally feel you there. But I believe it is a 50/50 shot after reading the interview he did on Irvin's radio show. He still sounds defiant and like he doesnt have to do what he doesnt want to do.

Maybe its hopeful wishing too. I wish him well as a human and wish he would straighten his life up, but I know that people of his caliber (attracted to danger) dont usually do that the first time in trouble.

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I totally feel you there. But I believe it is a 50/50 shot after reading the interview he did on Irvin's radio show. He still sounds defiant and like he doesnt have to do what he doesnt want to do.

I have to agree with you BM. At first, when I heard about the possibility, I have to admit my first instinct (a very biased one at that) is tha the Cowboys have the support structure in place to change this kid.

But, after listening to two different radio interviews, I am convinced that this kid doesn't get it. I just don't see any change in the thug/punk attitude. I go into this thing hoping for the best but expecting the worst. At this point, I have absolutely no confidence that this kid is ready to change and will end up being a huge mistake for the Cowboys.

I promise that if I'm wrong about this, I will be the first to own up to it. But I have to side with the naysayers on this one. It's like watching someone at a craps table rolling the dice one too many times. You see it coming, but there's nothing you can do to stop it.

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I have to agree with you BM. At first, when I heard about the possibility, I have to admit my first instinct (a very biased one at that) is tha the Cowboys have the support structure in place to change this kid.

But, after listening to two different radio interviews, I am convinced that this kid doesn't get it. I just don't see any change in the thug/punk attitude. I go into this thing hoping for the best but expecting the worst. At this point, I have absolutely no confidence that this kid is ready to change and will end up being a huge mistake for the Cowboys.

I promise that if I'm wrong about this, I will be the first to own up to it. But I have to side with the naysayers on this one. It's like watching someone at a craps table rolling the dice one too many times. You see it coming, but there's nothing you can do to stop it.

I haven't listened to the interviews yet, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like there has been a dramatic change in Jones's demeanor or attitude on the subject. He still seems to be the same guy who thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.

While I'll admit Dallas has managed to take on some problem players before, these guys of recent times haven't had nearly the violent problem streak that Jones has had. He might be one of those guys like Lawrence Philips who has gone down the point of no return, which for his sake I hope not.

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I haven't listened to the interviews yet, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like there has been a dramatic change in Jones's demeanor or attitude on the subject. He still seems to be the same guy who thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.

While I'll admit Dallas has managed to take on some problem players before, these guys of recent times haven't had nearly the violent problem streak that Jones has had. He might be one of those guys like Lawrence Philips who has gone down the point of no return, which for his sake I hope not.

It's tough to say with this kid. If you listen to him, it's as if he is just mouthing the words of saying things that he thinks people want to hear. Like he's just putting on an act long enough to get traded and off suspension. But I don't think he honestly thinks that he did anything wrong or that there is any problem with his lifestyle choices.

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It's tough to say with this kid. If you listen to him, it's as if he is just mouthing the words of saying things that he thinks people want to hear. Like he's just putting on an act long enough to get traded and off suspension. But I don't think he honestly thinks that he did anything wrong or that there is any problem with his lifestyle choices.

On a humanity side I hope he DOES get it. The only thing out there for him is trouble/prison/death. I dont want to see any man or woman go down that path. But I know that with anyone who loves trouble and that lifestyle that they dont just learn by a slap on the wrist.

I really hope that Im wrong but I dunno...

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I thought maybe this fanbase would be above comments like this, considering who we just lost and how bad he was viewed via the media machine. I guess not.

Everyone deserves a chance to grow up, why should Pac Man be any different?

Tank Johnson, now Pac Man Jones...the Boys have just added yet another defensive weapon that COULD mature and be tops at their position.

This guy had a meeting w/ the NFL commissioner early in the morning about all the hang-ups he has been through over the last 12 months. Yet he decides to go to the strip club the night before? "I just wanted to grab something to eat..." He is on his own level w/ respect to "negative" media attention.

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On a humanity side I hope he DOES get it. The only thing out there for him is trouble/prison/death. I dont want to see any man or woman go down that path. But I know that with anyone who loves trouble and that lifestyle that they dont just learn by a slap on the wrist.

I really hope that Im wrong but I dunno...

I hear that! It is sad because these kids don't realize how the window of opportunity will pass them by so quickly. Pacman will get one more chance somewhere in the NFL, but if he screws it up, his career will be over.

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I hear that! It is sad because these kids don't realize how the window of opportunity will pass them by so quickly. Pacman will get one more chance somewhere in the NFL, but if he screws it up, his career will be over.

I know that if I had ever had even the slightest chance after HS to continue my football "career" I would have taken it in a heartbeat!!

People like Sean Taylor, Ray Lewis, Vick, Pacman, AI just can't leave it alone. I would take my close friends aside and be like, "Look, I am about to make millions here and I want all of you along for the ride. But you HAVE to stop screwing up and we will NOT be living in this neighborhood again." And that would be that. Out of sight, out of mind.

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