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where were you when.....(ST related)


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Don't open it then? :doh:

Here you go, now it's worthwhile to you ;):


Oh MCD5, you just set up the bottles and we just shoot them off the fence post. It's too easy with you some times. Rdskn4Lyf just posted the funniest post on here in a while. All the while you continue to put your garbage on here with that losing sig! It's too funny. I hope Betts is involved in a big WR or draft pick trade. Not because i don't like him, but just I can read the responses to the thread you will post.

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living WAY OUTSIDE of the normal fan base of this team i lost touch of it for a few years when i was younger bcause of developing my career and starting my family....

then schott came and peaked my interest ....

when joe came back i rededicated myself to following the best team in the NFL.

when i saw sean play after joe drafted him.... i thought.....oh my god they have drafted dexter manly to play safety......

thats who sean always reminded me of with his visciousness of play....

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can we please stop with these threads? i want to remember sean like everyone else, but im sick of these threads about his death. thats a day i dont want to relive and im sure the same goes for everyone else. so please let us remember sean for his life and not dwell on his death

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I was in class when I saw it on a news site. The next morning I was in bed, sleeping before class, when my brother called me and left the message that Taylor had passed away and how we should pray for his family and thank God that Joe Gibbs was there to lead the team through this...I still have the voicemail saved on my phone...I don't think I can bring myself to erase it anytime in the near future.

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or, you could just not click on the thread? it's not rocket science. so many topics are discussed ad nauseum here, we would need 103 different sections if our goal is what you are saying here.

OR they could just make a section and make everyone happy. It's pretty obvious I'm not the only one who thinks we should respectfully move on and let the guy rest in peace.

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I was typing on Extremeskins, discussing something else... I work night shift, so I was at work when it was announced he died. I told the rest of the crew. They were surprised.

I think it's just me, but I guess losing your parents, most of your aunts and uncles and some of your cousins in the last 8 years or so has made me sort of conditioned when I hear about death. Honestly, I just didn't have the same reaction that some of you had about Sean Taylor's death. I didn't fall to my knees. I didn't cry. I didn't even watch the funeral service because I don't like funerals. I've been to too many of them to know I don't like them. My reaction about Sean Taylor's death was: I was surprised, I reflected, and I moved on. It took all of a minute or two. It's become easy to do that. I believe I've become a zombie when I hear about deaths, and when I heard about Taylor it didn't phase me. I don't know if it was because I never met the man and can separate my personal life from sports or music or whatever interests me, 'll never know. All I know is it's just the way I roll....

It's been a little interesting reading some of the reactions of people about this whole thing. I must admit I've been a little surprised. It had me thinking if I should have reacted in the same way. Should I have been more sad about the whole thing? I mean, after all, he was a great football player who played for the Redskins, my favorite sports team. It has, however, kind of made me think about how serious I take the Redskins or sports in general. Maybe I'm not as hardcore of a fan as I thought I was. Does it make me less of a fan because I didn't have the same reaction that a lot of you here had? Do I have things in perspective? Am I just insensitive? I don't know.

Anyway, sorry about going off on a tangent like that. I just had to get that off my chest.

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OR they could just make a section and make everyone happy. It's pretty obvious I'm not the only one who thinks we should respectfully move on and let the guy rest in peace.

yeah, i've seen 3 or 4 in this thread. fact is there are probably a lot more, but they wisely choose to just not click on the thread.

by your logic, in the past year or two, we would have added the following sections:

1. fire joe gibbs section

2. snyder sell the team section

3. it's mark brunell's fault section

4. crazy trade idea section

5. the refs have it in for us section

6. trade betts section

7. trade portis section

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1. fire joe gibbs section

2. snyder sell the team section

3. it's mark brunell's fault section

4. crazy trade idea section

5. the refs have it in for us section

6. trade betts section

7. trade portis section

You left out the "Media is against us" section

Look, there may be too many ST threads on ES at any given time. But you have to remember a couple of things.

A)- It's the offseason & we haven't done ANYTHING. Which is not usual for us. You can only talk about speculation so much

B)- The draft hasnt happened yet.

C)- He was a lot of people's favorite player, and pro atheletes don't usually die in the prime of their careers in the middle of the season.

Add to that, posting that "there are too many ST threads" in an ST thread does nothing except keep that thread on the front page. It amazes me the number of people on this site who will click on a thread (ANY thread) just to whine about it.....

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i went to the sendoff on saturday at redskins park, it was a beautiful day, and we always had a decent group up there for the send off. the team was traveling to tampa, and as we all knew sean wasn't traveling.

as we were waiting permission to go up and send the team off, sean stopped by the gravel lot, honked his horn, flashed his big smile and threw up the peace sign and rolled out.

monday when i got the news that he was shot, i left work, made a sign, got candles and went to redskins park for the vigil.


i went out for a little bit after that to clear my mind, which didnt work at all.

i feared going to sleep, i didnt want to wake up to bad news. i eventually nodded off around 3am, still with no news. i get up for work at 6, and when i checked cnn.com at 6am, i saw the news. i couldn't believe that we were seeing our seans face, and "has passed away" in the headline, as breaking news.

i threw up, called my brother to tell him, and cried like i lost a family member. i called my close friends and left them such sad messages. i made another board, it said, "rest in paradise #21", showered, and spent 14 hours the day that he passed away at redskins park. i didnt know what else to do or where to go. i needed to be with fellow skins fans.


i miss him so much :(


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I was in the swimming pool in Jamaica on vacation, wearing my Skins cap. Another Skins fan saw my cap and told me that ST had been shot. All of the updates I could get said that he was shot in the leg, so I figured no big deal. The next morning we talked again and the dude told me that he heard that ST had improved a bunch overnight and that he'd be OK. Then about 1 hour later, another guy saw my hat, asked if I had heard that ST just died! I was like, WTF?????? It was just reported a little while ago that he'd be OK :(

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A co-worker told me about the shooting Monday morning. I stayed up late watching Comcast Sports for the latest and the news was positive when I finally turned in. Listening to NPR in the shower Tuesday morning when they said "Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor..." and I knew right then. Worst f*%$ing shower ever and I'm 6'4" and have stayed in many a cheap hotel so I've had a lot of bad showers...

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