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where were you when.....(ST related)


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I was at work, and it was one of the few days in which I didn't have time to check ES often. So, I sometimes listen to John Thompson on WTEM and they came back on from commercial, and mentioned the news. I had to do a double take, like are you kidding me? The next few hours, I just felt like a zombie walking around, just in sheer shock. Not real sadness, but shock. I was thinking, maybe this was how Terps fans felt when the news of Len Bias' demise spread. As for the next morning, I found out about Sean Taylor's death on WTOP sometime after 6am. I leave for work no later than 5:45am, and was stunned to hear about his death considering the early news reports when I got in my car that morning stated the same thing we heard the night before about his condition improving. I actually wore my Redskins golf shirt that day, out of support, but never thought that later that day I'd be in mourning. I guess it's like 9/11 for me, you'll never forget when and where you were when you heard the news. It was a tragic event, and I don't wish that on anybody or any team's fans, even the Cowboys.

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At work (of course). My sister called me at about 11 am to tell me.

The next day I had a dark feeling he was gone and didn't want to look on the computer. I said a prayer that he was still alive, but when I got to work at 6:50 am, my friend told me he was gone. The darkness outside, the scary wind and way it was outside early that morning and pit in my stomach had already told me, though...I already knew. It's like my mind knows it, but my heart still never wants to believe it, just like with my family who has passed on.

We all grieve differently. MDRedskinsfan mentioned Len Bias. I was an avid Md basketball fan and basketball fan in general even at only age 13, but since Len Bias passed, I have not watched basketball since. IMO, no one has a right to tell anyone else how to grieve or when to get over something. This team means a lot to us or we wouldn't be on this website so much. Sean Taylor represented the essence of this team, and I for one will always mourn him and never forget him. Sharing these things is therapeutic, and I'm grateful I have folks like you guys who care like me and still miss him so much.

Unless someone wants to form a Redskins Grief Support Group place for these types of posts, I think people should just not post in them if they are tired of them, and let the grievers grieve the way they want to. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one, those who know me know my own brother passed away 2 weeks after Sean did, and 4 months from his death, is NOT going to mean you are over it. :2cents:

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I was at work and saw it as an ESPN headline while I was on break. Before I went to bed they talked about how he had movement and was getting better, so I rested a little easier that night. Woke up at 5 to go to work and heard it on the radio, the whole day at work I felt this heavy feeling in my stomach, I couldn't believe it. To this day it's still very hard to believe, and so unfortunate...I watched him play since his freshman days at UM and not being able to see someone of his ability play anymore is terrible. Even more so that he left behind a little baby girl, so sad

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The one day I went on espn.com before i came on here. I ALWAYS come on here first. I was in my dorm, skipped class cause I just couldn't... move... and then put on my ST 21 jersey, and wore that all day and the next day. I saw the robbery and shooting news on ESPN. I saw the death news on here, with all of you.

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I didnt feel good that day and I stayed home and I got on the computer and it said he was shot but it wasnt breaking news or anything so I thought it wasnt way way serious and it was more of an accident like getting shot in the foot. Sadly I was way way wrong.

I'm not making little of someone getting shot just saying things happen and a lot of people have survived gunshot wounds.

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i was on my way to a six a.m sales meeting......i was at the corner facing a walmart about to take a right turn....when suddenly the announcement on espn radio came across ... at first you here them start talkin about Sean and then when the words "has died" was spoken I HONESTLY FELT LIKE A CLOSE FRIEND HAD DIED.... AND I NEVER EVEN SAW HIM PLAY IN PERSON.......The ironic thing is my dad and i had gone to our first ever game...on the 26th of november down in Tampa....(shout out to MONKART, AND ALL THE GREAT PEOPLE WE MET!) i went from the high of finally seeing my lifelong favorite team although we had 100 turnovers, to simply stunned, numb and in complete disbelief....... i immediately text messaged one of my best friends who happens to be a dallas fan and simply said...."he died)...i will never forget that morning as long as i live..........

Sorry for the long response , but im glad the question was asked because i needed to tell my own story......

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i have already posted mine but i just now looked back in detail of how i found out. Sean is my favorite player behind ed reed and ray lewis, the text came right before school and i already knew what it would say. it said "dude.....he died." im getting teary eyed thinking about it. miss you sean.

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I had just come home to grab a few things before my next classes. Got on the computer to check out ES and I saw what had happened. I was really pretty pissed off and scared. I put on some Skins gear and left for class and thought about it all night. when I found out Sean had passed away I lost it the next morning.

At least he is in a better place now. Hopefully one day we will all have the privilege of meeting him too.

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This is getting out of hand why is there a new Sean Taylor thread every day.I mean I'm getting sick of coming here.I'm still sick over his death and wish he was still here.Which makes it harder and harder to come to ES anymore.Enough is enough he is dead let him rest in peace.Yes it's nice to remember him, but come on how many damn threads do we need.

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just leaving a customers location, with a big smile because we had just won some business from our competitor.

got in the car and heard it on the "out of bounds" show on fox radio. that guy eddie garcia had just broken the news.

uhgg, what an aweful feeling that was for the next two weeks.

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I was sleeping. Brother woke me up to the news. Couldn't go back to sleep.

Same here.. I remember being so confused because we had just gotten a report that he had awaken, i believe, the night before. I still can't believe it.

Life is good at throwing us curve balls.

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Right after the first class of the day one of my friends came in from outside and told me Sean had been shot. He is a big Giants fan and we mess around with each other a lot and he knew I was obsessed with ST, so I thought he was messing with me. But he got another girl from his class to tell me it was true, so I sat infront of the TV in the cafeteria watching and there was nothing about it so I went to my government class outside in a trailer. The more I sat there the more I thought it was true so I walked outside and in the trailer next to ours the door was open and the teacher had the news on and they were talking about ST. I was in shock and my friend saw me and came out to talk to me, even though hes a Eagles fan. It was an awful the rest of the day checking up on the news and stuff just to wake up the next morning with the worst possible thing happening. And I know I need to get new friends.

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This is getting out of hand why is there a new Sean Taylor thread every day.I mean I'm getting sick of coming here.I'm still sick over his death and wish he was still here.Which makes it harder and harder to come to ES anymore.Enough is enough he is dead let him rest in peace.Yes it's nice to remember him, but come on how many damn threads do we need.

I agree. We should really stop with the ST threads. I know it is hard but we have to move on. Everytime I check this site(pretty much everyday) there is a new ST thread. And everytime I see a thread with ST's name on it, it reminds me of the tragedy and I have to go through the pain of realizing that my favorite player of all time is no longer with us because of a few dumbass, mother****in kids who were too lazy to get a damn job and earn money.

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This is getting a little repetitive, MODS should really make a Sean Taylor section on ES so people can go there to discuss all things Sean Taylor. That way those of us that want to move on and not have to log on to ES and see another ST thread can and those of us who want to talk about him whenever they fell can too.

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I know there have been a million and one threads about Sean Taylor, but I got to thinking and........ where were you when you heard the news that Sean had been shot. I was riding in my car listening to WFAN (NY sports radio) when I heard that he was shot in the leg. When I first heard the news, although I obviously didn't want to hear he was shot, I was releived to hear it was in his leg as oppossed to his chest. As the day progressed, the news just kept getting worse. :(

On the train headed back to Charlotte. My mom called me, and told me he was shot and I was like he'll be ok, maybe just a couple weeks and he'll be back on the field. Then she told me later on that he might not make it and I started getting scared. Therest I don't wanna discuss, it just saddens me too much.

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This is getting a little repetitive, MODS should really make a Sean Taylor section on ES so people can go there to discuss all things Sean Taylor. That way those of us that want to move on and not have to log on to ES and see another ST thread can and those of us who want to talk about him whenever they fell can too.

or, you could just not click on the thread? it's not rocket science. so many topics are discussed ad nauseum here, we would need 103 different sections if our goal is what you are saying here.

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