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where were you when.....(ST related)


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Wow in the past week since there has been no Redskins news. We have been reduced to fans lamenting about this non stop. Between folks getting tatoos, visiting the grave site, jersey retirement, street names, statues. Can you let the man rest in peace. I understand the anniversary of his death or when his killers go to trial. But every day there is something along these lines and its time to bring it to a close.
To each his own I guess.

And actually, it is the four month anniversary.


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Wow in the past week since there has been no Redskins news. We have been reduced to fans lamenting about this non stop. Between folks getting tatoos, visiting the grave site, jersey retirement, street names, statues. Can you let the man rest in peace. I understand the anniversary of his death or when his killers go to trial. But every day there is something along these lines and its time to bring it to a close.

You do know some people handle things best by talking about them. Since this IS a message board, what do you see inappropriate with that?

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Wow in the past week since there has been no Redskins news. We have been reduced to fans lamenting about this non stop. Between folks getting tatoos, visiting the grave site, jersey retirement, street names, statues. Can you let the man rest in peace. I understand the anniversary of his death or when his killers go to trial. But every day there is something along these lines and its time to bring it to a close.

did you watch the guy play on Sundays? How are we supposed to not think about the guy all the time. So many people idolized the guy. #21 will never cease to be in my heart. As long as nobody is talking about digging up his grave then he is resting in peace just fine.

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I guess my point is can we focus on other redskins related matters? Theres a draft comming up. We didnt make anymoves in the offseason. We have a new coach. Something to stimulate the conversation around here.

We can always start another "Sign ----" or "Trade for -----" thread....

Yeah, most topics are beat into the ground right now, but it's the offseason. That said, I'll read/talk about anything Redskins given the chance.

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Was at school on the computer. Came on ES and saw a few threads about ST, things like "Everything just changed" and "What now (ST related)". The fact that he was shot was the furthest thing from my mind. Then I actually saw a clear thread title.

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I was at work actually. Someone came & got me and said..."some player for the Redskins has been shot..but I'm not sure who...I think they said his name was Taylor". I was like...:wtf: . And then I saw the report for myself and sent my b-i-l a text to inform him and he said the same thing. WTF?

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I don't remember when I heard he was shot but I did get woken up the next morning by a text message from a Giants fan telling me he died. He's a good friend of mine so it wasn't mean spirited or anything but that's a hell of a way to start your day. I think I actually went back to sleep for a few hours hoping it wasn't true.

I kept the message for long time but I finally had to delete it because every time I stumbled across it, I felt it all over again. Anyway, thanks for my daily dose of depression.

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I was walking back from lunch at school and two of my friends said they herd it and i thought they were kidding so i went to the computer lab and saw it was true and just walked out to my car and went home didnt care bout school or ne thing else and just watched tv all day.....terrible day

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I had just gotten back to Virginia Tech, and I had driven and listened to CDs/Mp3s the whole time on the day the news broke.

I got back and was in total disbelief, my friends know I'm a 'skins fan, and asked me if I'd heard. They didn't know the details, but said a Washington safety had been shot in the groin. Then someone said it was Sean Taylor, and I'm like "No way guys, that was Laron Landry, and it was just a paintball gun." referring to the paintball incidence from before the season started....

Then I got on ES

After that I just kind of, I dunno, I just kept hoping for the best, and well, we know what happened.

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Never idolize an athlete. It's a mistake. Because none of them are Saints. Many people think of ST the same way we think of Ocho or D Hall. None of them are idols.

What does that have to do with the Post starter's question though?

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We need to let it go. We all love ST but time to move on

Personally, I don't think you should tell people when they need to move on. Obvisously people are still mourning and they want to talk about it. If you want to move on then don't read the thread. Thanks.


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