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Would you take a really boring job if it paid very well?


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You will ultimately make more money in the long run doing something you like. Your young. If you can live on the lower salary to start, and it's something you enjoy, go for it. You'll perform better and chances are moving up will come much easier. You really need to consider work/life balance when you start out and work to a place that allows you to be happy in both.

Good advice here. You're young and apparently have a good resume. Keep looking for a job that is satisfying doing something you are passionate about and the money will come.

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When I was young and my focus was on career, only if the higher paying job advanced my career goals. Now that I am older and have other responsibilities, 20K might be enough to make me jump.

I guess I don't really know what it is I want to do.

I know I am interested in Politics, especially IR with Middle East. But its hard to get your foot in the door. If only I had spent more time trying to learn Arabic:doh:

So did you all ever find out what it is that you like to do? Did it take you a while?

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I guess I don't really know what it is I want to do.

I know I am interested in Politics, especially IR with Middle East. But its hard to get your foot in the door. If only I had spent more time trying to learn Arabic:doh:

So did you all ever find out what it is that you like to do? Did it take you a while?

When i was 16-17 I wanted to be a programmer, when i was 18, and now at 19, I want to be an aerospace engineer. next year i'll probably joing the circus though:whoknows:
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I would say take the job that makes you happy. I figure you spend a lot of time working in your life so you better do something you like. I am in a similar situation to you. I only have 38 days of school left and I don't have a clue as to what I am going to do. I'd like to do something involving art, but who knows.

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I have done both. I had the job that I loved but didnt pay for shucks and I enjoyed it for 5 years. I was a cabinet maker and finish carpenter. But I have a son and bills and in the end computers and major corporations are where the money is at. You get the retirement/insurance as well.

So yeah, I am that guy with the boring job, but I get to play carpenter though still one day a week.

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Good question. As someone said, depends on percentage change. I'm happy: I make enough money to live in a nice apartment (I live in Ballston, don't have a car), PLUS I like my job, and there are a lot of people my age where I work.

I'm content :)

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I am a data entry guy (I don't know the actual job title). I just sit there all day and punch in names, addresses, and social security numbers. Its only my second day and im already starting to go crazy.

I honestly doubt that you will be paid $49.000 a year to do data entry. You need to find out just what that job is, with whom you will be working, as well as where you will be working.

In short you need lots more information about any potential job at this Union before you make a decision.

Also, I have lived on $20.000 a year and $49.000 a year, and I can tell you it's a hell of a lot more easy with 49.

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I think its worth it.

I have a desk job where I literally do an two hours of work a WEEK. You talk about bored... I can't tell you how many times I hit the refresh button on ESPN.com or any other websites I go to on a daily basis.

My job calls me for me being busy about one week out of the month. Once that week comes and goes my job is basically to wait. I also do annoying tasks for this troll that sits next to me. The job is obviously VERY layed back, but at times its downright boring. Im the type of person who basically does what he has to do and goes home. Others at my work basically do the same besides the troll sitting next to me who constantly is reading or kissing the bosses butt.

So I would say take it. 20K extra a year can make a boring job alright because you know how your bank account is looking.

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I did it. Im happy with my decision. For now.

The work is boring as ****, but the people are cool and i dont work very hard. So i have the time and the resources to pursue my interests outside of work.

At the same time, im trying to get into grad school because i cant picture myself here forever.

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Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant taking the full time job, if offered, with the intentions of only staying there until you get a job on the hill. Or using your time at the new gig to apply for hill jobs.

If the employer wants him to enter into a long term arrangement then they should offer him a contract. If they hire him at-will, then he has every right to look out for himself and seek other opportunities if he chooses. Nothing unethical about it.

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I would jab myself in the eye with a toothpick for eight hours a day if it meant 20K more in my salary. Good god, that is a no-brainer.

With two kids and the wife staying home, every extra penny is a godsend. My Annual review is actually this week and I am praying for just a 5% raise.

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If the employer wants him to enter into a long term arrangement then they should offer him a contract. If they hire him at-will, then he has every right to look out for himself and seek other opportunities if he chooses. Nothing unethical about it.

I got no problems with, heck I recommended he do it. But I do know some people that feel an obligation when they sign on for a job and feel bad not being there the whole way. :whoknows:

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I did it. I went to do marketing communications for a law firm because it paid so well and I have never been so miserable in my life! All the money in the world could not make me like this job.

Totally agree with Paige. I took a $10,000 pay cut just to get out of my last job! And we're talking base salary of $40,000 down to $30,000 (both sales jobs with opp for commission). I would work myself up so much in the mornings that I would be throwing up for 10 minutes before I even left my house out of anxiety. Then I would go to work and my boss would berate me and tell me how to do everything, when I knew how to do more than her. It was a horrible situation. Yeah, I had the title and pay, but money isn't everything. The best decision I ever made was to leave that job. I had to put in some serious work and start from the very bottom of my new job, but was recently promoted to a supervisor position and am pretty much back at the level of pay I had when I left my last job. Looking back on it, I would rather endure 40 hours of torture a week than to go back to the way things were.

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Guest sith lord

In a heartbeat. I probably have the most boring job on the planet, but it pays OK with good benefits so I'm satisfied.

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Totally agree with Paige. I took a $10,000 pay cut just to get out of my last job! And we're talking base salary of $40,000 down to $30,000 (both sales jobs with opp for commission). I would work myself up so much in the mornings that I would be throwing up for 10 minutes before I even left my house out of anxiety. Then I would go to work and my boss would berate me and tell me how to do everything, when I knew how to do more than her. It was a horrible situation. Yeah, I had the title and pay, but money isn't everything. The best decision I ever made was to leave that job. I had to put in some serious work and start from the very bottom of my new job, but was recently promoted to a supervisor position and am pretty much back at the level of pay I had when I left my last job. Looking back on it, I would rather endure 40 hours of torture a week than to go back to the way things were.

Sales and marketing is terrible. Some people love it. I call them evil souls.

J/k but I have gotten many sales and marketing offers and the benefits suck unless you sell a lot. I hate being harrassed by car salesman etc..So I could never do that to others. Especially, when all it is is straight up lying to someone so they buy something they can't afford and don't need.

Looks like everyone is mixed. I appreciate the responses from all.:cheers:

Personally, I am gonna look for a job that I think I might enjoy more while working at this one. Im still a temp for the next 4 months anyway...

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I'd defintely go for a lower paying job I love rather than a higher paying one that is just...well...a job. If you love your job, you're more likely to work harder & progress to a higher pay level than if you're just going through the motions to get to the end of the day. :2cents:

I could make so much more if I didn't work in the school system, but I love what I do & don't see me going anywhere anytime soon.

ETA: Didn't see the question about making my choice of career...I worked as a govt contractor for 8 years (decent pay, ok work, cool group of people to work for/with) before going back to school to become a speech-language pathologist. I was about 30 when I started back to school for my master's degree. So for me, it took a bit of time to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. :silly:


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I agree with the practical people who said it's just a job! Take the job with the money. It would be a different story if you were talking about a very stressful job or something that kept you 60-80 hours per week, or a workplace full of a-holes. Boring, you can handle. As soon as you step out the door, do things that are not boring with the extra money.

Everybody talks about doing something you love. That's pretty much pie in the sky talk for 95% of people. If you love your job, good for you, but you're in a tiny minority. Even doing something you want to do full time, for pay, may not end up being a "job you love." This has happened to several people I know. I like my job because it pays me pretty good money, not because I love doing it. And for the people who say I should find something I love; I don't know of anywhere that will pay me to play with my kids, watch football, build rockets, and drink alcohol. (BTW If anyone knows of a job opening like this, PM me immediately)

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And for the people who say I should find something I love; I don't know of anywhere that will pay me to play with my kids, watch football, build rockets, and drink alcohol. (BTW If anyone knows of a job opening like this, PM me immediately)

well said :laugh:

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i'm sort of facing the same decision, my man.

i am a teacher / football coach / middle school athletic director.

i could drive to loudoun county, make about 10-12k more, without coaching or being AD, just teaching.

but the drive sucks balls, i have a lot of pride in this community (i grew up here and love the area), so many teachers leave here for there that i wonder who will teach my kids if they all go.

but in the end, i may HAVE to go just to be able to pay the bills, since my taxes are skyrocketing thanks to all the people moving here from loudoun county and other dc metro areas.

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