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Gov Elliot Spitzer's ho & Emperor's Club website revealed!


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In one picture, she looks like Lucas' fiancee' on One Tree Hill.

Sorry, I just got gay there for a second.

Uh-oh. I'm not sure this thread will survive the One Ghey Hill reference.

In all seriousness though, Spitzer didn't even remember what she looked like. Imagine that? According to the wiretap he asked the service to remind him what she looked like. He bought so many girls that he couldn't even remember 'em.

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Take a look at the hits on her latest song.

1.5 million total.

218 thousand so far today ... before 8:00 in the morning.

Not my kind of music necessarily, but turns out the girl can actually sing a little. Given that and the sudden notoriety, I'd say Ms. Dupre is well on her way to an instant musical career.

Is this a great country or what.


EDIT: Holy ****. In the minute or two it took me to write the above post, today's hit counter on her song went from 218,000 to 242,500. By the time I finish this edit, given that NYC and the east coast is just waking up, and that it's still pre-dawn in CA ... my guess is it's well over 260K.

Over/under on hits by the end of the day (assuming her page doesn't crash) ... 1.5 million.

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she is fine but not $5000 fine....I would drop $200 but that is about it.

you are not paying $5k just for sex.... you are also paying for 1. your anonymity and 2. for unsafe sex -- he is not required to use any protection -- that itself increases the price

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