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US News and World Report: Clinton, "I would not accept a caucus"


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On a "do-over" in Florida and Michigan, which held nominating contests that broke Democratic Party rules

I would not accept a caucus. I think that would be a great disservice to the 2 million people who turned out and voted. I think that they want their votes counted. And you know a lot of people would be disenfranchised because of the timing and whatever the particular rules were. This is really going to be a serious challenge for the Democratic Party because the voters in Michigan and Florida are the ones being hurt, and certainly with respect to Florida the Democrats were dragged into doing what they did by a Republican governor and a Republican Legislature. They didn't have any choice whatsoever. And I don't think that there should be any do-over or any kind of a second run in Florida. I think Florida should be seated.

Author: Kenneth T. Walsh

Source: US News and World Report

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AWESOME!! Every day just gets better and better..

I was worried that Obama was going to be able to get the Michigan state libs to force through a caucus which he always can manipulate.

Now democrats get to spend 40 million dollars to vote again in Michigan and Florida!!


for all the Empty Messiah Obamaniacs- looks like your electoral math is not working out quite as you predicted so arrogantly one week ago!! :applause:

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AWESOME!! Every day just gets better and better..

I was worried that Obama was going to be able to get the Michigan state libs to force through a caucus which he always can manipulate.

Now democrats get to spend 40 million dollars to vote again in Michigan and Florida!!


for all the Empty Messiah Obamaniacs- looks like your electoral math is not working out quite as you predicted so arrogantly one week ago!! :applause:



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As to the two posters above- it would help when you discuss issues if you actually knew the facts about what you were talking about.

It is OBAMA who has won nearly every caucus and lost the large primaries, not Clinton. Clinton in the case of Michigan is rejecting a caucus, and demanding a primary.

Also, Obama WAS on the ballot on Florida- he wasn't on the ballot in Michigan. But why let facts get in the way of an argument right?

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As to the two posters above- it would help when you discuss issues if you actually knew the facts about what you were talking about.

It is OBAMA who has won nearly every caucus and lost the large primaries, not Clinton. Clinton in the case of Michigan is rejecting a caucus, and demanding a primary.

Also, Obama WAS on the ballot on Florida- he wasn't on the ballot in Michigan. But why let facts get in the way of an argument right?

Man, you are bitter. :(

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AWESOME!! Every day just gets better and better..

I was worried that Obama was going to be able to get the Michigan state libs to force through a caucus which he always can manipulate.

Now democrats get to spend 40 million dollars to vote again in Michigan and Florida!!


for all the Empty Messiah Obamaniacs- looks like your electoral math is not working out quite as you predicted so arrogantly one week ago!! :applause:

You sir are so humble! No arrogance ever spewing from your keyboard.:rolleyes:

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Also, Obama WAS on the ballot on Florida- he wasn't on the ballot in Michigan.

I meant Michigan, not Florida. Same difference. Obama wasn't even on the ballot of one of the states we're talking about. That's the point.

Hillary is going to be beating the 'let those two states count' drum for the rest of the primary. Obama will respond with 'if we're going to change the rules mid-primary, let's have an actual vote.'

In the end, I suspect it will stand as is.

But why let facts get in the way of an argument right?

That's funny coming from you.

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AWESOME!! Every day just gets better and better..

I was worried that Obama was going to be able to get the Michigan state libs to force through a caucus which he always can manipulate.

Now democrats get to spend 40 million dollars to vote again in Michigan and Florida!!


for all the Empty Messiah Obamaniacs- looks like your electoral math is not working out quite as you predicted so arrogantly one week ago!! :applause:

In one of the last threads you posted:

"Not surprisingly the Obamanation is either woefully naive or just ignorant of the world around us.

You can simply parrot the Obama talking point that he is still ahead in pledged delegates (by less than 100 out of 4,000 available).

But you are either leaving out on purpose or just clueless to the fact that even if Clinton can't win on pledged delegates, NEITHER CAN OBAMA.

so ONE of them is going to need superdelegates to win the nomination. And with Clinton still having a lead in superdelegates pledged to her- there is no reason to believe that Obama can just keep pace and win this thing.

My bet is that Obama doesn't have the stomach for a real fight with anyone, much less a Clinton- and that in the spring he will accept the VP spot and drop out of the race."

To which I responded.

Wow, first he is up over 100 pledged delages (nearly 140). Second he hasnt just won the most delegates he has won the popular vote, a lot more states, and the delegates. Thirdly there is not 4,000 pledged delagates that includes superdelagates, which he has consistently picked up after 2/5, it is nearly impossible for Hillary to catch Obama in pledged delagetes she would have to win almost every state from here on out by 20% points something she has only done in 3 states to date, while Obama has done it much more often, (13 times to be exact). There is virtually no way she can win the pledged delegate lead and the way the superdelagates have been moving there is almost no chance for her to win the nomination. So who exactly are you calling ignorant again?

Would you like to make some sort of bet on whether or not Obama takes the nomination?

So are you just gonna keep ignoring reality and posting random crap or are you actually going to look at what is really going on. Looks like the nomination should be just about locked up for Obama unless you want to put a bet on that?

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Saddly, counting the votes as is just means ever earlier primaries.

Should we hold MD's primary for 2012 yet? Then we could be first and have our voices heard. :doh: I know that's taken to an extreme, but at some point the party has to be able to say we're not listening to you until it's your turn to speak. If the people of Florida and Michigan are unhappy about it, they should pick beter representatives next time who know how to wait their turn instead of trying to cut in front. I know it's hard to face the prospect of not having your votes determine the outcome of a primary race. Get over it already. Heck, I was thrilled MD's votes actually mattered a little this time. Remember, Clinton thought she would have this whole thing wrapped up after Super Tuesday. I never saw her shedding any tears that other states after that wouldn't have their say.

THis afterthe fact "let's change the rules to allow these people who cut in front get their way" bit is annoying as heck. Sorry Florida and Michigan, but if I had my way you'd get no say. I'd like to think I'm level headed enough to say that even if you voted the way I wanted. I know I'm level headed enough to say it even if it hurts the party in the general election, but that's just me and I'm a play by the agreed apon rules kind of guy.

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LOL man, AFC sure has a grudge. The poster was right . . . Hillary wants to keep the results as is because she knows if Obama gets time to campaign he has a good chance to win Michigan in a primary and make it a lot closer in Florida . . . the fact is that Obama either erases or comes close to erasing Hillary's lead in almost any state they campaign in. I don't blame Hillary for this and I would say the same thing if I was hellbent on winning.

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Hillary ONLY mentions Florida, so obviously it's not the same difference.

Man, that's the last time I make an off-hand remark. Good lord, I now need to parse this out?

On a "do-over" in Florida and Michigan, which held nominating contests that broke Democratic Party rules

I would not accept a caucus. I think that would be a great disservice to the 2 million people who turned out and voted. I think that they want their votes counted. And you know a lot of people would be disenfranchised because of the timing and whatever the particular rules were. This is really going to be a serious challenge for the Democratic Party because the voters in Michigan and Florida are the ones being hurt, and certainly with respect to Florida the Democrats were dragged into doing what they did by a Republican governor and a Republican Legislature. They didn't have any choice whatsoever. And I don't think that there should be any do-over or any kind of a second run in Florida. I think Florida should be seated.

Yes, it's the same difference. Obama (and Edwards) didn't campaign in those states, because they were told those states didn't count. Both them even withdrew their names from one of those state. My God, I'm sorry I ever had the nerve to get WHICH state that was wrong, because clearly some of you are not interested in discussing the actual subject, but picking the statements of supposed Obama supporters to death.

The point here, for the third time, is that if Hillary can claim they should change the rules and count those states, Obama can claim they should change the rules and re-vote. Forget I ever mentioned Obama's name was not on a ballot.

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Yes, it's the same difference. Obama (and Edwards) didn't campaign in those states, because they were told those states didn't count. Both them even withdrew their names from one of those state. My God, I'm sorry I ever had the nerve to get WHICH state that was wrong, because clearly some of you are not interested in discussing the actual subject, but picking the statements of supposed Obama supporters to death.

The point here, for the third time, is that if Hillary can claim they should change the rules and count those states, Obama can claim they should change the rules and re-vote.


Meaning, ban Henry for mistyping something. :D

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So, if they caucus in Florida and/or Michigan, is Clinton going to take her delegation and go home? IOW, who asked her?

haha... great point.

Actually, she'll probably cry during one of her speeches, and then go on SNL and do a skit on how she has small boobs and she'll win everything by 30 points.

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Between Detroit and Flint, isn't Obama going to win Michigan no matter the format? If I was him, I'd say primary in Michigan, but caucus in Florida.

No. Michigan is a lot more like Ohio. There are a ton of blue-collar voters who are natural Hillary supporters. Eve more, in fact.

I think he has a better chance of winning Florida than Michigan.

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