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US News and World Report: Clinton, "I would not accept a caucus"


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It boggles the mind how disenfranchise can come up so often in the same paragraphs as not allowing peoples votes to count.

McCain is just sittin back and laughin all the way to the white house.. They screw over Obama and Hillary gets it: its over. 6-10% gone easily in the General.

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McCain is just sittin back and laughin all the way to the white house.. They screw over Obama and Hillary gets it: its over. 6-10% gone easily in the General.

I think you are right. I don't see any way Hillary becomes President.

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IMO, the Democratic convention is shooting themselves in the foot on this issue. If they alienate two states in the primary by telling them their votes don't count, why would they think that they could win those states in November? They are going to have to win one of those states in November, or they will be hurting. A total of 44 delegates are at stake.

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It boggles the mind how disenfranchise can come up so often in the same paragraphs as not allowing peoples votes to count.

McCain is just sittin back and laughin all the way to the white house.. They screw over Obama and Hillary gets it: its over. 6-10% gone easily in the General.

you are right if Hillary wins due to some shadiness. I will vote for McCain if somehow Hillary gets delegates from states the candidates weren't supposed to be campaigning in.

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Watching the liberals dance on the head of a pin has been fascinating.

You think I am bitter?!! This has been the best week politically since November 8, 2004!! I could not be happier.

If you want to see bitter- try going to a liberal website and read the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Hillary destroying the democratic party.

I am actually ecstatic- and the best thing is we have already had Hillary slander Obama as a "Ken Starr" and Obama has had to fire his senior foreign policy advisor for calling Hillary a "monster".

and this has been just the last 24 hours!! :cheers:

It is going to get so much worse for both of them leading up to Pennsylvania, and then after Puerto Rico, and then in Denver as Hillary leads a recount in Michigan and Florida. In this week's Pew poll 25% of Hillary voters have stated they will cross over and vote for McCain if Obama wins.

Go Obama!!

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Watching the liberals dance on the head of a pin has been fascinating.

You think I am bitter?!! This has been the best week politically since November 8, 2004!! I could not be happier.

If you want to see bitter- try going to a liberal website and read the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Hillary destroying the democratic party.

I am actually ecstatic- and the best thing is we have already had Hillary slander Obama as a "Ken Starr" and Obama has had to fire his senior foreign policy advisor for calling Hillary a "monster".

and this has been just the last 24 hours!! :cheers:

It is going to get so much worse for both of them leading up to Pennsylvania, and then after Puerto Rico, and then in Denver as Hillary leads a recount in Michigan and Florida. In this week's Pew poll 25% of Hillary voters have stated they will cross over and vote for McCain if Obama wins.

Go Obama!!

I hear you this is getting interesting. None can win before the Convention in August, and the Democrats have never won the general election, when the superdelegates had to cast the deciding vote (68, 72, 80).

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Watching the liberals dance on the head of a pin has been fascinating.

You think I am bitter?!! This has been the best week politically since November 8, 2004!! I could not be happier.

If you want to see bitter- try going to a liberal website and read the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Hillary destroying the democratic party.

I am actually ecstatic- and the best thing is we have already had Hillary slander Obama as a "Ken Starr" and Obama has had to fire his senior foreign policy advisor for calling Hillary a "monster".

and this has been just the last 24 hours!! :cheers:

It is going to get so much worse for both of them leading up to Pennsylvania, and then after Puerto Rico, and then in Denver as Hillary leads a recount in Michigan and Florida. In this week's Pew poll 25% of Hillary voters have stated they will cross over and vote for McCain if Obama wins.

Go Obama!!

Let's see - McSame is all they have and he is a democrat so that might explain why A French Chick is so interested in the dems race.

What AFC does not understand is that the Democrats have a good problem of having two very good candidates in a close race. It is funny to see him so happy thinking that the dems are gonna implode like the righties.

I just hope he does not disappear when things do not turn out his way.:laugh:

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Looks like the Keystone Kops are in charge over at Obama Headquarters. Add in Susan Rice saying yesterday her own boss was not qualified to be commander in chief. today there is a breaking interview with one of Obama's "Intelligence" advisors stating he agreed with the telecom companies conducting surveillance (against Obama's own votes and policy) and it is embarrassing how incompetent these guys are:


Team Clinton: 'To have two in a row suggests that this is amateur hour in formulating foreign policy.'

"The Clinton campaign quickly organized a conference call with surrogates to beat up Obama for his adviser Samantha Power's comments. Wes Clark: The comments from Obama adviser Samantha Power are... "quite disturbing... It is going to take real strength of character to execute a pullback from Iraq and protect America's interests in the region."

Former State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin: Power is "probably the most influential fo his advisers, probably unlimited access to the candidate... She's his Svengali, guru, whatever you want to call her... I feel sorry for her I know her she's done great work on research into genocide. She's a professor, she's very passionate... I think her remarks were awful, but I feel sorry for her that she's been put in a position where he can't seem to run a foreign policy team the way it's supposed to be run... In foreign affairs, words matter."

"To have two in a row [referring to Powers and economics adviser Austan Goolsbee] suggests that this is amateur hour in formulating foreign policy."

(Random observation from Jim: You realize the two advisers who have gotten Obama in trouble are named "Austan" and "Power". If there's another adviser named "Danger" on the campaign, they might as well let him go, too.)

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I remember the libs jumping up and down for joy in August 1988 when Dukakis had an 18 point lead over Bush. And then again in October 2000 and November 2004... right before Bush won both elections.

Get used to that feeling Obamaniacs.

A French Chick is sure talking a lot of crap when they have McSame as their greatest hope. If anyone can snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory it is McSame the democrat.:laugh:

With Obama or Hillary libs win

With McSame (the democrat) libs win again just not as much...

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Hillary is going to be beating the 'let those two states count' drum for the rest of the primary. Obama will respond with 'if we're going to change the rules mid-primary, let's have an actual vote.'

In the end, I suspect it will stand as is.

To be realistic about this, those states either have to continue to go as uncounted or they've got to do a complete re-vote. Not a recount because we may never be able to figure out how many people chose not to vote in Michigan or Florida thinking their votes wouldn't count.

Hillary's scratching and clawing right now and will probably try to get them to count the votes that were cast. Figuring low turnout in Michigan (high African-American population, but Obama name not on ballot) and low turnout in Florida (older people are going to vote if they want to vote) would both favor her chances of catching Obama.

Now if we're to presume he'd win Michigan and she'd win Florida it's almost a wash. But it seems like those states should have a final say in the nomination, somehow.

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I for one hope they don't count. It's the dems fault for setting up the rules and now that is going to bit them in the butt, something should be done to correct this problem that has arisen from it.

If you make rules, and enforce them, you should abide by them!!

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To be realistic about this, those states either have to continue to go as uncounted or they've got to do a complete re-vote. Not a recount because we may never be able to figure out how many people chose not to vote in Michigan or Florida thinking their votes wouldn't count.

I agree. By 'as is' I meant not counting them at all.

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To be realistic about this, those states either have to continue to go as uncounted or they've got to do a complete re-vote. Not a recount because we may never be able to figure out how many people chose not to vote in Michigan or Florida thinking their votes wouldn't count.

Hillary's scratching and clawing right now and will probably try to get them to count the votes that were cast. Figuring low turnout in Michigan (high African-American population, but Obama name not on ballot) and low turnout in Florida (older people are going to vote if they want to vote) would both favor her chances of catching Obama.

Now if we're to presume he'd win Michigan and she'd win Florida it's almost a wash. But it seems like those states should have a final say in the nomination, somehow.

The DNC told both Candidates that Michigan and Florida broke the rules thus their votes would not be counted. Because of this..Obama did not even bother with Michigan and his name was not on the ballot. He did not campaign hard in Florida either for that very reason.

The DNC would be crazy to pull the rug out from under Obama now especially since Obama is leading in states, delegates and the popular vote.

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I for one hope they don't count. It's the dems fault for setting up the rules and now that is going to bit them in the butt, something should be done to correct this problem that has arisen from it.

If you make rules, and enforce them, you should abide by them!!

Actually, as if I recall correctly from what Kilmer was telling us, the Republican controlled Florida legislature did this to the democrats in Florida by moving the primary up. The Democrats didnt have the votes to stop it.

I don't know about Michigan.

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Ahh, the plot thickens.

Well, it's up to the DNC to publicize the dirty politics and not seat the delegations from Florida or Michigan.

All the candidates from the Democratic Party agreed to the rules concerning Florida and Michigan (including Hillary).

Put the negative spin on the Republican controlled state governments in both states, and have the voters there remove them via recall or next term voting for screwing them over. It is their fault for not following the rules laid down regarding the Primaries.

So much for the Republican Party ever claiming to be unifiers (as if the last 8 years wasnt proof enough).

Break the cycle in November and write-in Ron Paul.

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Actually, as if I recall correctly from what Kilmer was telling us, the Republican controlled Florida legislature did this to the democrats in Florida by moving the primary up. The Democrats didnt have the votes to stop it.

I don't know about Michigan.

Well that's a very good point, however, the DNC could have said ok and allowed the votes to count. They didn't, and told them they would not count the votes and punished both states.

Now when it looks like that choice will screw the DNC and their candidates, something else must be done and maybe some fudging of the rules. Sorry

make, follow them, or don't have them.

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