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WP:1 in 100 Americans in Prison


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My first take is that the War on Drugs is a remarkably stupid policy that creates an ever larger and more hardened criminal class.

My second take is that incarcerating this large of a percentage of the population is a very, very, VERY expensive thing to do. End the war on drugs and watch your taxes fall.

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Chris Core was talking about this earlier. He wanted to know why the percentages were these:

1 in 15 blacks (1 in 9 between the age of 20-34)

1 in 36 Hispanics

1 in a lot for whites.

Is it that blacks commit more crimes, get caught more, have an unfair trial, are arrested by bigots, etc... I don't know the answer.

We have way too many people in jail. Is it the price for freedom? Is the war on drugs a bad deal? Is it an industry that employees too many people?

Think about it, from police to prison guards to the courts to the parole officers to the people that build and run the prisons. It's it's own industry.

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My first take is that the War on Drugs is a remarkably stupid policy that creates an ever larger and more hardened criminal class.

My second take is that incarcerating this large of a percentage of the population is a very, very, VERY expensive thing to do. End the war on drugs and watch your taxes fall.

"You called it a war . . . it's not a war . . . wars end." - Carver

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I think it's more of a direct result of ridiculous drug laws.

I do not agree with all of the drug laws but this DOES go back to values taught at home. Just b/c you dont agree with a law, that doesnt give you the right to break it. Children should be taught that this is wrong, no matter what. You cant pick and choose what laws to adhere to and which ones not, no matter how trivial they are.

If people are stupid enough to break the drug laws because they dont want to follow the rules, then boo freaking hoo.

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simple solution, more executions and speedier executions.

You should check out John Grisham's book The Innocent Man

Quite frankly I think it should be mandatory reading for anyone who supports the death penalty in this country, which from polls appears to be 90% of you. :(


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The prison industry has grown unchecked just as any other government program has.

They take the program, and run it like a monopoly. Not until something happens do we then look to see what the hell is going on and demand change.

No one's watching the ball except for the people running the show. Of course it's going to get out of hand.


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Prisions need to become rehibilitation center. This means less violence/crime in prisions. That requires some real mechanism to enforce the law in prisions.

I would be okay with true rehabilitation, for those who have shown that they are treatable. (for the record, sociopaths are unable to be treated)

I would ALSO be in favor of making prison such an unpleasant place that nobody wants to go.

One or the other. Rehabilitation or (true) Punishment. Right now, in this country, we have a compromise of the two. Which is the WORST possible thing we could have.

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We need to put more people like Marion Jones and Micheal Vick in jail!

okay... two very different crimes and I don't think they should be compared as criminals. Jones was only hurting herself, however Vick was hurting other beings.

I agree that drugs are the main root of this mess and that this country has got to invest more resources in fighting the drug war to see a change in this epidemic.

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okay... two very different crimes and I don't think they should be compared as criminals. Jones was only hurting herself, however Vick was hurting other beings.

I agree that drugs are the main root of this mess and that this country has got to invest more resources in fighting the drug war to see a change in this epidemic.

When you say that you "agree", who are you agreeing with?

The drug war itself is the root cause of this mess. Investing more resources in the drug war will make the mess even larger. Prohibition never works.

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Thats All?? Build more prisons, bring back chain gangs make them part of the local infrasctructure where it comes to Agriculture, repairing roads like Georgia used to do back in the Day heck we can use them to build the border fences.

Are they including illegal alien criminals???

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