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WP:1 in 100 Americans in Prison


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combination of all of the above... blacks have been entrenched in the lower class for a while now (increases crime rate). They also can't afford as good of lawyers, and juries tend to be harsher on them.

There also is some truth to the current gangster culture problem, unfortunately.

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Prison Industrial Complex. Too many people making too much money off of prisons. More then a billion dollars a year to be exact. Look it up. It's the reason for the WoD, mandatory minimums, and 3 strikes. Look it up.

Excellent book on the subject: http://www.amazon.com/Prison-Nation-Warehousing-Americas-Poor/dp/0415935385/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1204327355&sr=8-2

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There also is some truth to the current gangster culture problem, unfortunately.

yeah... I can't explain it... It is a harmful meme that took a hold in some populations I'm hoping people will get tired of it, like Alex in clockwork orange.


the weird thing is that I see that gangsterism culture in some of the wealthiest kids that live in Virginia... I am talking about the kids of the new money professionalism living in Northern Virginia, especially centerville and ashburn... I don't get it.

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You know the truth of the statement I was making despite the fact you may be the exception. You know full well that a huge majority of the "legalize MJ" crowd of this site openly admit to doing it and say "it's not that bad"

And is having a free trade of drugs going to cut down on robbery? Probably not. Those who cannot afford a $5 crack rock now are still going to resort to dubious methods of fund raising if it were legal.

You'll probably see in increase in people driving impaired. Most of whom won't be able to be tested immediatly to determine the level.

So may people are in jail because THEY choose to break the law. The law didn't hunt them down and make them or trick them into violating it.

I can't speak for others, but in college employer drug testing for internships is what kept me from "experimenting"

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Prisions need to become rehibilitation center. This means less violence/crime in prisions. That requires some real mechanism to enforce the law in prisions.
I'm an Officer at Indian Creek in Chesapeake. One of the largest rehab and therapeutic centers in the world is inside the prison. They are required multiple times every day to go to class, go to counseling, and have group discussions. They do it day in and day out 6 days a week, and it costs a lot of money.

It just doesn't work. Hardheaded criminals don't want to do it, and frankly dont care.

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