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Cerrato needs to shut up


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I was listening to that exact show yesterday and Vinny was telling it like it was.

I remember it very well.

John Riggins said, "Vinny, Brandon Lloyd was released by the Redskins the other day and you had to have had a role in that move. How'd you come to that decision?"

Vinny said words to the effect "You know John it wasn't really me who made that decision, to be honest with you. Brandon Lloyd made that decision by not wanting to practice, by not wanting to buy into the team concept, by not wanting to work hard. That made it really easy for us to let him go. I'm not sure what he wants to do but I don't think it's play football."

I was struck by how blunt Vinny was being and I am very certain what I quoted above is close to what was said.

You can all check the podcast for the show when it is updated later today:


They haven't added the Vinny interview yet but they will eventually and we can listen to it again.

thanks for summarizing the commentary :)

I like it when someone speaks the truth and doesn't sugar coat it. Vinny saying this gives me a sliver of hope that I might one day change my sig.

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I understand the point of the op and in most cases the front office should thank the palyer for being a part of the organzation, wish him the best, and stfu. However, if someone stole 11 mil from me, I think I'd have every right to say anything I wanted to. And, I think people around the league would understand. It wasn't like he was a pickup that didn't quite pan out. He did nothing. We all no his shorcomming so I won't mention them again, but he deserves whatever anyone has to say.

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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true. But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left? The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

I heard the comments Cerrato made, and I actually applauded him for it.

He essentially said the following:

1) Brandon made it clear by his actions that he didn't want to be here.

2) Brandon doesn't seem to like football.

3) Brandon always had excuses for why he couldn't practice.

4) When you have a team with good chemistry in the locker room like we do, players like him pretty much get run off the team by the other players.

I thought it was GREAT to hear Vinnie say these things. It's EXTREMELY unusual for a coach or executive to say things like this about a player they've released, and I don't recall Vinny ever saying anything even close to this about any player publicly before. Which tells me that what happened here with Lloyd was a very unusual situation, in which the player simply didn't want to cooperate in any way, shape or form.

Would it be proper to say something like this every time a player doesn't pan out for you? Of course not. But I think Vinny and the rest of the organization was so frustrated with this particular player's complete lack of effort and interest that he felt that in this rare case, something had to be said.

There are quite a few players who have come through Redskin Park in recent years who probably deserved to have similar things said about them, but the organization has shown restraint and hasn't done so. So that tells me that this situation was above and beyond anything they've ever dealt with before.

I just wish we had heeded the warnings from Brandon's days in San Francisco before acquiring him in the first place. Regardless, I actually found it refreshing to hear Vinny talk this way about this team cancer. It was no B.S., no coachspeak. He was straight and to the point about it. Again, you have to pick your spots when talking this way about someone, but I think in this case he was speaking on behalf of the entire organization--players included.

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If I paid someone "X" amount of dollars and they only put forth 1% of effort, I would throw them under the bus too. Then, I would run over them and back it up several times, squeal the tires, and make sure they turn to mush! If what Vinny is saying is true, I have no reason to not believe him, then I am very glad Lloyd is gone!

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Zen-Todd, Vinnie acknowledged his mistake. Basically he said the concept was right, an athletic reciever to compliment S.Moss and Keep DB's occupied so the passing game could open up,and then he said that they just flat out picked the wrong guy. He basically owned up to it eventhough I am pretty sure Joe or Al wanted brandon, not vinnie

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and you know the front office doesn't show a lot of loyalty and will talk about after you leave (and hurt your chances of getting a gig elsewhere) well you draw your own conclusion.

Typically you don't want a player to just be on your team for a few years and then 'leave'.

Seriously? I think you need to get real on this thread. Whining about Cerrato because he is speaking the truth is pretty immature on your part.

Throwing somebody under the bus? For swindling money out of the Redskins organization for 2 years while contributing absolutely nothing to the team? It's not like Cerrato is slandering Lloyd. Lloyd deserves any negative talk about him at this point.

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The writing was on the wall PRIOR to signing this clown, so if ANYONE deserves berating in this particular situation, it's the powers that be responsible for bringing him here in the first place. If Cerrato is bold enough to belittle Lloyd (in an obvious attempt to clear his own name), then I want the WHOLE truth. Let's hear who WAS responsible for this fiasco. Cerrato opened this can of worms, and now I want to hear the entire story.

Once again, how much imput did Cerrato have in selecting the personnel for this team?

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I heard the interview and the thing that struck out was how

hypocritcal Vinny was...talking about how he was not a "Redskins"

type player...

And what has Vinny and the skins done with past "Redskins" type

players????? Antonio Pierce, etc, etc---treated them like crap.

He should have also been more professional and just said they

did not see things the same way and let it go.

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Typically you don't want a player to just be on your team for a few years and then 'leave'.

Seriously? I think you need to get real on this thread. Whining about Cerrato because he is speaking the truth is pretty immature on your part.

Throwing somebody under the bus? For swindling money out of the Redskins organization for 2 years while contributing absolutely nothing to the team? It's not like Cerrato is slandering Lloyd. Lloyd deserves any negative talk about him at this point.

First of all he was released, he didn't just "leave". Second, it is a valid point that management does not usually talk about players after they've left - publicly anyways.

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Zen-Todd, Vinnie acknowledged his mistake. Basically he said the concept was right, an athletic reciever to compliment S.Moss and Keep DB's occupied so the passing game could open up,and then he said that they just flat out picked the wrong guy. He basically owned up to it eventhough I am pretty sure Joe or Al wanted brandon, not vinnie

From what I have read, Al Saunders made the push to get BLoyd in here

Sorta like GrWilliams did for Archuletta

Which is why Vinnie, if he is going to be any good at this position, also needs to know when to say "no" to the coaches.

This involves having the most up to date accurate information on all players, which relies on good scouting

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Did Vinny bother explaining how he ever came to the initial conclusion that signing that waste of space was a reasonable idea in the first place?

Well he did say that the Lloyd aquisition was a "mistake". He mentioned that their intentions where good as far as adding a bigger reciever to compliment Moss and ARE, however Lloyd was just the wrong guy.

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Granted, it may be true. My point is that it doesn't need to come from management, period. Coach, player, whatever. A simple 'it was my decision to cut him because we felt like he couldn't fill a role anymore' is fine. Anything past that is to hear yourself speak.
I couldn't disagree more.

For better or worse, this is Vinny's team now, and he's being very vocal about his intentions and expectations about the caliber of players that belong here.

As an organization, the Redskins have be sterotyped as the team that's willing to overpay for free agents, and Washington is where you should go when your career is winding down and you want one last paycheck.

Since taking over in his new role, Vinny has done the right things, said the right things, and seems willing to change this negative stigma of the Redskins organization by not only laying low during the FA period, but also making it very clear to the NFL world that you WILL NOT wear the burgundy & gold unless you're ready to put your entire heart and soul into it.

And for that, I say :applause:, Vinny.

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The ones that let him fall asleep at his locker and didn't wake him for the meetings? :D

Exactly! No one likes to see a fellow employee who doesn't put any effort in but keeps collecting a paycheck, a fatter check than many of the hard workers. The players publicly backed him when asked about him because we have good guys who don't like to air our issues in public, but there is no way they supported his lazy approach to the game.

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Despite what the redskins fanatics on this board think, I'm sure Lloyd had many friends on the team. QUOTE]

If multiple reports from multiple sources are correct LLoyd could have held a birthday party in the boot of his car with all his friends on the team. He was by all accounts a very unpopular character in the locker room and his passing is not being mourned.

Addition by subtraction was one report.

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... Vinny said words to the effect "You know John it wasn't really me who made that decision, to be honest with you. Brandon Lloyd made that decision by not wanting to practice, by not wanting to buy into the team concept, by not wanting to work hard. That made it really easy for us to let him go. I'm not sure what he wants to do but I don't think it's play football."

Thanks Monty for bringing some facts to the table. I've got no problem with what Vinny said. No sense putting a new coat of paint on a rusty bucket. If the truth hurts.... mehh. Here's your crying towel Brandon.

We've heard a lot worse about BL on ES anyways...

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I can't believe you're putting me in the position of defending Cerrato, but instead of shutting up, he should be applauded. Everyone around here has been clamoring for some stone cold truthfulness coming out of Redskins Park. And now we get it and Cerrato is criticized. And based on what he "essentially" said, he's freakin' right!

Maybe there will be more accountability around Redskins Park now. That's actually quite refreshing.

Since the coaching search ended, I've got nothing but praise for what is being said and done at Redskins Park. I don't know if it will last, but I'll take it for now.



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