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Cerrato needs to shut up


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Can anybody explain to me why Vinny Cerrato is on the radio throwing a player under the bus that he just released (Brandon Lloyd)? What possible good can come of that? Just part ways and keep it moving. Lack of management skills.

What good can come out of it? So no team makes the mistake we did in signing this loser.

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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true. But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left? The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

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I'd suggest it's more like stating the obvious, rather than throwing him under the bus.

The question is, if he did disrespect Lloyd, what bad can come of it?

that other half-assed players like Lloyd won't come here?


Despite what the redskins fanatics on this board think, I'm sure Lloyd had many friends on the team. Those type of comments do nothing, but add fuel to the 'the front office is made up of a bunch of pricks that don't know what they're doing' fire. Which leads to free agents thinking twice about coming here. Don't get it twisted, the only reason free agents have been so ready to come here are because the big checks Snyder signs and Gibbs. Gibbs is gone, and if Snyder starts cutting back on the big checks...... and you know the front office doesn't show a lot of loyalty and will talk about after you leave (and hurt your chances of getting a gig elsewhere) well you draw your own conclusion.

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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true.

"essentially"??? or DID?

If you're gonna say somebody needs to "shut up"... and try and outline a case, it might be a good idea to have what was said at the ready.

But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left?

I have heard many GM's mention why they decided to cut a player, or let them go. Which is why, again, I think it's important you provide an actual quote.

The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

What contributions? :laugh: Wouldn't that statement be a lie?


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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true. But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left? The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

Except we actually don't appreciate his effort (or lack there of) nor do we wish him success because he won't be a Redskin. I think Cerato may have sent a message to other lazy players who don't care about football that the 'Skins will not be their payday any longer.

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He said that B. Loyyd got cut because b.lloyd doesnt like football, he doesnt like practice, and he doesnt sacrafice. He said b.lloyd constantly had excuses as to why he didnt want to participate. The exact question was whose decision it was to cut brandon. To which cerrato replied, "it was all of our decision...let me rephrase that. It was brandon's decision. He made the decision. I dont think Brandon liked to play football, I dont think he liked to practice, he had an excuse for everything...I think good locker rooms drive guys like that out..." Basically, B Lloyyd is chump and his attitude got him booted from the locker room by the PLAYERS long before he got booted from the organization by management. Thats all Vinny was saying, and Brandon probably needs/deserves to hear it.

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He said that in his opinion, that Lloyd didn't really like football...or practice....and that he was more concerned with "Brandon Lloyd"...than he was with "the Redskins"....and that the Redskins didn't get rid of Brandon Lloyd, it was more like Brandon Lloyd got rid of Brandon Lloyd.....by the way he interacted with the players/lockerroom....the way he practiced, and the way he played. He essentially got rid of himself....

Vinny was just speaking the truth.....just like EVERYBODY else did when he left San Francisco......it's no big secret.....and i don't think that Vinny was out of line in any way what so ever.

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The writing was on the wall PRIOR to signing this clown, so if ANYONE deserves berating in this particular situation, it's the powers that be responsible for bringing him here in the first place. If Cerrato is bold enough to belittle Lloyd (in an obvious attempt to clear his own name), then I want the WHOLE truth. Let's hear who WAS responsible for this fiasco. Cerrato opened this can of worms, and now I want to hear the entire story.

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I was listening to that exact show yesterday and Vinny was telling it like it was.

I remember it very well.

John Riggins said, "Vinny, Brandon Lloyd was released by the Redskins the other day and you had to have had a role in that move. How'd you come to that decision?"

Vinny said words to the effect "You know John it wasn't really me who made that decision, to be honest with you. Brandon Lloyd made that decision by not wanting to practice, by not wanting to buy into the team concept, by not wanting to work hard. That made it really easy for us to let him go. I'm not sure what he wants to do but I don't think it's play football."

I was struck by how blunt Vinny was being and I am very certain what I quoted above is close to what was said.

You can all check the podcast for the show when it is updated later today:


They haven't added the Vinny interview yet but they will eventually and we can listen to it again.

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The writing was on the wall PRIOR to signing this clown, so if ANYONE deserves berating in this particular situation, it's the powers that be responsible for bringing him here in the first place. If Cerrato is bold enough to belittle Lloyd (in an obvious attempt to clear his own name), then I want the WHOLE truth. Let's hear who WAS responsible for this fiasco. Cerrato opened this can of worms, and now I want to hear the entire story.

Lloyd might send him a diss record.

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He said that in his opinion, that Lloyd didn't really like football...or practice....and that he was more concerned with "Brandon Lloyd"...than he was with "the Redskins"....and that the Redskins didn't get rid of Brandon Lloyd, it was more like Brandon Lloyd got rid of Brandon Lloyd.....by the way he interacted with the players/lockerroom....the way he practiced, and the way he played. He essentially got rid of himself....

Vinny was just speaking the truth.....just like EVERYBODY else did when he left San Francisco......it's no big secret.....and i don't think that Vinny was out of line in any way what so ever.

Granted, it may be true. My point is that it doesn't need to come from management, period. Coach, player, whatever. A simple 'it was my decision to cut him because we felt like he couldn't fill a role anymore' is fine. Anything past that is to hear yourself speak.

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Can anybody explain to me why Vinny Cerrato is on the radio throwing a player under the bus that he just released (Brandon Lloyd)? What possible good can come of that? Just part ways and keep it moving. Lack of management skills.

I know that's you, so listen Brandon....you made your bed and now you have to lay in it. What's done is done, enjoy the Canadian Football League. ;)

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He said that in his opinion, that Lloyd didn't really like football...or practice....and that he was more concerned with "Brandon Lloyd"...than he was with "the Redskins"....and that the Redskins didn't get rid of Brandon Lloyd, it was more like Brandon Lloyd got rid of Brandon Lloyd.....by the way he interacted with the players/lockerroom....the way he practiced, and the way he played. He essentially got rid of himself....

I don't see anything wrong with this. I'm sure that is what was told to Lloyd on several occasions, and I'm sure it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone.

I don't see a character assault here, or a statement of mistruths. I see a personnel guy stating simply why a player didn't make it. (in this case, it being the player's fault directly)

Now if he had said, "player x" was cut because he just wasn't any good, I think that would be inappropriate. But if he said "player x's" heart just wasn't in it, I don't see a problem. And Lloyd might tell you the same thing.

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