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Cerrato needs to shut up


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I get it now. Personally attacking someone who's new and relatively unpopular is okay; personally attacking someone who has a few friends on here and has been a member for a while is not. I understand.

The rules allow for stupidity to be called out (not a call out thread though) as long as it is in fact stupid and done in a polite manner.

On edit: At least thats the way I read'em, correct me if I am wrong.

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The rules allow for stupidity to be called out (not a call out thread though) as long as it is in fact stupid and done in a polite manner.

On edit: At least thats the way I read'em, correct me if I am wrong.

You are correct Sir!


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I couldn't disagree more.

For better or worse, this is Vinny's team now, and he's being very vocal about his intentions and expectations about the caliber of players that belong here.

As an organization, the Redskins have be sterotyped as the team that's willing to overpay for free agents, and Washington is where you should go when your career is winding down and you want one last paycheck.

Since taking over in his new role, Vinny has done the right things, said the right things, and seems willing to change this negative stigma of the Redskins organization by not only laying low during the FA period, but also making it very clear to the NFL world that you WILL NOT wear the burgundy & gold unless you're ready to put your entire heart and soul into it.

And for that, I say :applause:, Vinny.

This might be the best post that I have read on these forums in a long, long time.

:applause: to you, and :applause: to Vinny.

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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true. But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left? The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

Yeah I have heard GM's talk bad about players current and former. Wathca' think Parcells is going to be like? Think he'll sugar coat a piece of **** when he sees one? Doubt it :laugh:

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My question isn't if the moderators are paid by Dan Snyder. My question is if Snyder has employees patrolling these boards and injecting the 'official' Redskins stance on each issue. From what I've read, I think that's the case.

So in other words, you are so confident in your position that the ONLY way ANYONE might disagree with you is if they were paid to do so.

Wow dude, nice ego. I bet you're a blast at parties.

I suspect the first part of answering your question would involve getting over yourself. And the 2nd part... well, there wouldn't be a 2nd part after step 1 is completed. :)

BTW, if you check that thing at the door, you might just find that you like it here. :cheers:


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I love the title of this thread. I couldn't have said it any better: SHUT UP VINNY CERRATO!

All the paid Daniel Snyder hacks who came into this thread to give the original poster hell should shut up too.

Is it payday, SittingBull? Hurry, I think Danny and Vinny need you to bring them more coffee.

Seriously, how many employees does Snyder have patrolling these boards?

Followed by:

Nice personal attack!
I get it now. Personally attacking someone who's new and relatively unpopular is okay; personally attacking someone who has a few friends on here and has been a member for a while is not. I understand.

:violin: :violin:

If you're gonna shoot live bullets, you better be wearing Kevlar.

To complain about personal attacks after your first 2 posts in this thread is incredibly bad form.


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The writing was on the wall PRIOR to signing this clown, so if ANYONE deserves berating in this particular situation, it's the powers that be responsible for bringing him here in the first place. If Cerrato is bold enough to belittle Lloyd (in an obvious attempt to clear his own name), then I want the WHOLE truth. Let's hear who WAS responsible for this fiasco. Cerrato opened this can of worms, and now I want to hear the entire story.

I, for one, don't like the fact that we are without a true GM but I can't blame anyone for giving a player the benefit of the doubt. The Patriots did it with Moss and Dallas did it with T.O.

There are so many players around the league that you could potentially raise a red flag for but you never really know how it will turn out. Lloyd wasn't in the substance abuse program, didn't beat his girl, hadn't been arrested or anything of that nature. He made some spectacular plays for his prior team and wasn't happy there so a change of scenery may have been the answer. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a complete flake. I fault Vinny and Dan for giving that fool an extension and not using incentives in the new contract that would have negated this whole mess. Can't fault them for giving Lloyd an opportunity though.

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How much you wanna bet that this thread was started by Brandon Lloyd himself?

Get over yourself dude... you friggen SUCK! I was once your supporter, but after you fell asleep in the locker room and missed a meeting (no one woke you up for a reason, you have no friends on the team), it was over for me...

GET THE ph!k off our message board loser....

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Once again, the FO can do no right.

Is someone actually DEFENDING Brandon Llloyd? Laughable! If he did his job he'd strill be on the team, saying so is not wrong.

The FO has done a good job in my opinion, even with the coaching serach in retrospect. We haven't thrown barrells of money out for a dumb FA. We dumped Lloyd's ass. We got a players coach with lots of upside and no skeletons. We're using the draft this year to build our team.

Some people just want to criticize AT ALL COSTS.

Go ahead and defend Lloyd. I'm glad the chump-azz is gone and I am happy that Cerrato said that he was lazy b-stard. That's not Redskin football. I'm done ranting.

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