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Cerrato needs to shut up


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Is it payday, SittingBull? Hurry, I think Danny and Vinny need you to bring them more coffee.

Seriously, how many employees does Snyder have patrolling these boards?

How come you can't add "intelligent" conversation to this thread? You just sit back and personally attack everyone that does not want to bash Snyder and Cerrato. People are giving their honest opinions....deal with it even though you do not agree. If you don't like it, then find a new thread.

It does not make you sound intelligent telling other people to shut up about thier opinions adn making false accusations against them. It is quite childish.

This is all I am saying on the matter. So I will not reply even if you do. I just think you could be a little more respectful.

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I don't believe that was wrong of Cerrato to say. Sometimes a player needs to hear those things. He has the tools to be a very good receiver in this leagues as his hands are terrific. However, he needs to apply himself before he will be a good receiver in this league and the only thing he currently is applying himself to is rapping.

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Is it payday, SittingBull? Hurry, I think Danny and Vinny need you to bring them more coffee.

Seriously, how many employees does Snyder have patrolling these boards?

And I'm beginning to think you're on the payroll too just to come in here and stir things up. No one in their right mind would make the senseless comments you make on a daily basis without some monetary benefit.

I'm convinced you're a Mod in sheep's clothing.

Any guesses which Mod anyone? Come on TK, come clean! :D

To the point, if what has been posted is accurate, then what Vinny said was hardly throwing BL under the bus (have you bothered reading any posts besides the first one??).

I've been wanting Snyder and Cerrato to finally get things figured out. By that I mean no more overpaying washed up players, no more wasting draft picks on temporary solutions or unproven players, and offering the fans and media some information. I'm glad this is finally happening and hope it continues.

Vinny and Snyder have deserved criticism for the way they've done things in the past, but since we hired a coach, you really have to dig deep to complain right now. Complaining about some innocuous comments Vinny made on the radio is digging deep.



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I couldn't disagree more.

For better or worse, this is Vinny's team now, and he's being very vocal about his intentions and expectations about the caliber of players that belong here.

As an organization, the Redskins have be sterotyped as the team that's willing to overpay for free agents, and Washington is where you should go when your career is winding down and you want one last paycheck.

Since taking over in his new role, Vinny has done the right things, said the right things, and seems willing to change this negative stigma of the Redskins organization by not only laying low during the FA period, but also making it very clear to the NFL world that you WILL NOT wear the burgundy & gold unless you're ready to put your entire heart and soul into it.

And for that, I say :applause:, Vinny.

Well said. Before it became Vinny's team you had coach speak everytime you asked a question. Now, you're getting actual answers. Pretty refreshing, no?

I think even some of the Vinny haters are going to see Vinny in a whole new light.

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Vinny and Snyder have deserved criticism for the way they've done things in the past, but since we hired a coach, you really have to dig deep to complain right now.


I don't understand your point. Since a coach was hired nobody can complain? As opposed to what, NOT hiring a coach and having Snyder wearing the headset? They had to hire a coach and it was a mismanaged, awful process.

Jim Zorn has never called a play in the NFL. Pardon me if I'm not sure he's qualified to be a HEAD COACH, and if Vinny Cerrato is fit to be making personnel decisions.

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Wow, so some of you clowns even ADMIT you're employed by Snyder and paid to come on these boards and spread propaganda?

I heard there's some job openings in the new Raul Castro regime in Cuba, you should send in some applications. You'll even get free health care! :laugh:

I hope you realize that we're all adults here and that no insults are necessary.

BTW, in the enlightenment of my screenname... "WhoRUSupposed2Be" for me to even continue this tussle match with you.

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I don't understand your point. Since a coach was hired nobody can complain? As opposed to what, NOT hiring a coach and having Snyder wearing the headset? They had to hire a coach and it was a mismanaged, awful process.

Jim Zorn has never called a play in the NFL. Pardon me if I'm not sure he's qualified to be a HEAD COACH, and if Vinny Cerrato is fit to be making personnel decisions.

How well Zorn does remains to be seen. But he has helped turn a mess into something MOST fans are getting excited about. Sorry you don't feel the same way. If you want to complain about Zorn being the coach, that's fine. Start a new thread. I'm referring to what has happened since Zorn was hired, and specifically what Vinny said about BL.

I'm not saying you can't complain, I'm saying you have to dig deep, in my opinion, to find something to complain about since the hiring of Zorn. The comments Cerrato made (have you read them?) were not so damning that he should be told to "shut up." Again, I'm glad Vinny's sticking his neck out there finally. It was worse when he stayed in hiding.



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Yeah Lloyd was a bust, but Cerrato should just let it go. Give the reason why he was cut, and that will be the end of it.

I heard the show. That's pretty much what he did. Gave a good explanation about why LLoyd was released(bad work ethic and lack of love for the game) and mentioned that the locker room was not behind Lloyd.

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Well said. Before it became Vinny's team you had coach speak everytime you asked a question. Now, you're getting actual answers. Pretty refreshing, no?

I think even some of the Vinny haters are going to see Vinny in a whole new light.

I agree. The reigns are off and NOW we can actually hold Vinny completely responsable for our personel moves.

Besides, how can you throw a guy under the bus, when that's where he put himself.

I can't imagine, especially with the condition of our productive recievers last year, anybody in the locker room, would have a problem with the FO blasting this quiter. They were probably thinking it already.

I hope this sends a message to any other FAs who might come here.

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If that's what Vinny said, I have no problem with it. We paid the guy a lot of money to do nearly nothing. If Vinny comes out and speaks the harsh truth, I'm interested in hearing it. It also sends the message that this team is serious and wants only people who love football and want to work.

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