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Cerrato needs to shut up


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I couldn't disagree more.

For better or worse, this is Vinny's team now, and he's being very vocal about his intentions and expectations about the caliber of players that belong here.

As an organization, the Redskins have be sterotyped as the team that's willing to overpay for free agents, and Washington is where you should go when your career is winding down and you want one last paycheck.

Since taking over in his new role, Vinny has done the right things, said the right things, and seems willing to change this hegative stigma of the Redskins organization by not only laying low during the FA period, but also making it very clear to the NFL world that you WILL NOT wear the burgundy & gold unless you're ready to put your entire heart and soul into it.

And for that, I say :applause:, Vinny.

i agree! I've been monitoring this Vinny situation since his promotion. And i've been pleased with how he's been coming across. At first i was VERY skeptical and thought it was just talk. However, it appears that they have FINALLY recognized their mistake in years past, and are looking to be more sensible in regards to building a team. Lets hope that this continues to hold true.

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I couldn't disagree more.

For better or worse, this is Vinny's team now, and he's being very vocal about his intentions and expectations about the caliber of players that belong here.

As an organization, the Redskins have be sterotyped as the team that's willing to overpay for free agents, and Washington is where you should go when your career is winding down and you want one last paycheck.

Since taking over in his new role, Vinny has done the right things, said the right things, and seems willing to change this negative stigma of the Redskins organization by not only laying low during the FA period, but also making it very clear to the NFL world that you WILL NOT wear the burgundy & gold unless you're ready to put your entire heart and soul into it.

And for that, I say :applause:, Vinny.

Even if that is the case he needs to vocalize this because what? His comments have absolutely no effect on who the Skins will or will not bring in. None. If that's the way he thinks, he will make decisions based on that. Vinny Cerrato is not going to make one millionaire football player, play any differently than that player wants to play, period. He should do a better job of selecting the personnel and if doesn't pan out (as Lloyd did not) fire them and move on. Talking about it after the fact is a waste of time. Mark my words the Redskins will sign another free agent under Cerrato's watch that will not pan out, why because that the way free agency works. You win some, you lose some.

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I'd suggest it's more like stating the obvious, rather than throwing him under the bus.

The question is, if he did disrespect Lloyd, what bad can come of it?

that other half-assed players like Lloyd won't come here?


I don't know...lack of organizational class?

They, afterall, after well researched and considered analysis....signed the guy.

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Even if that is the case he needs to vocalize this because what? His comments have absolutely no effect on who the Skins will or will not bring in. None. If that's the way he thinks, he will make decisions based on that. Vinny Cerrato is not going to make one millionaire football player, play any differently than that player wants to play, period. He should do a better job of selecting the personnel and if doesn't pan out (as Lloyd did not) fire them and move on. Talking about it after the fact is a waste of time. Mark my words the Redskins will sign another free agent under Cerrato's watch that will not pan out, why because that the way free agency works. You win some, you lose some.

How come you didn't mention that he admitted they made a mistake by signing him? I think he was being real about the situation, which is refreshing, and what alot of fans have been waiting for. Now that Vinny is, for lack a better term, the MAN, then i have no issue with his candor. The fact is that he knows they over paid for a bum. Vinny didn't talk about his mama or his girl, he just stated it the way it is.

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i agree! I've been monitoring this Vinny situation since his promotion. And i've been pleased with how he's been coming across. At first i was VERY skeptical and thought it was just talk. However, it appears that they have FINALLY recognized their mistake in years past, and are looking to be more sensible in regards to building a team. Lets hope that this continues to hold true.

ehh...this is all just the easy stuff. fielding a Championship team is the only thing that counts.

while listening to Vinny is sometimes painful...the symbolism of increased access to the thoughts of the "inner sanctum" is a good thing in my mind. I hope it continues.

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Regardless, its still just not a good idea to go about ripping into someone like that the moment they leave the building. Yes, it probably was the truth. But that doesnt make it the right thing to do. You treat people with the respect they dont deserve. We all know that Joe Gibbs would not have handled things the way Vinny did.

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i agree! I've been monitoring this Vinny situation since his promotion. And i've been pleased with how he's been coming across. At first i was VERY skeptical and thought it was just talk. However, it appears that they have FINALLY recognized their mistake in years past, and are looking to be more sensible in regards to building a team. Lets hope that this continues to hold true.

Okay, this is my last post on this. The only reason they aren't talking about spending a lot of money on a free agent is that there aren't that many out there. Moss is going back to the patriots and we know they're trying to get Chad. Are you telling me they won't throw the checkbook at Chad? Don't believe the hype! Wait till there's a crop of free agents out there, it will be business as usual and as it should be.

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Can anybody explain to me why Vinny Cerrato is on the radio throwing a player under the bus that he just released (Brandon Lloyd)? What possible good can come of that? Just part ways and keep it moving. Lack of management skills.

It's not like the Riggins show is syndicated! It's local and intended for the fans. I appreciated an honest answer from Cerrato and actually gained some confidence from him. Don't be bitter that your Lloyd jersey doesn't apply anymore!

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Okay, this is my last post on this. The only reason they aren't talking about spending a lot of money on a free agent is that there aren't that many out there. Moss is going back to the patriots and we know they're trying to get Chad. Are you telling me they won't throw the checkbook at Chad? Don't believe the hype! Wait till there's a crop of free agents out there, it will be business as usual and as it should be.

We'll see.

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Okay, this is my last post on this. The only reason they aren't talking about spending a lot of money on a free agent is that there aren't that many out there. Moss is going back to the patriots and we know they're trying to get Chad. Are you telling me they won't throw the checkbook at Chad? Don't believe the hype! Wait till there's a crop of free agents out there, it will be business as usual and as it should be.

I don't think there really will be "many" FA's out there anymore

Teams sign their own guys early, they franchise guys and really make it tough for a guy to hit the market

I think the FO finally sees that and finally sees that relying on a bumper crop of FA's will not work anymore

You don't see the quality of guys like there was in the 2004 offseason

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He said that B. Loyyd got cut because b.lloyd doesnt like football, he doesnt like practice, and he doesnt sacrafice. He said b.lloyd constantly had excuses as to why he didnt want to participate. The exact question was whose decision it was to cut brandon. To which cerrato replied, "it was all of our decision...let me rephrase that. It was brandon's decision. He made the decision. I dont think Brandon liked to play football, I dont think he liked to practice, he had an excuse for everything...I think good locker rooms drive guys like that out..." Basically, B Lloyyd is chump and his attitude got him booted from the locker room by the PLAYERS long before he got booted from the organization by management. Thats all Vinny was saying, and Brandon probably needs/deserves to hear it.

Not sure how the truth is throwing someone under the bus?

Too bad really because Lloyd could have been a damn good one. Loads of talent just plain lazy.

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Don't have an exact quote. He essentially said he was lazy, which may be true. But have you heard any other GM (not that Cerrato is one) talk about a player after he's left? The standard 'we appreciate 'the player' for his contributions and we wish him success in the future' is enough.

As much as BL was worthless, I have to agree with you...I haven't heard what was said, but if Cerrato did in fact throw him under the bus, he only further proves that he is kind of a bush league excecutive. In the real world, that's a lawsuit by the way. Again, I'm baseing this off of what the OP says. I'd have to hear it for myself to back up what I just said 100%.

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B.Lloyd is gone now thank goodness this is the start of something good to come. After hearing what vinny had to say about b. lloyd im not surprised they let him go. It's obvious they were paying him way too much money he wasn't getting along with coaches, players were starting to turn him away. this was a healthy decision made kind of reminds me of the decision to let go Arrington a few years ago.

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Can anybody explain to me why Vinny Cerrato is on the radio throwing a player under the bus that he just released (Brandon Lloyd)? What possible good can come of that? Just part ways and keep it moving. Lack of management skills.

Just an example of the unprofesionalism that you will get with little danny. Not that Lloyd doesn't deserved to be thrown under the bus, or in a deep dark hole for that matter.

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As much as BL was worthless, I have to agree with you...I haven't heard what was said, but if Cerrato did in fact throw him under the bus, he only further proves that he is kind of a bush league excecutive. In the real world, that's a lawsuit by the way. Again, I'm baseing this off of what the OP says. I'd have to hear it for myself to back up what I just said 100%.

he didn't throw him under the bus. Go back and read some previous posts of what he actually said.

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Granted, it may be true. My point is that it doesn't need to come from management, period. Coach, player, whatever. A simple 'it was my decision to cut him because we felt like he couldn't fill a role anymore' is fine. Anything past that is to hear yourself speak.

I actually find it refreshing that since Gibbs left, it seems like the front office (Cerrato particularly), and Zorn are a lot more open about things to the media than Gibbs was during his tenure.

It is nice to hear Cerrato say that about Lloyd rather than something JG would have said about it. ("Well, you know, we think Brandon is an excellent talent and a supersmart guy, but we are just going in a different direction and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.)

Zorn seems a lot more open in all of his pressers and interviews since he has arrived than Gibbs ever did.

I think we, as hardcore Skins fans, deserve to hear the truth and honest answers from higher ups in the organization when they are asked a question, rather than the candy coated, "don't want to hurt anyone's feelings" we have taken for the last several years.

Until something is said that crosses the line, I hope this continues. I find nothing Vinny said about Lloyd was over that line.

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