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ES Feedback - Good idea? Bad idea? Let us know what you think.


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

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I can't believe how close this vote is....

People need to chill - a few lolz or other internet shorthand never hurt anyone. Does it generally reflect a more immature style? Yeah obviously. But are we really at the point we need to legislate around this kind of thing. The board is immensely popular - as a result you're going to have some of the younger crowd. Deal with it.

Seriously - the LAST thing this place needs is more rules to lord over. Relax. Have a beer.


EXACTLY in the end this is just a message board, just a place to chill with your net friends :)

Chillax folks

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Agreed. Last thing we need is one more rule around here. Especially one like is one. Is it annoying to see posts using IM or text message lingo and stuff? You bet. Do I think that some can and should do a little better in communicating their idea? Yep. This isn't your phone or im. However, I believe that is the responsibility of the posters themselves, not myself or others to police themselves on this.

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I think there should be an option in user settings that will translate for you. Everywhere someone types QFT it will show up on your screen as "quoted for truth." It will replace "HTTR" with Hail to the Redskins. If someone types "OMG da Z man is l33t w/ QB's. JC will B t3h b0m n4xt yr" it will show up as, "Oh my goodness, Coach Zorn is elite with quarterbacks. Jason Campbell will be excellent next year."

Somebody should really write this feature into the message board ... what else are we doing all offseason?

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I can't believe how close this vote is....

People need to chill - a few lolz or other internet expressions never hurt anyone. Does it generally reflect a more immature style? Yeah obviously. But are we really at the point we need to legislate around this kind of thing. The board is immensely popular - as a result you're going to have some of the younger crowd. Deal with it.

Seriously - the LAST thing this place needs is more rules to lord over. Relax. Have a beer.

Lolz. Fail.

I can't believe that 89 people really want this rule in so others will have to post a perfect post.What ever happened to just having fun on a messege board talking with all your friends.As long as you can understand what the poster wrote then who cares if he/she spelled it wrong??It looks like to me if a poster can read what another poster wrote and he still complains about it then in my honest opinion he is the one that looks like a dumbass.

I tell you what this will end up doing and I hope im wrong.If this rule does happen then I honestly think that it will seperate the whole board into two sides and alot may even leave b/c they might not want to put up with this crap.A messegeboard is suppose to be fun for everybody to talk on and have a great time.Nobody should care if a person or persons spell a word incorrectly.Everybody have fun!!!!!!!

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I think part of the problem with the poll is that this isn't a strictly black and white matter. There's a HUGE gray area in what some people consider too far towards the texting or 'net lingo. One person might have though "lol" qualified and voted accordingly - the next person perhaps the opposite. Some people are taking this to include overall grammar and spelling, while some others (myself included) are assuming it applies to things like "OMG teh haxx0rs" I think if you drew a hard line towards what actually qualifies, you'd get different results.

My two cents.

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while some others (myself included) are assuming it applies to things like "OMG teh haxx0rs"

If you saw my second post in this thread, I attempted to clarify that your example was actually what it spawned the question. Everytime I see someone do that, I get flashbacks to hebrewredskinz. :paranoid:

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If you saw my second post in this thread, I attempted to clarify that your example was actually what it spawned the question. Everytime I see someone do that, I get flashbacks to hebrewredskinz. :paranoid:
Yeah I'm positive I read it, I just lost it after reading through pages of this stuff. My fault - hard to remember what the actual meat of the topic is when the majority of posts are about grammar/spelling errors/typos. Just thought I'd re-clarify since it seems to have gotten lost amongst the chatter.
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LMAO what is the world coming to that someone makes a threat like this, who the hell really has nothing in their life better to worry about than policing other people's spelling/grammar...if you understand whats being said who cares if its spelled the right way or if its abbreviated? :doh: :doh:

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LMAO what is the world coming to that someone makes a threat like this, who the hell really has nothing in their life better to worry about than policing other people's spelling/grammar...if you understand whats being said who cares if its spelled the right way or if its abbreviated? :doh: :doh:
21 - case in point :)

This isn't what the thread is supposed to be about. Read the few posts above you as well as 21's second post on page 1 of this thread.

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I think that a lot of people may be missing the point here. Broaching the subject and having the conversation here and in the Tailgate is not the first step on some slippery slope towards fascism, it is THE best way of addressing an issue that some do consider relevant. As much as some like to ***** just as a hobby, ES has never laid a heavy hand of censorship on anyone.

Tossing it out in the ring and letting everyone chew on it a bit gets it into play, we voice our opinions and hear what others think. The discussion about this will do more good to address it on both sides than any "rule" could, and will do it easily by letting the voice of the membership dictate whatever parameters need to be. I see this thread being linked to many times in the future.

Will we still see people using..........(hell, I can't even write that way, eT hRtz mi bRaYn), the popular shorthand? Sure.

Will some still want to chastize them for it? Of course.

But will we remember this debate and just maybe be a little tolerant of each other's sensibilities, in toning it down just a tad or accepting it without comment? Hope so

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I think that a lot of people may be missing the point here. Broaching the subject and having the conversation here and in the Tailgate is not the first step on some slippery slope towards fascism, it is THE best way of addressing an issue that some do consider relevant. As much as some like to ***** just as a hobby, ES has never laid a heavy hand of censorship on anyone.

Tossing it out in the ring and letting everyone chew on it a bit gets it into play, we voice our opinions and hear what others think. The discussion about this will do more good to address it on both sides than any "rule" could, and will do it easily by letting the voice of the membership dictate whatever parameters need to be. I see this thread being linked to many times in the future.

Will we still see people using..........(hell, I can't even write that way, eT hRtz mi bRaYn), the popular shorthand? Sure.

Will some still want to chastise them for it? Of course.

But will we remember this debate and just maybe be a little tolerant of each other's sensibilities, in toning it down just a tad or accepting it without comment? Hope so


That said & reading through all of the responses to this thread leads me to believe that actual reading comprehension could be an even bigger factor in the the state of things here.

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The only corrections people should make are the ones for players names, and only in cases where it is obvious the poster doesnt know how to spell the name and is not just abbreviating.

This thread is dumb what is this message board high an mighty and above all the rest? Please man go call eachother if you dont want to see some grammar mistakes here and there.

Many are like me in which we are trained to talk both ways thanks to informal IMs and formal english papers. I can write a grammar free post if I feel like it, but that isnt a rule on any message board or IM I have ever seen, so what makes this place so much higher on the pedestal that nobody can speak incorrectly and we must demand such higher standards. All the older people who did not grow up talking that way in IMs, I can see how you do not like it. However this is the internet and this is the way people talk informally, if you dont like it pick up a phone or start your own message board with those elite rules. This is the way of the internet, the lingo will never change, if anything it gets more abbreviated as the years go on. If you can understand what the person said than get over yourself.

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I don't think a rule needs to be enforced at all. Sometimes it is easier to read shortcuts here and there. I just hate when people cannot spell the most basic words correctly. That irritates me infinitely more than shortcuts or 1337 speak.

If we do add a rule, it should be something that encourages proofreading of posts before you click post reply.

Though, I think the misspelling of Playoffs is by far the greatest things ever. Paloffs ftw!

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This thread is dumb what is this message board high an mighty and above all the rest? Please man go call eachother if you dont want to see some grammar mistakes here and there.

Yeah, that "F you, too bad!" attitude is exactly what we need more of :doh:

Some people here might disagree that this is just a message board no different from a billion others.

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YOUR ignorance of the language or unwillingness to use properly it is not MY problem! My choice not to try and pass off l33t-speak text-message shorthand for the impaired is not ignorance on my part. It is this very attitude that sparked this debate. It isn't and never was about typos, spelling or vocabulary skills.

I don't over do abbreviations so I'm not the best example. But any slang or local dialect I decide to inject into my language is my business. That's the greatness about the American language; every changing, ever reflective of local culture.

I voted "yes", not because I want to see anyone banned for it but rather because it might serve to discourage this type of vulgarity to others here. Simply seeing it as a part of the forum rules would serve notice that this is not the best or most appropriate use of ones posting privileges.

:laugh: @ vulgarity. This catering to people because they may lack the knowledge and don't care to find out the meanings (ignorance) has got to stop. This forum already enforces enough censorship.

This always has been more than a mere football messageboard and it so many ways it continues to be so. There are so many connections here beyond football or the Skins. An awful lot of personal friendships and connections have been spawned here, in a great many venues beyond ES. This is a community, a neighborhood we all share and there is one simple rule for neighbors that applies here as much as it does to the people that share your zipcode. You want good neighbors? Then you have to be one. Here it isn't a question of mowing your lawn at 7AM or where you park, it is all narrowed down to what you say and how you say it. I have already heard many people echo my own assessment, in that those too lazy to express themselves in a rational fashion quite likely have nothing to say worth hearing. That might be a prejudiced view and I may be denying myself some sterling insights typed out in numbers and caps but the alternative is bleeding from the eyes.

I've never been one to care much for my neighbors other than respecting their property so I can't help you there. I care about self and those in my household.

I take issue with those that like to dismiss anyone that speaks up for clarity as a wanna-be mod. Not only are they trying to keep our neighborhood tidier but I have always heard that the staff encourages members to lend a hand where they can to try and keep things from spinning completely out of control.

It's a form of censorship not community service.

So Gfunk, in that light, I apologize for the tone of my remarks and I'll try to parctice what I preach here too (see gang? it ain't that hard)

I respect passion so if this issue really bothers you like that than so be it. I can take it. icon12.gif

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