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Officer suspended after video shows him berating teen


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Watched it. Read it. What now?

He TRIED to give them a warning. The one kid, only one the rest were telling him to shut up, got an attitude. He was calling the cop dued, even after the cop told him not to multiple times. If you have ever been to the Inner Harbor, it is clearly posted everywhere that there is not skateboarding. Hence, they were wrond to be doing it.

And then you omit that he attacks the kid's upbringing, his father, and his mother. Meanwhile, while you say "clearly posted everywhere" you dismiss another person's post that there are better uses of police resources in wiping out bigger crimes just because you don't hear gunshots in the video. I didn't see any signs in the video, so they must not exist. I didn't see any murders in the video so I guess Baltimore doesn't actually rank as one of the top murder cities. :rolleyes:

Your response about shooting someone for speeding was so over the top that anyone reading can comprehend why it is an irrational response. Not my fault you can't make an equal comparison....

It was an over the top comparison to your over the top rationale that a cop is allowed to physically assert himself upon a 14-year old who committed a heinous skateboarding violation. I was just going along with your line of thinking in that if the kid deserved what he got, you would deserve a gunshot to the face from a police officer for a traffic violation. :rolleyes:

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Yea the "dude" isn't his father, and the kid isn't his son. Personally, I would've told the guy to go **** himself.

Now, the kid was dumb for not listening in the first place, but the cop could've handled it better.

Actually, now that I think about it, kid was acting like an ass. But the whole wrestling and ****, that was uncalled for.

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Obviously you didn't get my previous post, so here it is again: CONTEXT. Google it.

Second, If I am going 45 in a 40 zone, and I get pulled over, I am not going to throw a fit and flip attitude at the cop. I will most likely get a warning, just like these kids got. The cop simply told them to stop skateboarding. If they had said simply OK, there would be no story. IF I am going 45 in a 40 and get pulled over, THER WILL BE NO STORY.

Get it?

Valid point, but the sarcastic approach was unnecessary.

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Actually, now that I think about it, kid was acting like an ass. But the whole wrestling and ****, that was uncalled for.

This is the part that I don't see. I see the kid acting scared and saying "dude what did I do", which makes the cop mad. The only thing I can see making the cop mad is him not listening in the first place which kind of makes sense since he was wearing a head set.

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This is the part that I don't see. I see the kid acting scared and saying "dude what did I do", which makes the cop mad. The only thing I can see making the cop mad is him not listening in the first place which kind of makes sense since he was wearing a head set.

Well I mean, why would you wear a head set and play the music when a cop is talking to you? Apparently, the cop had told them to leave and they still weren't gone. Cop came across as reasonable at first, but the kids defensive attitude made things go down hill. But at that point, Cop could've still kept his cool.

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Harbor north, you're probably good all the way up to North Avenue. Northwest and northeast are equally unremarkable -- NE is probably the riskiest, and again why would be all the way up there anyways.]

My wife and I actually lived in Mt Vernon. I had to mention my wife for obvious reasons. :laugh: Any way, while there is tons of fine dining I strongly disagree with you about this part of town. St Paul Street as you know runs paralell with Charles, those are the only two streets you can really hang out on.

Even there is no reason to leave either of these streets, someone who has no idea what they are doing can end up in trouble quickly. I would say you have one maybe two blocks east of St. Paul and one or Two Blocks west of Charles and you are in bad shape. Remember the bagel shop owner who was murdered by his own employess?

On top of that "The Block" is almost adjacent to the Inner Harbor. I have never seen more cracked out whores in my life.

All of these locations are with in walking distance to the inner harbor. As a matter of fact, any of the locations, Canton, Federal Hill, Mt Vernon, etc are all with in walking distance of the bad areas of Baltimore. Not saying these areas are not nice, however they can easily have major problems.

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1) The kid was acting like an ass.

2) What a wimp. You're a cop dealing with a SKATEBOARD incident and you don't think you can handle a few what 9th graders without headlocks.

I mean seriously and that "I'll smack you upside the head".....

LOL, smacking a kid for just saying "yeah" in a somewhat defensive tone is way overboard. He'd get fired.

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It's an over reaction to be sure but no one was injured in the slightest. My position is simple, kids don't deserve respect from adults unless they work hard to earn it. This kid didn't and deserve to be talked down to - ever heard the expression "don't talk to me like I'm a child!" Well in this case that was a child and he got lectured by a cop that took away his toy. Tough ****.

So if some adult for no reason tells me to stfu and I say back what's you problem in a clam tone I'm in the wrong?

EVERYBODY deserves respect and disrespect is wrong if there was no reason to do so in the first place regardless of age. Now the kid did show some disrespect but nothing to warrant what happened. If I were the cop I would have said:

"Young man; a tip for the future; if you want to avoid trouble with the law you should probably talk to police officers with a bit more respect. Please do not call me dude or man"

Now I mean I would never have been as stupid as that kid was, I would've just said I am sorry, we'll be out of here but regardless the amount of backlash did not equate at all to the level of disrespect the kid showed.

I really commend the kid's two friends for keeping quiet and advising their idiot comrade to do the same.

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I cannot believe how any defends the cop in this situation. The most common defenses i have heard in this thread are:

1. They were kids, so they dont get respect, they must only give respect.

2. The kid acted like an ass, so the cop could do what he needed to do.

3. Skateboarding there is illegal thus the cop is right in doing whatever and the kids are wrong only because they did something illegal.

Reason 1 is totally wrong. Kids dont pay taxes, well they could if they are 14 and working, we dont know. But even if they dont, they are citizens, and protected by everyone of our laws. They should command the same respect from an employee of the people as should a 40 year old.

What if a 5 year old is lost? Should the cop not show him respect and help him get home?

A cop is an employee of the people (paid by tax dollars) they used to "protect and serve" now they do whatever they can to get money. If anything an employee of the people needs to earn respect of the people they serve. Consider them an employee.

The cop lost his cool instantly. It is his job to deal with situations like this all the time and he clearly cannot do his job. He didnt need to take the skateboard and he didnt need to insult the kids family. He could be written up on verbal assualt charges, though they prob woulnt stick.

2. The kid didnt act like an ass. Nothing in the world says that a citizen must respect a cop or answer any of a cops questions. Hell the best thing to do is NEVER talk to the police. NEVER. Unless of course you call them. The cop asks "call you mom" I would say "Not a chance." The kids simply didnt feel the need to bend over backwards for a power abusive cop. Good for him

3. Skateboarding there is illegal. Ok fine. But who is hurt? No one. Maybe some minor property damage, maybe. If you are of the "its illegal, so its wrong, so the state can do whatever they want to you" party, i have a question for you. If you are doing 41 in 40, get pulled over, pulled out of the car, strip searched and then had you car impounded. Do you believe it is right?

POLICE if you are listening: Get back to protect and serve. Do the peoples work, not your own.

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Yeah how anyone can defend the cop in this situation is beyond me. Sadly, I grew up around cops like this. They used to ride around my neighborhood on their little Huffy's and just act like asses toward everyone, including us 12-13 year old kids. I've hated cops ever since and I see no reason why I should stop hating them any time soon. Pricks, almost every single one of them. Funny how they work for US but yet we need to bow down and kisses their asses.

That being said, I've learned how to talk to them. Yes sir, no sir. There are ways to defend yourself and stick up for yourself against them without being "disrespectful." Hopefully this kid will learn that.

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And then you omit that he attacks the kid's upbringing, his father, and his mother. Meanwhile, while you say "clearly posted everywhere" you dismiss another person's post that there are better uses of police resources in wiping out bigger crimes just because you don't hear gunshots in the video. I didn't see any signs in the video, so they must not exist. I didn't see any murders in the video so I guess Baltimore doesn't actually rank as one of the top murder cities. :rolleyes:
First, there are not heroin deals taking place in the Inner Harbor on a regular basis. It is a tourist attraction. I lived in Laurel for years and went there all the time. Know that area and others quite well. Second, the Baltimore Police makes the decision how to allocate the dept resources, no a poster on ES. However valid the thought, it is irrelevant. Third, this cop was obviously assigned to patrol the Inner Harbor area, meaning he would not respond to gunshots 10 blocks away. So I didn't ignore another persons post, I used reason to analyze the information and realize those inferences wer not relevant. The bolded portion of your post is ignorant.
It was an over the top comparison to your over the top rationale that a cop is allowed to physically assert himself upon a 14-year old who committed a heinous skateboarding violation. I was just going along with your line of thinking in that if the kid deserved what he got, you would deserve a gunshot to the face from a police officer for a traffic violation. :rolleyes:
It is an edited youtube video. It is not a video from a third party that has nothing vested. Also, this event happened in the summer of 2006 I believe. It was posted Saturday night. A year and a half later. Could this possibly be an agenda driven release?
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Everybody involved is lucky that Officer Ribieri didn't lose it. He calmed down after he got the kids attention. If he had "lost it", the kid would be in the hospital (or worse), and the cop would be unemployed or in jail.

Look, when your talking to a cop, you do what the cop says. If you think your rights are being violated, tell it to the judge.

The kid could get locked up for resisting when the cop tried to take the skateboard. Hell, if I was in that situation, I might have cuffed him and called a cruiser. Somehow, I don't think he learned anything constructive with the way this went down.

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For skateboarding? Seriously? I can think of a lot worse things they could have been doing. Hopefully the kid gets well compensated because he did not deserve to be treated that way.

It's not just the skateboarding.It's the lack of total disrespect the young kids today show towards anything. Kids today think they are above the law. Cops can't do anything anymore or they go to jail themselves. No one appreciates a cop nowadays until you have some *** **** holding your kid and wife at gun point in your own bedroom. Then the cops are wanted and needed. Part of me wishes he would have shot the kids knee caps off. If the police are going to get in trouble for everything they do in their job, might as well go out with a bang. This police officer should be promoted. :2cents:

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God bless the police. They have to put up with sh** all day long.

Could you imagine having to deal with the Jerry Springer show all day? All that white trash, drug addicts and the dregs of society.

That said, the cop should never have put his hands on the kid - I didnt really hear anything from the kid that warranted the response but he obviously was kind of a brat.

Shut your mouth and do what you are told - its not hard, just swallow pride and move on.

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Which one is actually worse?

Answer: Disrespecting an officer of the law...regardless if you're on a skateboard or on crack.

I side with the police officer. None of us know out here how much disrespect they face on a daily basis. It would help to have the entire video or to know the details outside of it to make a proper judgment.

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So if some adult for no reason tells me to stfu and I say back what's you problem in a clam tone I'm in the wrong?
Why is the adult saying "stfu" in the first place? Most adults don't roam the streets looking for kids to scream at. Crazy people do that and they scream at adults too.
EVERYBODY deserves respect and disrespect is wrong if there was no reason to do so in the first place regardless of age. Now the kid did show some disrespect but nothing to warrant what happened. If I were the cop I would have said:

"Young man; a tip for the future; if you want to avoid trouble with the law you should probably talk to police officers with a bit more respect. Please do not call me dude or man"

Everybody does deserve respect but adults and kids shouldn't be viewed as equals. Adults all know that you have to be respectful to demand any at all. It's kids that don't seem to understand this anymore. You think that cop would have been more or less kind to a 20 year old ignoring him with music playing and refusing to hand over the board? I'd say the adult would have been up a creek from my experience with cops.

Now I mean I would never have been as stupid as that kid was, I would've just said I am sorry, we'll be out of here but regardless the amount of backlash did not equate at all to the level of disrespect the kid showed.

I really commend the kid's two friends for keeping quiet and advising their idiot comrade to do the same.

Notice the cop didn't bother them at all? It's amazing how far showing a little respect can go.

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