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Officer suspended after video shows him berating teen


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Of course, we don't know do we?

It could also probably be the kids doing any number of things that could set the officer off.

I'm not saying the cop acted properly, but for people to threaten lawsuits is a bit over the top. Just like the officers actions.

Watch the video, he was standing 30 feet away from them, the one kid is wearing a head set, he can't hear him. His buddies try to get his attention, they finally do, the kid gives the cop a little mouth.(calls him dude) The cop loses it and puts the KID in a headlock. Completely out of line regardless of whether or not he was skateboarding in an illegal area.

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When caught doing something illegals take off the headset. Kid should thank the cop for teaching him this valuable lesson. Pretty damn stupid to sit there listening to tunes while a cop is talking to you.

I don't think all skateboarders are stupid. Howerver standing there with a dumb look on his face with tunes blasting in his ears while a cop is talking to him is a warning sign that the kid might be a moron.

Cops can touch you. They can drag you around make you stand up, sit down, walk a line, and touch your nose. They can handcuff you put in the back of the car just because they suspect you of doing something. They sure as hell can grab you if they say "give me x" and you don't immediately hand x over to them. Another situation in which the kid acted stupid, he didn't immediately hand over the board.

Kids aren't tax paying citizens, they are children. Adults should have their respect from word one. Cops especially. No cop should have to earn the respect of a child.

That's fine with me. I would however slap a 100 dollar fine for the first offense and double it with each subsequent offense. The cops time and effort are being used up chasing around kids breaking the law... a crunch on mommies wallet should help reduce repeats.

Destino, it's sad you're defending this gross overreaction of the officer.

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What an a-hole. The kid did nothing wrong he was skateboarding FFS. This guy needs to lose his badge.

While he took the time to berate this kid because of the way he speaks, there were probably 50 heroin deals, and 25 gun shots with in 10 blocks.

The only mistake the kids made was to skateboard in a tourist area. While I understand why, skateboarding shouldn't be considered a crime. I grew up skateboarding, I got kicked off of many properties and thought it was fun to giggle at the "rent a cops".

The way I see it, while me and my buddies were skateboarding, there were 10 other kids in our area who were smoking pot, drinking beer and cruising around.

Which one is actually worse?

First - as someone that lives a block from the harbor these skateboarders are disrespectful and annoying... not to mention that bikes and skateboards are only allowed during certain hours on the path.

Second - Your aforementioned herion deals and gun shots comment was extremely ignorant....

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Destino, it's sad you're defending this gross overreaction of the officer.

It's an over reaction to be sure but no one was injured in the slightest. My position is simple, kids don't deserve respect from adults unless they work hard to earn it. This kid didn't and deserve to be talked down to - ever heard the expression "don't talk to me like I'm a child!" Well in this case that was a child and he got lectured by a cop that took away his toy. Tough ****.

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The two contrasting videos prove my point.

Officer One - yells at a kid, puts him in a headlock, cusses him, calls him an idiot = kids not respecting the law.

Officer Two - Approaches the kids, asks them to stop, (they are dealing with kids) kids stop, he talks to them, expresses his concern for injury and the cost of possibly doing damage to the gas pumps. In return the kids act respectful, say thank you sir and leave.

I will never forget a couple of the cops who use to chase us all over the place. They were usually very nice, sometimes we made them mad, when it was all said and done 18 years later we still remember each other and are buddies.

These guys had a positive influence on us, I also realize they knew we were good kids. They took the time to speak with us, instead of acting like idiots, putting us in headlocks and taking our skateboards away. In turn they earned our respect.

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It's an over reaction to be sure but no one was injured in the slightest. My position is simple, kids don't deserve respect from adults unless they work hard to earn it. This kid didn't and deserve to be talked down to - ever heard the expression "don't talk to me like I'm a child!" Well in this case that was a child and he got lectured by a cop that took away his toy. Tough ****.

I'm goin to go on record as believing either Sarge or MSF hijacked your account. :)

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Not according to him. He has his own idea about what Baltimore is like based upon TV and nothing is going to change that.

I know... its just frustrating. And I understand I can't change the image HBO has created which is why I didn't go on a whole rampage arguing why his statment is was so ignorant... he can go on living in his homogenous hagerstown bubble thinking what he wants while my equity keeps going up on my house that is bound to bullet ridden any minute right...

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The two contrasting videos prove my point.

Officer One - yells at a kid, puts him in a headlock, cusses him, calls him an idiot = kids not respecting the law.

Officer Two - Approaches the kids, asks them to stop, (they are dealing with kids) kids stop, he talks to them, expresses his concern for injury and the cost of possibly doing damage to the gas pumps. In return the kids act respectful, say thank you sir and leave.

I will never forget a couple of the cops who use to chase us all over the place. They were usually very nice, sometimes we made them mad, when it was all said and done 18 years later we still remember each other and are buddies.

These guys had a positive influence on us, I also realize they knew we were good kids. They took the time to speak with us, instead of acting like idiots, putting us in headlocks and taking our skateboards away. In turn they earned our respect.

They chased you all over the place appears to suggest that you continued breaking the law despite several run ins with these cops. Seems like bad police work to me.

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Not according to him. He has his own idea about what Baltimore is like based upon TV and nothing is going to change that.

I use to live on St. Paul street and jog to the Science Center (located in the inner harbor, right next to where the kids were skating, probably 100 yards away) almost every day. I am very familiar with Baltimore and the Inner Harbor has a lot of problems, problems that are bigger than skateboarding.

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I'm goin to go on record as believing either Sarge or MSF hijacked your account. :)

lol no. My thing with cops is that they often appear to injure people needlessly, use tasers as a form of torture to force you to comply instead of it's intended use to stop you so they can safely arrest you, and put civilian lives at risk to avoid the slightest possible risk to their own (which oddly would be opposite the definition of a hero). I don't have an issue with cops getting upset with people that don't know how to behave around authority.

Had this cop tazered the kid until the kids handed him his skate board I would have a huge problem with it. That's what they did to the kid in the library that wouldn't leave, they shocked him until he willingly walked out of there instead of simply cuffing him and draggin him out. The act of shocking more than once to force a behavior is torture IMO and should result in immediate termination.

Likewise had the cop thrown the kid face first to the ground and put a knee on his back while giving him this lecture I would have had a problem with it. That is more force than the situation demanded.

This cop yelled at the kid and wrestled away his board. Big deal.

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First - as someone that lives a block from the harbor these skateboarders are disrespectful and annoying... not to mention that bikes and skateboards are only allowed during certain hours on the path.

Second - Your aforementioned herion deals and gun shots comment was extremely ignorant....

Sorry maybe I should have mentioned a specific incident like watching a guy get tazed and robbed while on a jog in the "inner harbor".

Your trying to make it seem like you can walk two blocks away from the inner harbor and not be in a bad place. No matter which nice area you are in Baltimore, you can turn the corner and be in the hood with in seconds.

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Sorry maybe I should have mentioned a specific incident like watching a guy get tazed and robbed while on a jog in the "inner harbor".

Your trying to make it seem like you can walk two blocks away from the inner harbor and not be in a bad place. No matter which nice area you are in Baltimore, you can turn the corner and be in the hood with in seconds.

you obviously have not been to the harbor in a long time....

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Your trying to make it seem like you can walk two blocks away from the inner harbor and not be in a bad place. No matter which nice area you are in Baltimore, you can turn the corner and be in the hood with in seconds.

Of course, it's not as pretty as hagerstown with the influx of prisoners being released from the nearby prison.

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Too many cops hide behind their badge. I'm sure there are good officers out there, but for every good one there have to be a ton like this prick.

I was at a party a few months ago at a cops house. I'm not sure how many cops where there, but everyone I walked by, or overheard a conversation of, they all seemed like this guy. They were bragging about how many people they busted. Yet everyone of them were too drunk to drive, but drove home anyway.

I'm sick and tired of them hiding behind a badge. This guy starts talking about the kids parents like he knows them. If I was that kids father I would have a serious issue with this. If he wants to act like a tough guy he should skip a few meals and get to the gym. He calls himself a cop with a build like that? I hope he loses his job. What a scumbag.

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Too many cops hide behind their badge. I'm sure there are good officers out there, but for every good one there have to be a ton like this prick.


for everyone of the cops like the prick, there are a ton of good ones.

It's only the bad ones who get publicity.

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for everyone of the cops like the prick, there are a ton of good ones.

It's only the bad ones who get publicity.

The one thing about this video/skateboarding and cops that is becoming more common is that many skateboarders are carrying video cameras now a days.

Youtube is evidence of that, I think it's great the kids are being creative and filming what they enjoy doing, instead of partying and breaking the law in worse fashion.

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How long of a time?

Well as to your two block to danger zone theory, from the Harbor East, you're now good all the way around the water to the other side of Canton, at which point you're in industrial hell – no gun shots there.

Harbor west you've got at least 10 blocks – which will take you a few blocks passed Camden Yards and you would have no business going over there anyways.

Harbor north, you're probably good all the way up to North Avenue. Northwest and northeast are equally unremarkable -- NE is probably the riskiest, and again why would be all the way up there anyways.

And as for the South where I live in Fed Hill. I live on the 1st residential block… and the block behind me, two blocks from the Harbor, is the most expensive street in the entire city. From there for about 15 more blocks you are looking at homes and condos from 350-850k. Now Locust Point is a little old school South Baltimore – an old working class neighborhood that is being taken over by yuppies like me - but if you have no problem with Natty Boh and construction boots you should be ok. Over by M&T, about 15 blocks from the Harbor, there is some project housing but due to its close proximity to the stadium it is very well lit with police presence.

Shall I go on….

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