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Officer suspended after video shows him berating teen


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What an a-hole. The kid did nothing wrong he was skateboarding FFS. This guy needs to lose his badge.
Actually, he did. It is posted EVERYWHERE at the Inner Harbor that you can't skate.
While he took the time to berate this kid because of the way he speaks, there were probably 50 heroin deals, and 25 gun shots with in 10 blocks.
Really? There were 50 heroin deals, 25 gun shots at the Inner Harbor? I didn't see any of the pessers by freakin out over these gun shots and the dealers. The guy was on his beat: The Inner Harbor. He wouldn't be dealing with the rest of Baltimore. Context is a key word, and you went right around it.
The only mistake the kids made was to skateboard in a tourist area. While I understand why, skateboarding shouldn't be considered a crime. I grew up skateboarding, I got kicked off of many properties and thought it was fun to giggle at the "rent a cops".
He wasn't gigling at a rent-a-cop. He was dealing with a Police Officer.
The way I see it, while me and my buddies were skateboarding, there were 10 other kids in our area who were smoking pot, drinking beer and cruising around.
Rationalize, rationalize, rationalize. I wasn't doing anything REALLY bad, just bad.
Which one is actually worse?
CONTEXT. Learn it, live it, love it.
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I will never agree with you on this, even if you are right.

This guy was doing a manual, which does not involve any grinding of the surface. :silly:

IDK what they are called, i never rode, but ok if you say so :silly: I'm not defending either side, i was just sayin "if" ;)

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Actually, he did. It is posted EVERYWHERE at the Inner Harbor that you can't skate.Really? There were 50 heroin deals, 25 gun shots at the Inner Harbor? I didn't see any of the pessers by freakin out over these gun shots and the dealers. The guy was on his beat: The Inner Harbor. He wouldn't be dealing with the rest of Baltimore. Context is a key word, and you went right around it.He wasn't gigling at a rent-a-cop. He was dealing with a Police Officer.Rationalize, rationalize, rationalize. I wasn't doing anything REALLY bad, just bad.CONTEXT. Learn it, live it, love it.

Since what the 14-year old kid doing was bad enough to warrant that BS, I suppose you won't complain when a cop approaches your car and shoots you in the face for going 45mph in a 40mph zone.

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Since what the 14-year old kid doing was bad enough to warrant that BS, I suppose you won't complain when a cop approaches your car and shoots you in the face for going 45mph in a 40mph zone.
Obviously you didn't get my previous post, so here it is again: CONTEXT. Google it.

Second, If I am going 45 in a 40 zone, and I get pulled over, I am not going to throw a fit and flip attitude at the cop. I will most likely get a warning, just like these kids got. The cop simply told them to stop skateboarding. If they had said simply OK, there would be no story. IF I am going 45 in a 40 and get pulled over, THER WILL BE NO STORY.

Get it?

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Obviously you didn't get my previous post, so here it is again: CONTEXT. Google it.

Second, If I am going 45 in a 40 zone, and I get pulled over, I am not going to throw a fit and flip attitude at the cop. I will most likely get a warning, just like these kids got. The cop simply told them to stop skateboarding. If they had said simply OK, there would be no story. IF I am going 45 in a 40 and get pulled over, THER WILL BE NO STORY.

Get it?

Did you watch the video? Did the cop just simply give them a warning?

Educate yourself on the matters being discussed before taking a condescending stand. Read the first post.

Click the first link. Read the article. Click the second link. Watch the video.

Then come back. Got it?

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Actually, he did. It is posted EVERYWHERE at the Inner Harbor that you can't skate.Really? .

Sure I have seen the signs, still doesn't give him the right to act the way he did.

Regardless, the kid was wearing a head set and the cop acted like an ass. If I was the kids parents I would be contacting an attorney.

There were 50 heroin deals, 25 gun shots at the Inner Harbor? I didn't see any of the pessers by freakin out over these gun shots and the dealers. The guy was on his beat: The Inner Harbor. He wouldn't be dealing with the rest of Baltimore. Context is a key word, and you went right around it..

Don't kid yourself, the Inner Harbor is a dump and a lot of bad things happen there.

He wasn't gigling at a rent-a-cop. He was dealing with a Police Officer.Rationalize, rationalize, rationalize. I wasn't doing anything REALLY bad, just bad.CONTEXT. Learn it, live it, love it.

He has rights, the last time I checked, calling a cop "dude" isn't a crime. I am actually proud of the kid for calling him dude even after he was told not to.

The other part that bothered me is, he automatically assumed his parents are bad parents. I had a similar "punk image" to these guys, this shouldn't translate into, he is a bad kid and my parents don't use dicipline.

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IDK what they are called, i never rode, but ok if you say so :silly: I'm not defending either side, i was just sayin "if" ;)

No your right it was damage property, which is one of the reasons why it is illegal. I was just messing with you.

On the other hand there are numerous videos of kids being arrested for skating on sidewalks, which could be considered as a form of transportation.

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The cop simply told them to stop skateboarding. If they had said simply OK, there would be no story.

Get it?

To me it looked like the kid stopped after he heard the cop speak over his headphones. It also looks like they said OK, except they said "OK Dude" which is the same thing.

The discussion of the word "dude" almost needs it's own thread. I have been using this word for probably 20 years, I think it is becoming a common term even in the proffesional world. :applause:

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This will come as a shock to some that are convinced I hate cops but... Cop did nothing wrong here. In fact I'm kind of pissed off the cop got suspended which will effect his career negatively.

Look skateboarding is not a right. If you aren't allowed to skate there than don't and if you do at least take the god damn ear pieces out of your ears when a cop is talking to you. The kid doesn't know how to behave and was being a bit of an ass. When you are dealing with an authority figure you don't crank up the tunes and attempt to ignore him. The kid was skating in an area in which it is not allowed and trying to act like the cop was bothering him. That cop has better things to do than deal with little morons that don't know how to say "yes sir, sorry sir, we'll leave right away if you'll allow it."

Frankly I think they need to pass a law saying that if you are caught skating in an area in which it isn't allowed your board is broken down and used as mulch along the interstate. It's really not a hard concept - people don't want skaters around everywhere scratching up whatever they decide to grind that day.

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The kid was skating in an area in which it is not allowed and trying to act like the cop was bothering him. .".

He was wearing a head set, and as soon as the cop got his attention he stopped. The cop was also standing 30 feet away from him.

That cop has better things to do than deal with little morons that don't know how to say "yes sir, sorry sir, we'll leave right away if you'll allow it.".

First of all, not all skateboarders are morons simply because they skateboard. It actually takes a lot of thought to pull some of the tricks off now a days.

While I agree about the "yes sir" bit, the cop crossed the line by acting like an idiot and touching the kid, simply because he didn't say "yes sir".

If the cops want to gain respect from the youth, they should probably take a lesson from this Police Officer.

He speaks with respect and the kids give him respect back.

Frankly I think they need to pass a law saying that if you are caught skating in an area in which it isn't allowed your board is broken down and used as mulch along the interstate. It's really not a hard concept - people don't want skaters around everywhere scratching up whatever they decide to grind that day.

I grew up in Frederick, and they would confiscate your skateboard and your parents would have to come back and pick it up. After your third offense, you wouldn't get it back. Fair enough, however for some reason you seem to have more hate for skateboarders than you do for cops. :D

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This will come as a shock to some that are convinced I hate cops but... Cop did nothing wrong here. In fact I'm kind of pissed off the cop got suspended which will effect his career negatively.

Okay, how about these cops.

These kids did everything you said in the last post, however they were walking away giggling, and this other cop jumps out and acts like a real ass.

Tell me your thoughts on this one.

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Did you watch the video? Did the cop just simply give them a warning?

Educate yourself on the matters being discussed before taking a condescending stand. Read the first post.

Click the first link. Read the article. Click the second link. Watch the video.

Then come back. Got it?

Watched it. Read it. What now?

He TRIED to give them a warning. The one kid, only one the rest were telling him to shut up, got an attitude. He was calling the cop dued, even after the cop told him not to multiple times. If you have ever been to the Inner Harbor, it is clearly posted everywhere that there is not skateboarding. Hence, they were wrond to be doing it.

Your response about shooting someone for speeding was so over the top that anyone reading can comprehend why it is an irrational response. Not my fault you can't make an equal comparison....

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Regardless, the kid was wearing a head set and the cop acted like an ass. If I was the kids parents I would be contacting an attorney.

On what grounds? the Theory of Easy money?

I'll also add that the entire video isn't being shown. Why didn't the kids put up the part that happened just prior to the officer being irate?

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Okay, how about these cops.

These kids did everything you said in the last post, however they were walking away giggling, and this other cop jumps out and acts like a real ass.

Tell me your thoughts on this one.

My immiediate reaction? What happened in the portion they edited out? I noticed that the cop that told them to put their hands on the car was not the same one they had spoken to earlier and that something is very clearly editted out between that talk and reaction from the cop.

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On what grounds? the Theory of Easy money?

I'll also add that the entire video isn't being shown. Why didn't the kids put up the part that happened just prior to the officer being irate?

The fact that he shouldn't have touched the kid. He put him in a headlock to grab the skateboard. The only reason a cop should touch any one is if they are going to arrest them.

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2 thoughts.

1. Boo Hoo, the kid got yelled at by a cop. the cop didn't curse at him, he raised his voice and pointed at him. Wah. I've had worse from cops when I was a kid. Big friggin' deal. It is exceedingly lame to reprimand a cop for this.


Jeez, officer Linguini, get a friggin' grip on yourself and come off the Billy Bad routine. Totally uneccessary, better ways to handle this situation. Seems to me to be a guy watching the Wire on his off time and thinking he's got some real Baltimore corner boys here. Dude rides his beat in a plastic bubble car wishing to be real police instead of the glorified meter maid he is. Granted, it's his job to keep kids from skateboarding in that area, but it appears he takes it a bit too seriously. Gung ho truant officer. He definitely needs some talking to before he has a heart attack.


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My immiediate reaction? What happened in the portion they edited out? I noticed that the cop that told them to put their hands on the car was not the same one they had spoken to earlier and that something is very clearly editted out between that talk and reaction from the cop.

The orignal cop was driving right next to them and the other cop stepped out of the building. He said he saw them smiling while they were walking away from the original. The cop car you see is the original cop.

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Because it was probably just them skating in an illegal area.
And here is the reason the kids were wrong. To avoid these situations in the future, I hope police departments train their officers to simply confiscate the skateboard and issue the ticket. No talking, no warnings. No edited youtube videos. No problems. Right?
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Because it was probably just them skating in an illegal area.

Of course, we don't know do we?

It could also probably be the kids doing any number of things that could set the officer off.

I'm not saying the cop acted properly, but for people to threaten lawsuits is a bit over the top. Just like the officers actions.

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Jeez, officer Linguini, get a friggin' grip on yourself and come off the Billy Bad routine. Totally uneccessary, better ways to handle this situation. Seems to me to be a guy watching the Wire on his off time and thinking he's got some real Baltimore corner boys here. Dude rides his beat in a plastic bubble car wishing to be real police instead of the glorified meter maid he is. Granted, it's his job to keep kids from skateboarding in that area, but it appears he takes it a bit too seriously. Gung ho truant officer. He definitely needs some talking to before he has a heart attack.


BWHAHA! I thought i was the only one that noticed he was driving a golf cart. :laugh: That is a step BELOW bike cop. :laugh:

But seriously, kids are dumb and this guy needs some prozac. Put the 2 together, you get quality YouTube watchin'. :munchout:

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He was wearing a head set, and as soon as the cop got his attention he stopped. The cop was also standing 30 feet away from him.

When caught doing something illegals take off the headset. Kid should thank the cop for teaching him this valuable lesson. Pretty damn stupid to sit there listening to tunes while a cop is talking to you.

First of all, not all skateboarders are morons simply because they skateboard. It actually takes a lot of thought to pull some of the tricks off now a days.
I don't think all skateboarders are stupid. Howerver standing there with a dumb look on his face with tunes blasting in his ears while a cop is talking to him is a warning sign that the kid might be a moron.
While I agree about the "yes sir" bit, the cop crossed the line by acting like an idiot and touching the kid, simply because he didn't say "yes sir".
Cops can touch you. They can drag you around make you stand up, sit down, walk a line, and touch your nose. They can handcuff you put in the back of the car just because they suspect you of doing something. They sure as hell can grab you if they say "give me x" and you don't immediately hand x over to them. Another situation in which the kid acted stupid, he didn't immediately hand over the board.

If the cops want to gain respect from the youth, they should probably take a lesson from this Police Officer.

Kids aren't tax paying citizens, they are children. Adults should have their respect from word one. Cops especially. No cop should have to earn the respect of a child.
I grew up in Frederick, and they would confiscate your skateboard and your parents would have to come back and pick it up. After your third offense, you wouldn't get it back. Fair enough, however for some reason you seem to have more hate for skateboarders than you do for cops. :D
That's fine with me. I would however slap a 100 dollar fine for the first offense and double it with each subsequent offense. The cops time and effort are being used up chasing around kids breaking the law... a crunch on mommies wallet should help reduce repeats.
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