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Stuffed!!! ES Poll for Williams/Fassel/Other: (700 votes for Fassel in 30 mins)


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We're making good strides. Despite having injuries that would have crippled other teams (see: Rams) Williams slapped together a stellar defense and Saunders orchestrated a competent offense. Plus, this team has been forged together into one solid unit after this last season. Can we please build on this instead of scapping it and starting from scratch (again)?

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It seems clear that The Dan is wary of Vinny and Gregg working together. The strained relationship with Ralph Wilson is freaking Dan out and he's really trying to go in another direction. As far as Saunders goes... wow... I don't know how Vinny covered Dan's eyes when we won those last four games in a row.

If nothing else that was progress and evidence that the system works.

Let's be clear, Al Saunders offense works in this league. I believe there are two reasons it has not fluorished. First and probably foremost, and I hate to say this, but Joe Gibbs would not let Al be creative and aggressive. Joe wanted smashmouth. In the last 4 games, we got a glimpse of what the offense can be if we would let Al run it. GW would let him!!!!!!!!!!! The other difficulty was probably Jason still learning the offense. I know I was impressed when Al was running the offense with Todd that we actually started having receivers wide open.

We should keep GW and Saunders, and we would have a great year. Turnover will kill us. We have never responded well to new systems and coaches!

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The percentages have raised a bit for other and Fassel since yesterday, but its still a pretty sizable majority in favor of Williams.

Veretax, I actually have seen the percentages for Fassel go down to 7% from a high of 12% as of 7:30 last evening. Before that it was running about 6% in the statistically significant range. The gap for Williams has been increasing as well.

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Gotta be Williams. Fassel is a joke and couldn't put enough points on the board to win with Baltimore's impressive defense.

Snyder - stop trying to make the "big splash" for the sake of getting attention. Your mismanagement of the team since you took over has made you a complete laughingstock in the league. Now you risk alienating your bread and butter, the one component of the Redskins that guarantees you make your precious revenue - the fanbase.

You want to make money? Fine. Control the business aspects of concession prices, seat prices, parking prices, merchandise, marketing, etc. But PLEASE, stay out of the football aspects. Yes, this is a business, but it's also a game - and it needs to be run by someone who understands how to produce a winner.

We were on the right path after Gibbs took over. Stay out of the way!!!

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Veretax, I actually have seen the percentages for Fassel go down to 7% from a high of 12% as of 7:30 last evening. Before that it was running about 6% in the statistically significant range. The gap for Williams has been increasing as well.

I recall it being around a lower percentage for both other and Fassel, as far as % of total votes, but I understand what your saying. ITs a "Fluid situation".

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Why so much hate of fassel honestly hes not that bad its not like dannys done gone back and yanked spurrier for fun and gun 2-punting boogaloo. im a little lost at the almost blantant hatred toward the man.

If you don't understand it, then you don't understand the problems with the Redskins organization. Many fans hoped Dan had changed. His approach over the last 4 years was a sign. I know I beleived he had finally come around.

Hiring Fassell is a sign that Snyder's misguided beleif that he can run a football team was just held in check by Gibbs.

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If Snider realy means continuity then it should be Williams. If Snyder wants another HC, then bring a passionate man who was around the league past several years. I don't see a lot of passion in Fassel neither he couched the last 3 years.

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If you don't understand it, then you don't understand the problems with the Redskins organization. Many fans hoped Dan had changed. His approach over the last 4 years was a sign. I know I beleived he had finally come around.

Hiring Fassell is a sign that Snyder misguided beleif that he can run a football team was just held in check by Gibbs.

Fassel is a good football coach, but is he really that good where we need to pass over Gregg Williams? I understand if we could get Tony Dungy or Mike Holmgren, even Cowher, but Fassel???

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Snyder may claim to be a great fan of the Redskins but this is ridiculous. Keep Greg Williams as head coach, hire Schwartz as DC, keep Saunders where he is and lets make a Super Bowl run next year. Collins showed us that this offense works if managed correctly.

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Snyder may claim to be a great fan of the Redskins but this is ridiculous. Keep Greg Williams as head coach, hire Schwartz as DC, keep Saunders where he is and lets make a Super Bowl run next year. Collins showed us that this offense works if managed correctly.

One change here... keep Blache as DC and draft Calais Campbell from Miami.

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Greg deserves a shot. He's qualified, good at his craft, established with the team and worked closely with Gibbs the last 4 years to create a playoff calibur team that is feared every Sunday (with the exception of the patriots). The decision to hire Greg would put the skins in a position to take another step forward next year.....going with Fassel means to opposite IMHO.

Do the right thing dan.

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