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Stuffed!!! ES Poll for Williams/Fassel/Other: (700 votes for Fassel in 30 mins)


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Danny just doesn't seem to get it. Fassel means many more years of mediocrity and the fans are getting fed up with it. Gibbs had us on the right track, but now he is going to blow it up and start over again.

Of course, he really doesn't care what his fans think, so he will make the wrong move again.

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Please GOD let Snyder make the right decision, and the only decision that would maintain his true word of keeping this team together with some stability...

I just don't see why not promote GW to HC, if we do awful next season or even go less than .500 under him then OK well maybe he's not HC material, but there is only one way to find out and I have faith that we would not go under .500 but well over!

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As far as GW's attitude in Buffalo, it's his attitude in DC that matters now. How many of us mature over time and adjust our attitudes based on past experiences?

The Arch debacle was not good. At least we got out of it without it costing us too much money going forward. Chicago thought they had a good deal when they picked him up and he was barely getting on the field by the end of the season. Maybe he really was a flash in the pan and he is washed up as a football player. I agree that GW should have spoken with him, that's only common courtesy to a teammate. Maybe Arch had some attitude issues as well.

My one big complaint with GW is that he sometimes tries to play a player at a position that is unnatural for them. Wasn't that one of Arch's complaints, that he didn't fit into this system?

I forget the particulars with Pierce, but we have had a lot of rising star LBs come through here and we cannot pay huge sums to keep them all. We'd have an intergalactic defense and no offense because of the cap.

I just wish that Snyder would realize how close he is to having a truly great team and that blowing up the entire coaching staff is going to set us back several years, if not destroy this team entirely.

21 RIP

He went to a team where he didn;t know the players beforehand, and he does now.

Billechick got a second chance after a joke tenure in Cleveland.

Why not GW???

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Are you rich? Do you like to play "Fantasy Football"? Well, do what Danny boy's done, buy a franchise and fulfill your fantasy!

If Williams isn't the man, it's going to be another season with the fans knowing more about football than this man. I'd say protest by withholding your money and let this guy move the team and leave the franchise name behind.

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Are you rich? Do you like to play "Fantasy Football"? Well, do what Danny boy's done, buy a franchise and fulfill your fantasy!

If Williams isn't the man, it's going to be another season with the fans knowing more about football than this man. I'd say protest by withholding your money and let this guy move the team and leave the franchise name behind.

I'm not looking for tickets next year right now. I'm comfortable watching on the TV at home not paying $8 for beer.

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It just doesn't make sense to install a new staff with entirely different schemes after making the playoffs. That's the kind of thing you do after finishing 3-13. Williams has been here for 4 years and has put together 3 very good defenses, Fassel has been unemployed for the past year... you do the math.

The negative reaction here is so strong I don't see how Fassel can overcome it.

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I think we are seeing a pattern here with the owners. Norv Turner inherits a good team and loses in the playoffs. Norv Turner, wtf! Wade phillips inherits a good team loses in the playoffs. Who's surprised? Danny boy, if he pulls this off, seems to be doing the same damn thing. And if this is the case the fans really need to put their foot down hard and put a stop to this kind of behavior. These football franchises wither the owners like it or not have a responsibility to their fans and city it represents! These are not McDonald restaurants for crying out loud.

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Those reasons to doubt GW are hearsay at best.

GW isn't responsible AT ALL for Pierce leaving, other than putting him in a position to be paid in the FA market. GW knew he was going to get paid, wanted him back, the FO didn't come through.

Failing to report the 10 men on the field to Gibbs was a mistake. But, let's keep in mind that GW was 100% in control of the defense. He didn't run anything by Gibbs. After the death of ST that entire week is pretty much a pass in my book. Gibbs had a brain fart with the timeout, GW had one with keeping Gibbs apprised about that decision. The players and coaches underperformed.

Williams interviews seem to be a matter of style. I personally like hearing him talk. He seems very sincere and no nonsense. Someone like Smoot doesn't need to go to Snyder and champion GW. Smoot isn't going to get cut, no matter who is hired. His signing bonus is too new and he played about as well as we could have expected. Yet he's still doing all he can to keep GW around. The players responded to this guy 3 out of 4 years. His style seems to work in DC.

It seems clear that The Dan is wary of Vinny and Gregg working together. The strained relationship with Ralph Wilson is freaking Dan out and he's really trying to go in another direction. As far as Saunders goes... wow... I don't know how Vinny covered Dan's eyes when we won those last four games in a row.

If nothing else that was progress and evidence that the system works.

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The negative reaction here is so strong I don't see how Fassel can overcome it.

Are you serious? You're obviously not new to this board, so you should know not to make a statement like that. If he goes 4-0 in pre season, people on this board will be talking Super Bowl. :) And I am being serious, not sarcastic.

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Are you serious? You're obviously not new to this board, so you should know not to make a statement like that. If he goes 4-0 in pre season, people on this board will be talking Super Bowl. :) And I am being serious, not sarcastic.

I guess Norv Turner has made it in San Diego. Do you really want that scenario in Washington DC?? Fassel HAS to win immediately or he is out. Then we start all over again. Keep Williams and see where that takes us. If it fails then at least we will have had a consistent system in place for a few more years.

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I guess Norv Turner has made it in San Diego. Do you really want that scenario in Washington DC?? Fassel HAS to win immediately or he is out. Then we start all over again. Keep Williams and see where that takes us. If it fails then at least we will have had a consistent system in place for a few more years.

I never said that I wanted him. I simply said that if we have an owner that gets his football advice off of a messageboard then I'd be calling for his head. I also stated that despite the dislike of Fassel at this moment, if he wins, everybody will love him.

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Weird how people liked Fassel after Spurrier was fired but now he's the worst coach, ever, lol.




Or judging by this, maybe we should be going after Dennis Green. Maybe Az is just cursed and Green would be who we thought he was in 2003.


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