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Stuffed!!! ES Poll for Williams/Fassel/Other: (700 votes for Fassel in 30 mins)


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Best of luck to you Gregg. The majority of us fans like and appreciate the job you have done for us over the last few years. I will always be rooting for you personally to succeed as you deserve that. I admire you for sticking up for what you believe and I am confident if you have to leave here, you will put together a fantastic defense somewhere else. My fingers are crossed you will be here with us.

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Ok, I'll bite.

Okay, I did this in another thread but I think this is kosher here.

Some of this has been persuaded based on tofrie's comments earlier. Look into his comments.

1) Gregg apparently had a bad relationship with Ralph Wilson in Buffalo. I can't blame Danny for taking pause due to that. Wilson is a much less confrontational and elderly gentleman then Snyder.

2) His arrogance about his 2006 defense was supposedly not taken well in house. I think he made up for it, but I wasn't in house.

3) The idea that he wanted Arch. Okay, mistake. But then he went on to alienate Arch by not speaking to him, which I don't find to be very good social skills, which are obviously necessary when being a HC. Really this was a giant cluster----. If he wanted to bring Arch in against the wishes of others in the organization, then why alienate and bench the guy? He didn't even try to redeem his mistake.

4) I really think the 10 man tribute mistake (as in not telling Gibbs) further shows his problems with the chain of command. It was a terrific gesture and I would do it 10 out of 10 times, but to not tell the HC is a major, major oversight. He made Gibbs look like a fool.

5) In watching his interviews, there have been multiple times I've really questioned whether his attitude would work as a HC. I know that PR is only a small part of the battle and not a part of wins and losses, but it plays into morale and motivation. Not to mention that with a $1.5 billion company PR can be important as we are all seeing now.

6) Until this past weekend I wasn't bothered by letting Pierce go based on the fact that we wouldn't pay him more than Marcus. But watching him be the unquestioned leader on a team with vets like Strahan and Sam Madison and starts like Osi really made me wonder how we could have possibly let him go. Especially considering that we cut Lemar Marshall this past off-season. That means that Marshall was clearly a mistake in the eyes of Gregg. But watching Pierce be the man (he is THE MAN in NY) for someone else, really hurts.

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I voted other.

I say we wait until Romo sits to pee breaks up with Jessica. Give Jessica the HC. She would guarantee 2 Dallas beatings per year. Also think of the distraction advantage over the opponent looking at her while we blow by their safety. First Female HC of NFL.

Disadvantage - Watching game on TV. Cameras would always be on her event during the plays.

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Okay, I did this in another thread but I think this is kosher here.


You're right, I also believe he will not make a GREAT coach because of his arrogance. BUT... compared to our other options, he's the best candidate we have.

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^^sorry you meant lost superbowl then won...belichick had a poor record over a 5 year span with the browns then went 5-11 his first year with the pats only to win the superbowl in his sophomore effort

correct. I meant a coach who has as a head coach lead a team to a super bowl lost, and then came back with another team as head coach and won

He was the defensive coordinator under Parcells. Belicheck left to go to the Jets for 1 day and went back to NE.

I don't care if he was an assistant, I'm speaking purely about head coaching experience and the super bowl. BTW parcells one two super bowls with the giants, later lead the patriots to a loss in the SB and never made it back.

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I don't see why the Danny can't at least give GW a shot. If he turns out to be the second coming of Richie Petitbon, then fire his butt and bring in Cowher. Does that not make sense? Doesn't it?

We are talking about Danny boy! Boy Wonder. NOTHING HE DOES MAKES SENSE!!

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Just heard on DC101 that the news from Redskins Park says that Jim Fassel is the leading candidate to get the head coaching job. THe same report stated that both Williams and Saunders will be replaced and that Snyder is interested in Rex Ryan for DC.

If this is true, this is the worst moment in Redskins' history other than Sean Taylor's murder. I cannot believe that Snyder is such a butthead and that he would blow up a system that was really beginning to gel. The D was 2 or 3 players away from being perfect and deep.

21 RIP

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I am a die hard skins fan and have been since I was 5 years old. If Snyder hires anyone other than Gregg Williams (especially Fassel), I may have to end my frustration with pulling for the Skins. I never thought I would say something like that, and probably will not even be able to follow through with dumping my skins, but just that I would even think about it makes me sick. We need continuity more than anything right now, so to hire anyone else I believe would be a mistake. Even if Gregg does not pan out! What is another couple years to the drought??? It's not like there is a no brainer coach out there. I would even hire Gregg over Bill Cowher. Again, for the continuity but also I believe Gregg has a hunger and drive to prove he can be a head coach in this league. And he has an aggressive edge that I believe the team was lacking until late in the season when Joe allowed the team to display it.

Anyway, Snyder may lose me if he doesn't choose Williams. He must show patience and sound decision making now, or I may not be able to sit back and watch him destroy the team any longer.

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From an ownership standpoint, GW is the perfect choice...and in this case, the right choice. Loyalty to "Redskins" guys and team continuity is important.

Besides, Gregg has done a good job for us, the fans love him, and so do the players.

Why even consider Fassel? He's been working as a broadcaster. NOT coaching. And even when he was...he was mediocre.

There is no magic candidate out there right now anyway. Gregg Williams for HC.

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Okay, I did this in another thread but I think this is kosher here.

Some of this has been persuaded based on tofrie's comments earlier. Look into his comments.

1) Gregg apparently had a bad relationship with Ralph Wilson in Buffalo. I can't blame Danny for taking pause due to that. Wilson is a much less confrontational and elderly gentleman then Snyder.

2) His arrogance about his 2006 defense was supposedly not taken well in house. I think he made up for it, but I wasn't in house.

3) The idea that he wanted Arch. Okay, mistake. But then he went on to alienate Arch by not speaking to him, which I don't find to be very good social skills, which are obviously necessary when being a HC. Really this was a giant cluster----. If he wanted to bring Arch in against the wishes of others in the organization, then why alienate and bench the guy? He didn't even try to redeem his mistake.

4) I really think the 10 man tribute mistake (as in not telling Gibbs) further shows his problems with the chain of command. It was a terrific gesture and I would do it 10 out of 10 times, but to not tell the HC is a major, major oversight. He made Gibbs look like a fool.

5) In watching his interviews, there have been multiple times I've really questioned whether his attitude would work as a HC. I know that PR is only a small part of the battle and not a part of wins and losses, but it plays into morale and motivation. Not to mention that with a $1.5 billion company PR can be important as we are all seeing now.

6) Until this past weekend I wasn't bothered by letting Pierce go based on the fact that we wouldn't pay him more than Marcus. But watching him be the unquestioned leader on a team with vets like Strahan and Sam Madison and starts like Osi really made me wonder how we could have possibly let him go. Especially considering that we cut Lemar Marshall this past off-season. That means that Marshall was clearly a mistake in the eyes of Gregg. But watching Pierce be the man (he is THE MAN in NY) for someone else, really hurts.

As far as GW's attitude in Buffalo, it's his attitude in DC that matters now. How many of us mature over time and adjust our attitudes based on past experiences?

The Arch debacle was not good. At least we got out of it without it costing us too much money going forward. Chicago thought they had a good deal when they picked him up and he was barely getting on the field by the end of the season. Maybe he really was a flash in the pan and he is washed up as a football player. I agree that GW should have spoken with him, that's only common courtesy to a teammate. Maybe Arch had some attitude issues as well.

My one big complaint with GW is that he sometimes tries to play a player at a position that is unnatural for them. Wasn't that one of Arch's complaints, that he didn't fit into this system?

I forget the particulars with Pierce, but we have had a lot of rising star LBs come through here and we cannot pay huge sums to keep them all. We'd have an intergalactic defense and no offense because of the cap.

I just wish that Snyder would realize how close he is to having a truly great team and that blowing up the entire coaching staff is going to set us back several years, if not destroy this team entirely.

21 RIP

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