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Stuffed!!! ES Poll for Williams/Fassel/Other: (700 votes for Fassel in 30 mins)


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I am terribly confounded. If we hire Fassel instead of Williams, one of the best Def coordinators in the game, and do not allow Saunders at least 1 season of running his offense without Joe holding it back we are fools. Continuity, stability????? If Daniel goes in any direction other than the above, he is giving a great big F-You to all the fans (who enable him with our checkbooks), the current coaching staff, and even the players. I'm not saying that he should base the decision solely on any one of those factors, but in summation you must do what gives the team best chance of winning. He should be smart enough to know that egos and personalities need to be put aside in favor of what give us the best chance to win.

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I believe the Redskins have something and can win 10+ games next season with Williams.

Bring in a whole new coaching crew, and the team will go 8-8 during a transition year. If I thought the Redskins could go to the Super Bowl in 2009, then maybe I could see Fassel. I don't see that happening. :doh:

If the Washington Redskins can't give Russ Grimm, one of the "70 Greatest Redskins," the courtesy of one interview for the head coach position, I would like for Exec VP Cerrato to explain to me "why." :mad:

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who picked fassel? pls explain ... i'm looking for hope

A team needs a leader at the HC position. Not just a coordinator.

I don't think Danny has that much faith in GW and neither do I. I would want a leader at the HC position.

Look how Joe Gibbs was able to keep things together this season when everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Would GW be able to do that? NO!!!!! Would Fassel be able to do that? My Opinion is...YES!!!!

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Why throw away everything that's worked for the last four years? This is crazy. I thought Snyder had changed too, and I've been defending him over the last four years. This is nuts! Keep as much of the coaching staff as possible and make Williams the head coach. That's what the players want, and that's what the fans want, for crying out load. So DO IT, Dan!

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Hell I'll live w/Jim Mora Jr.

I'd prefer williams, but id be fine with fassel, however, i would be very bothered if mora jr were the head coach. Fassel is a good coach, i think a lot of people are forgetting, but I've been satisfied with everything that Williams has done and believe hes earned his shot to be a head coach, especially with all the players backing him.

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Why throw away everything that's worked for the last four years? This is crazy. I thought Snyder had changed too, and I've been defending him over the last four years. This is nuts! Keep as much of the coaching staff as possible and make Williams the head coach. That's what the players want, and that's what the fans want, for crying out load. So DO IT, Dan!

I understand. Jim Fassel is an OC. Will he still keep the existing coordinators or bring in his own people. Hopefully not.

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I can't stand the thought of breaking up this bunch. Isn't a playoff berth and a strong sense of common purpose enough reason to build on what we have?

If we get Fassel, it'll be the same old story - he's the latest greatest, then a couple years of, "It's a growing process," then he gets canned.

We just made the playoffs! Keep this going! Make Williams the head coach.

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Unless Dan hires Gregg Williams we are up the river without a paddled to stir us striaght. Williams knows this team and they know him. Each knows what to expect of the other. And if Dan wants to keep continuity as he has stated he does, then it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to bring in someone from the outside to coach a team who is just a couple a players away from being a championship team again. Just as he did the last time he retired Joe Gibbs has left this team in a whole lot better shape than he found it. To change that by bringing in a new coach with a new system, well it just doen't seem the smart thing to do.

Appranently Synder is a smart man, you don't get to be as rich and successful as he is by being a dummy, but he really needs to get some football smarts and soon.

In the press conference Dan said he learned a lot from Joe, but at this time it really doesn't seem that he did. The smart thing to do is to keep together what you have right now minus a couple or three players that hasn't helped the team at all,then on the plus side add two or three on either side of the ball and with the tough aggressive style of coaching that Gregg Williams brings to the table, what you will have in a year or two is another Super Bowl trophy to go with the 3 that Joe brought there long before anyone knew who of Dan Synder.

Hire a head coach from the outside and you will be starting all over again and searching for the right guy to get the team back to championship status again. Really you don't have to search far, because he is right under your nose Dan and it is Gregg Williams.

Many bring up his past from Buffalo, but I don't think that he had the true backing of ownership in Buffalo the way he would have in Washington.

If you expect to win Dan Synder and you can't have Joe who I think would have led us to the big dance next year, then take the next best choice and that is Gregg Williams.

To bad that we as fans don't have a say in who the next coach will be.

Oh my bad, we do have a say, not directly but indirectly, it us the fans who buy the tickets to come to games, it is us the fans who pay for the over priced food and other items that are sold at the games, its us the fans who by the Redskins apparel to wear that keeps the money flowing in. I know that the Skins organazation is one of the wealthiest in the NFL, if it were not for the fans it would not be so.

Just look at the two NBA team (Super Sonics and the Knicks) the people are starting to say enough is enough they are fed up with their teams inability to win and bring in championships. Just reading the blogs on washingtonpost.com and chating on the Redskins live chat site I can say that the fans have had it with not winning in Washingtion. We want another Super Bowl trophy and we think that Gregg Williams is the man to led us to that. So Mr. Synder you have a choice to make and I beleive it will be done in what you think is in the best intrest of the team that you own, but if your choice is to hire Jim Fossel then that's your right and I respect it. And if Fassel fails as the coach of this team then we the people who are the fans of the Washington Redskins have a choice also and that is wheather to continue our financial support of the team. Even if you hired Williams and he failed there would be those who still blame you even when they wanted Gregg as coach too, I'm not one of those who would.

On this site and the live chat site I bill myself as Texas' Biggest Redskins fan.

Living here in Northeast Texas in the heart of cowgirl (all disrepect intedned)land isn't easy. I hope that your choice for head coach of the team can help make it more enjoyable, as it was in the 80's and 90's when Jack Kent Cook took a chance on a relative unknown and unproven coach named Joe Gibbs, unlike Joe at the time Gregg Williams is well known for his aggressive style of coaching that carries over to his players and as head coach of the Redskins I think that he will make the team as aggressive as it was when Joe coached it his first time around.

So no we the fans don't get a direct say in who you hire but indirectly we will.

My indirect vote is for Gregg Williams as head coach of the Washington Redskins.

Texas' Biggest Redskins fan


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Unless Dan hires Gregg Williams we are up the river without a paddled to stir us striaght. Williams knows this team and they know him. Each knows what to expect of the other. And if Dan wants to keep continuity as he has stated he does, then it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to bring in someone from the outside to coach a team who is just a couple a players away from being a championship team again. Just as he did the last time he retired Joe Gibbs has left this team in a whole lot better shape than he found it. To change that by bringing in a new coach with a new system, well it just doen't seem the smart thing to do.

Appranently Synder is a smart man, you don't get to be as rich and successful as he is by being a dummy, but he really needs to get some football smarts and soon.

In the press conference Dan said he learned a lot from Joe, but at this time it really doesn't seem that he did. The smart thing to do is to keep together what you have right now minus a couple or three players that hasn't helped the team at all,then on the plus side add two or three on either side of the ball and with the tough aggressive style of coaching that Gregg Williams brings to the table, what you will have in a year or two is another Super Bowl trophy to go with the 3 that Joe brought there long before anyone knew who of Dan Synder.

Hire a head coach from the outside and you will be starting all over again and searching for the right guy to get the team back to championship status again. Really you don't have to search far, because he is right under your nose Dan and it is Gregg Williams.

Many bring up his past from Buffalo, but I don't think that he had the true backing of ownership in Buffalo the way he would have in Washington.

If you expect to win Dan Synder and you can't have Joe who I think would have led us to the big dance next year, then take the next best choice and that is Gregg Williams.

To bad that we as fans don't have a say in who the next coach will be.

Oh my bad, we do have a say, not directly but indirectly, it us the fans who buy the tickets to come to games, it is us the fans who pay for the over priced food and other items that are sold at the games, its us the fans who by the Redskins apparel to wear that keeps the money flowing in. I know that the Skins organazation is one of the wealthiest in the NFL, if it were not for the fans it would not be so.

Just look at the two NBA team (Super Sonics and the Knicks) the people are starting to say enough is enough they are fed up with their teams inability to win and bring in championships. Just reading the blogs on washingtonpost.com and chating on the Redskins live chat site I can say that the fans have had it with not winning in Washingtion. We want another Super Bowl trophy and we think that Gregg Williams is the man to led us to that. So Mr. Synder you have a choice to make and I beleive it will be done in what you think is in the best intrest of the team that you own, but if your choice is to hire Jim Fossel then that's your right and I respect it. And if Fassel fails as the coach of this team then we the people who are the fans of the Washington Redskins have a choice also and that is wheather to continue our financial support of the team. Even if you hired Williams and he failed there would be those who still blame you even when they wanted Gregg as coach too, I'm not one of those who would.

On this site and the live chat site I bill myself as Texas' Biggest Redskins fan.

Living here in Northeast Texas in the heart of cowgirl (all disrepect intedned)land isn't easy. I hope that your choice for head coach of the team can help make it more enjoyable, as it was in the 80's and 90's when Jack Kent Cook took a chance on a relative unknown and unproven coach named Joe Gibbs, unlike Joe at the time Gregg Williams is well known for his aggressive style of coaching that carries over to his players and as head coach of the Redskins I think that he will make the team as aggressive as it was when Joe coached it his first time around.

So no we the fans don't get a direct say in who you hire but indirectly we will.

My indirect vote is for Gregg Williams as head coach of the Washington Redskins.

Texas' Biggest Redskins fan


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Unless Dan hires Gregg Williams we are up the river without a paddled to stir us striaght. Williams knows this team and they know him. Each knows what to expect of the other. And if Dan wants to keep continuity as he has stated he does, then it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to bring in someone from the outside to coach a team who is just a couple a players away from being a championship team again. Just as he did the last time he retired Joe Gibbs has left this team in a whole lot better shape than he found it. To change that by bringing in a new coach with a new system, well it just doen't seem the smart thing to do.

Appranently Synder is a smart man, you don't get to be as rich and successful as he is by being a dummy, but he really needs to get some football smarts and soon.

In the press conference Dan said he learned a lot from Joe, but at this time it really doesn't seem that he did. The smart thing to do is to keep together what you have right now minus a couple or three players that hasn't helped the team at all,then on the plus side add two or three on either side of the ball and with the tough aggressive style of coaching that Gregg Williams brings to the table, what you will have in a year or two is another Super Bowl trophy to go with the 3 that Joe brought there long before anyone knew who of Dan Synder.

Hire a head coach from the outside and you will be starting all over again and searching for the right guy to get the team back to championship status again. Really you don't have to search far, because he is right under your nose Dan and it is Gregg Williams.

Many bring up his past from Buffalo, but I don't think that he had the true backing of ownership in Buffalo the way he would have in Washington.

If you expect to win Dan Synder and you can't have Joe who I think would have led us to the big dance next year, then take the next best choice and that is Gregg Williams.

To bad that we as fans don't have a say in who the next coach will be.

Oh my bad, we do have a say, not directly but indirectly, it us the fans who buy the tickets to come to games, it is us the fans who pay for the over priced food and other items that are sold at the games, its us the fans who by the Redskins apparel to wear that keeps the money flowing in. I know that the Skins organazation is one of the wealthiest in the NFL, if it were not for the fans it would not be so.

Just look at the two NBA team (Super Sonics and the Knicks) the people are starting to say enough is enough they are fed up with their teams inability to win and bring in championships. Just reading the blogs on washingtonpost.com and chating on the Redskins live chat site I can say that the fans have had it with not winning in Washingtion. We want another Super Bowl trophy and we think that Gregg Williams is the man to led us to that. So Mr. Synder you have a choice to make and I beleive it will be done in what you think is in the best intrest of the team that you own, but if your choice is to hire Jim Fossel then that's your right and I respect it. And if Fassel fails as the coach of this team then we the people who are the fans of the Washington Redskins have a choice also and that is wheather to continue our financial support of the team. Even if you hired Williams and he failed there would be those who still blame you even when they wanted Gregg as coach too, I'm not one of those who would.

On this site and the live chat site I bill myself as Texas' Biggest Redskins fan.

Living here in Northeast Texas in the heart of cowgirl (all disrepect intedned)land isn't easy. I hope that your choice for head coach of the team can help make it more enjoyable, as it was in the 80's and 90's when Jack Kent Cook took a chance on a relative unknown and unproven coach named Joe Gibbs, unlike Joe at the time Gregg Williams is well known for his aggressive style of coaching that carries over to his players and as head coach of the Redskins I think that he will make the team as aggressive as it was when Joe coached it his first time around.

So no we the fans don't get a direct say in who you hire but indirectly we will.

My indirect vote is for Gregg Williams as head coach of the Washington Redskins.

Texas' Biggest Redskins fan


Well said.

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How about this:

Williams=growth; Fossil=rebuilding.

That is fine. The comparison I make with Norv is b/c both are previous OC who have both been known to lose the locker room. They both have had winning seasons. Both have taken teams to the playoffs. However, neither has won a championship in a combined 17 seasons at the helm. IMO, this is because teams have won in spite of them, and not because of them. In order to get to the top in the NFL you need a coach that the players play for. You'll never get there with a leader like Norv or Fassel.

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Snyder may get run out of town if he picks Fossil over Williams. I might even join in.

We finally get a team with real promise, worth really rooting for, and he just trows it all way because he's too stupid to see past the lapels of his suit?

The only way I would be okay with Fossil as coach is if he kept all the major coaching staff in place, including Saunders and Williams. Since that won't happen, however, we need to keep the most important remaining coach... and that's Williams.

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Texas' Biggest Fan - WELL PUT, I think there are THOUSANDS who share your view. Some of us are season ticket holders, who aside from buying Redskin paraphenalia, also write annual checks in the thousands for our tickets. There will be a great deal of tickets available next season if the Fassel hire goes through.

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